According to Mike Huckabee the bombing suspect was in Russia 2012


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Terrorist suspect may have traveled to Russia in 2012 under alias

By Tom Curry, National Affairs Writer, NBC News

The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., said on NBC’s Meet the Press Sunday that when Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the Boston Marathon bombing suspect killed Friday in a shootout with police, travelled to Russia in 2012, he may have done so under an alias.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s six-month stay in Russia last year “becomes extremely important” as a key to the investigation of the Boston bombings, Rogers told NBC’s David Gregory. His visit to Russia “would lead one to believe that that’s probably where he got that final radicalization to push him to commit acts of violence and where he may have received training” in terrorist techniques. Rogers, a former FBI agent, said the FBI had questioned Tamerlan Tsarnaev after being given information from a foreign intelligence service “that they were concerned about his possible radicalization.”

The FBI, Rogers said, “did their due diligence and did a very thorough job” of investigating Tamerlan Tsarnaev, but when the FBI asked for more help from that foreign intelligence service, it got no further cooperation.

Is this grounds for war? Now if Obama does nothing, It would put him in the same class as Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton. We need a president whos tough like Reagan and Bush was. I guarantee you Jeb Bush will be president in 2016.
Boston bombers: FBI hunting 12-strong terrorist “sleeper cell” linked to brothers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

"More than 1,000 FBI operatives were last night working to track down the cell and arrested a man and two women 60 miles from Boston in the hours before Dzhokhar’s dramatic capture after a bloody shootout on Friday.

A source close to the investigation said: “We have no doubt the brothers were not acting alone. The devices used to detonate the two bombs were highly sophisticated and not the kind of thing people learn from Google."
This is why FBI agents need to do their jobs
Its about theres an undercover FBI agent inside that sleeper cell. That's how you get them, Spy on them.
No one is going to war over this Steve.
If Obama does nothing then count on Jeb and George Bush ticket in 2016


We don't need another lame duck president again just like Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton were.