America still waiting for a President!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2009
So , We had an election in 2008 for a President!! What happened?? We received a RESIDENT, not a PRESIDENT.
America is failing , we would be better off if our current "resident" would just retire and return to what he was doing, "voting Present" in our Senate.
I know , in normal times when a President becomes "disabled" ,not able to perform his duties, our Vice President could step in. However , in this case our V.P. acts like a resident from outer space and is unfit for duty too.
Our Founders never imagined our citizens would be so stupid as to elect not one but two dysfunctional nitwits. What can we do? Impeachment is impossible because the dysfunctional democrats are the majority in our federal governemt and will protect their fellow misfits.
Is America lost? Election day is a long ways off and stupidity moves swiftly as recent events prove.
Any suggestions as to how we can peacefully save our Great Nation from destruction by these incompetents?