What Americans and others said about Trump


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2014
1. The following are excerpts from Marco Rubio's no-holds-barred verbal assault on Donald Trump at his campaign rally on February 27, 2016.

Source: https://www.c-span.org/video/?405374-1/marco-rubio-campaign-rally-kennesaw-georgia

(Begin excerpts)
A con artist identifies people who are struggling and convinces you they have something that will turn that around. Donald Trump has done this before. He had a school. He had a thing called Trump University. They would go to people who were looking to make more money. People who paid as much as $35,000 because they were told that Donald Trump's real estate genius would give them all the secrets to making money. They were told, max your credit card. You can make even more money if you sold up for the gold course. And they did. At the end of the process the only thing they got was a paper, a certificate, and they got to take a picture with a cardboard cutout of Donald Trump. That's what they got.

...and here comes this guy who tells you on going to help turn this around because I've been very successful in business. Not really. He inherited millions of dollars. If he had taken those millions of Warren Buffett. But instead he invested in hotels that went bankrupt. He bankrupted a casino. How do you bankrupt a casino? [laughter] The house always wins.

Any time he bankrupted a business, any time he bankrupted a business the people who paid the price where the contractors he had hired. We are over hearing from them. They're calling nonstop, small businesses that did work and he pulled his money out and did what he needed to do and they never got paid. He is not a great businessman. He has taken 4 companies into bankruptcy. You ever heard of Trump Air? It's gone. Four casinos in Atlantic City.

He's a guy who inherited hundreds of millions of dollars and had he invested in the stock market, he would have been better off. He's the only one running for president who has hired illegal immigrants to work for him. He hired Polish workers to help on Trump Tower. He's going to protect you from immigrants taking your jobs -- why is he hiring foreigners to do the jobs at his hotel that Americans are trying to get, and he's hiring foreigners to do the job? He's fighting for the little guy, the little guy are the people he's treated the whole time he's been in business. Time and again, it is a con job. (End excerpts)

LMAO @ whining ass Little Marco .....

Rubio is just another GOP establishment traitor to this Great Nation.

There is a reason the American people outright rejected him in favor of Donald J. Trump.

And, as far as all that psychobabble about:

"A con artist identifies people who are struggling and convinces you they have something that will turn that around"

Anyone who takes a real look at all of the President's accomplishments since taking office knows the whole "con artist" thing is just another lie from the establishment.


Now, you may not appreciate these accomplishments ....

You may even deny they are factual but, keep this in mind.

Those very accomplishments will propel Trump to another victory in 2020.

Bye-Bye Little Marco ........

I agree with you for once. I agree with the message of your posted images.

I also agree that Rubio is now a hypocrite, which is the message of the OP. He is now cowering in fear of Trump.
Uhmm - Hmm ...

Think Kasich was any different?

How about Bush?

They are all hypocrites and the American people know it.
Here we have Lil' Marco just yesterday on CBS's "Slay the Nation" continuing to perpetuate the LIE that the FBI did not Spy on the Trump campaign:

Even though, just a couple of months ago, James Clapper admitted that the FBI did indeed spy on the Trump Campaign:

Marco Rubio is a lying POS and an enemy to this Country.

This is why the American people do not trust these establishment traitors.
It's not just Marco Rubio. Other prominent Republicans have not been taken in by Trump's con:
Mitt Romney called Trump a fraud and a conman.
Linsey Graham said his party had gone "batshit crazy" by having nominated Trump
George HW Bush called him a "blowhard."
Bush 41 said he "doesn't know what it means to be president."
John Kasich blasted Trump for his comments on LeBron James

and on and on.

Not too surprising given the likely effects of the Trump presidency on the GOP.

Countdown to calling all anti Trump Republicans "RINOS" in 3....2....1....
It's not just Marco Rubio. Other prominent Republicans have not been taken in by Trump's con:
Mitt Romney called Trump a fraud and a conman.
Linsey Graham said his party had gone "batshit crazy" by having nominated Trump
George HW Bush called him a "blowhard."
Bush 41 said he "doesn't know what it means to be president."
John Kasich blasted Trump for his comments on LeBron James

and on and on.

Not too surprising given the likely effects of the Trump presidency on the GOP.

Countdown to calling all anti Trump Republicans "RINOS" in 3....2....1....
RINO is an antiquated term at this point.

These neverTrumper's you are referring to are "establishment GOP".

They are progressives and they are no different than the Democrats.

The GOP establishment is the very reason why the American people voted for Trump, an "outsider".

We are sick of this one party system of good cop, bad cop.

I find it a bit shocking that you guys still haven't figured this out after 2 years.
RINO is an antiquated term at this point.

These neverTrumper's you are referring to are "establishment GOP".

They are progressives and they are no different than the Democrats.

The GOP establishment is the very reason why the American people voted for Trump, an "outsider".

We are sick of this one party system of good cop, bad cop.

I find it a bit shocking that you guys still haven't figured this out after 2 years.
Bush I and II had a goal of out democratizing the Democrats to sad effect. This allowed/forced the donkeys further left which has had a horrible effect. The good of it is that the left has crossed a line rendering themselves unelectable as we are seeing with this so called blue wave that fails to materialize over the last 8-9 years.
Bush I and II had a goal of out democratizing the Democrats to sad effect. This allowed/forced the donkeys further left which has had a horrible effect. The good of it is that the left has crossed a line rendering themselves unelectable as we are seeing with this so called blue wave that fails to materialize over the last 8-9 years.
There is no blue wave and I don't see the donkeys winning ANY significant elections.