9/11 Was an Inside Job

Note for DAVE
Please see http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article17467.htm
This guy writes a lot better than I ever could hope to....


and as we all know
9/11 was an inside job!

The article simply says that people that like Bush, only like him because they don't understand him.
1. What does that have to do with anything in this post? Just another case of a 9/11 conspiracy theorist that is completely incapable of staying on topic when he knows he has lost a debate.
2. There is a fundamental flaw in the logic behind that reasoning. You can't simply make a generalization that everyone is going to think the way you do on a political issue. I'm informed about politics, I just don't view the world happenings the same way you do. That does not make me ignorant, as this author would have you believe.
3. This post is simply another way of using the old "stupid American" line without directly coming out and saying it. I've heard it all before, and it is nothing more than childish name calling.
What we have here is a case of a LOT of people who will not question the "official" story for various reasons, including missplaced loyalty to a president who is guilty of - at the very least CRIMINAL INCOMPETENCE, or accessory to 3000 counts of first degree murder.

Given the combined evidence of WTC7 and the Air Defense stand down and the fact that agents of the Bush regime stole video tape from the Virginia DOT, (states rights debate anyone...) It is OBVIOUS that there has been a cover-up of what really happened.

It is also abundantly obvious that Bush/Cheney have absolutely zero respect for RULE OF LAW. AMERICA, we have a PROBLEM here!

Have you read the "official" 9/11 report, and if so, do you believe it?
Its Called ....."Dissent" and Un-Fortunately

The Number of True "American Patriots" will always be MUCH smaller than the Number of Patriotic Americans......

we will alway be in the minority just as were the Fathers of this Country

stand tall,stand proud, Dissent is THE SINGLE MOST patriotic thing an American Citizen can do for his country
What we have here is a case of a LOT of people who will not question the "official" story for various reasons, including missplaced loyalty to a president who is guilty of - at the very least CRIMINAL INCOMPETENCE, or accessory to 3000 counts of first degree murder.

Given the combined evidence of WTC7 and the Air Defense stand down and the fact that agents of the Bush regime stole video tape from the Virginia DOT, (states rights debate anyone...) It is OBVIOUS that there has been a cover-up of what really happened.

It is also abundantly obvious that Bush/Cheney have absolutely zero respect for RULE OF LAW. AMERICA, we have a PROBLEM here!

Have you read the "official" 9/11 report, and if so, do you believe it?

Criminal incompetence? Do you even know the legal definition of criminal incompetence? Or is it just words that you think make your case better?

Once again, I see that you seem to be falling into the same old rut of thinking that everyone that reads the same things you read will feel the same way you do about it, unless they are stupid. I've watched loose change, 9/11 revealed, and all the bull**** that Alex Jones spews forth, and I've found that they all contain plenty of lies and half truths. I've read the NIST report, and I've found it to be the more compelling argument. This is not due to some misplaced sense of loyalty, or some sense or patriotism. This is the conclussion that I, and the majority of scientists that have objectively reviewed the situation, have come to after looking at all information presented.

I've addressed WTC 7 before, but as for the air defense "stand down," it simply didnt happen.

FACT: On 9/11 there were only 14 fighter jets on alert in the contiguous 48 states. No computer network or alarm automatically alerted the North American Air Defense Command (NORAD) of missing planes. "They [civilian Air Traffic Control, or ATC] had to pick up the phone and literally dial us," says Maj. Douglas Martin, public affairs officer for NORAD. Boston Center, one of 22 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regional ATC facilities, called NORAD's Northeast Air Defense Sector (NEADS) three times: at 8:37 am EST to inform NEADS that Flight 11 was hijacked; at 9:21 am to inform the agency, mistakenly, that Flight 11 was headed for Washington (the plane had hit the North Tower 35 minutes earlier); and at 9:41 am to (erroneously) identify Delta Air Lines Flight 1989 from Boston as a possible hijacking. The New York ATC called NEADS at 9:03 am to report that United Flight 175 had been hijacked--the same time the plane slammed into the South Tower. Within minutes of that first call from Boston Center, NEADS scrambled two F-15s from Otis Air Force Base in Falmouth, Mass., and three F-16s from Langley Air National Guard Base in Hampton, Va. None of the fighters got anywhere near the pirated planes.

Why couldn't ATC find the hijacked flights? When the hijackers turned off the planes' transponders, which broadcast identifying signals, ATC had to search 4500 identical radar blips crisscrossing some of the country's busiest air corridors. And NORAD's sophisticated radar? It ringed the continent, looking outward for threats, not inward. "It was like a doughnut," Martin says. "There was no coverage in the middle." Pre-9/11, flights originating in the States were not seen as threats and NORAD wasn't prepared to track them
If this picture of the nose of the craft that hit the Pentagon hasn't been doctored, the whole case is settled.

Stop the video at the 21 second mark to see a very clear picture of it.

This picture of the hole in the Pentagon before the collapse is too small to have been made by a 757.
(The one in the first post at the top. It takes a while to appear during peak internet use).

This analysis is consistent with the video evidence.

Those two pictures close the whole case. The craft that hit the Pentagon wasn't a 757. 9/11 was an inside job.
I want to post this picture of the nose of the plane that hit the Pentagon that I hadn't found when I made my last post.


It's clearly not the nose of a 757.

Here's another analysis of the Pentagon crash.

Also, it's pretty clear that the plane that hit the Pentagon was to short to be a 757.

Look at this picture.

If we look at the part of the Pentagon that is as far from the camera as the craft, we have a reference point to measure the size of the aircraft.
A 757 stood on its tail would be twice as high as the Pentagon.

Here are the dimensions of a 757.

Here it shows the height of the Pentagon.

The tail is visible and the nose is behind the box. Whatever the craft is, it is short enough to be hidden behind the box. Even if we allow for the angle, the craft behind the box is way to short to be a 757. If you take the length of the aircraft behind the box and compare it to the side of the Pentagon at the same distance from the camera as the plane, it obviously isn't twice as tall as the Pentagon. That box could not hide a 757.
what's your point Scott?
that there's no danger from any other terrorism because it was all fake?

Most 9/11 conspiracy theorists I've known didn't really care one way or the other about terrorists or the Middle East. This isn't the point of their rhetoric, just a by-product.

On a side note, were you stung by a Muslim as a child or something? You seem to have a fixation going.
Most 9/11 conspiracy theorists I've known didn't really care one way or the other about terrorists or the Middle East. This isn't the point of their rhetoric, just a by-product.

On a side note, were you stung by a Muslim as a child or something? You seem to have a fixation going.

I think I've already answered this. I have 40 years of experience in Islamic practice and education. I work in counter-terrorism and teach first responders, govt officials, others.

stung? I have no distain for muslims.
Very good point!

Hi, new to this site, and thought I would add a degree of professional knowledge. I am a civil engineer, with a professional registration. I didn't think there was anything funny about the way the towers came down. However, since there is no way to verify who I am, the American Society of Civil Engineers also published a report after the collapse. They did forensic investigations into the collapse and published their findings for the world. They didn't notice anything funny either.

I saw a documentary on the History Channel which clearly explained why the WTC buildings collapsed the way they did. It had something to do with the never-before used type of construction where the floors were supported by lightweight truss beams fastened to columns around the perimeter, with no support columns in the center as in conventional steel-frame buildings. The truss-beams began to sag under all that heat, and the pressure of gravity, until they became detached from their support columns. After that it was like a line of falling dominoes.

But, the conspiracy wonks don't care about such facts, because they're more into the ego-boost they get from feeling that they have some kind of esoteric knowledge possessed only by the select few, because it runs counter to conventional wisdom. They all should grab a six-pack of beer, and go yuck it up with Bigmouth Rosie O'Donnell, in my opinion.:p
I don't care to go into the details, but it is quite obvious that 911 was not what it appeared to be.

you guy's can try to black flag people that consider 911 an inside job all you want, If the evidence ever made it to a real court the people in power would be in deep water.

There are many involved in our government today that could be convicted of being traitors.
Is it being a "conspiracy freak" to ask

WHY in all the history of steel framed buildings, did three steel framed buildings collapse in such an orderly manner?

WHY is it that the worlds greatest military power FAILED to defend even its own HQ?

WHY did our glorious Commander in Chief when informed that we are under attack, WHY did he sit on his ass in a photo-op rather than excuse himself and go do his JOB.

There are a LOT of questions and NONE of the really relivant questions have been answered by the "officical 9/11 report"

those are easy....
1-Physics is why they fell

2. it was explained in the Report why the where able to hit the pentagon...they screwed up...I know wrap your head around that ...the goverment screwed up.......shocked? you should not be.

3. He is a horrible leader who I would not hire to run a gas station , let alone a nation...dont blame me,...I did not vote for him
Hi hi.

Hi, new to this site, and thought I would add a degree of professional knowledge. I am a civil engineer, with a professional registration. I didn't think there was anything funny about the way the towers came down. However, since there is no way to verify who I am, the American Society of Civil Engineers also published a report after the collapse. They did forensic investigations into the collapse and published their findings for the world. They didn't notice anything funny either.

Hey Andyd. I have a question for you. I hate conspiracy theories, and I also assume that it's politically motivated because of how much the current president gets bashed, like this guy whining about what Bush did or did not do.

But there are some interesting questions that I can't answer. For example...
Jet fuel burns at a max temp of 980 °C but a normal open air burn temp of about 315 °C. Whereas steel has a melting point of 1371 °C.

In other words, how does a fire that isn't likely to hit 980 °C going to damage steel that doesn't melt until 1371 °C, and this is ignoring that the steel support beams were incased in concrete. This is one of a many questions I can't answer.

All the other conspiracy garbage I can ignore, but when it comes to physics, then I start to wonder a bit.
Blasted questions.

I saw a documentary on the History Channel which clearly explained why the WTC buildings collapsed the way they did. It had something to do with the never-before used type of construction where the floors were supported by lightweight truss beams fastened to columns around the perimeter, with no support columns in the center as in conventional steel-frame buildings. The truss-beams began to sag under all that heat, and the pressure of gravity, until they became detached from their support columns. After that it was like a line of falling dominoes.

Ah now I wish I had seen that. The problem there is, the support beams are designed specifically to not fall even if the floor itself does. Remember, the construction firm who built those towers designed them with the idea of being able to withstand, not one hit, but three hits by larger commercial planes than the 757.

And even if that were true, that doesn't explain the third building that fell. It didn't use the same construction method. Ugh... questions questions questions.