An Absurd Combination

Aw man, my stomach hurts from laughing so hard... Hold on a second while I wipe the tears of out of my eyes... Ok... Continue with the flame war.

Check my post #48 for a list of all the things Bob called me on just ONE page of this thread. No one else has been anywhere near that level of nastiness.

It's obvious that Bob is dealing with a lot of anger and pain, and I feel sorry for him. His internal conflicts must be intense, yet he continues to volunteer for work helping people he despises. Anger, shame, and self-hate and contempt are a potent combination of emotions and well able to produce the kind of violent verbal rampages that he indulges in here on the thread. His posts are a cry for help, but it's help he's afraid to accept.
Check my post #48 for a list of all the things Bob called me on just ONE page of this thread. No one else has been anywhere near that level of nastiness.
I'm not denying that Bob can dish it out, he certainly can, but you said:

Topgun is okay, he's polite and thoughtful and never resorts to the kind of abuse that some people dish out on this site.

... You must never have disagreed with him on any substantive issues if that is your impression of him.
So it's not the deaths that bothers you, it's only the manner of the death? That's convoluted on a level I can't begin to comprehend, especially given that firearms related deaths account for such a low percentage of all deaths in the US every year, and that smacks of AGENDA! Oh, and it's MILLIONS of abortions.

Now, if you want to limit it to strictly firearms related fatalities, fine. According to the CDC, in 2004 there were a total of 30,896 firearms related fatalities in the US. Among those, 16,883, or 54% were SUICIDES while 12,791, or 41% were homicides. According to the FBI, among these firearms related homicides (not suicides) 16% were classified as "Felony Firearm" related fatalities, 27% were classified as "Argument Firearm" related fatalities, 9% were classified as "Gang Firearm" related fatalities while the remaining 46% were classified as "Unknown Firearm" or "Other Firearm" related fatalities which includes LEO shootings, accidents, and self defense. Also, well over half of all firearms related homicides committed in the US are committed with a stolen firearm, and the killer already has a criminal record and is prohibited from possessing a firearm in the first place. The latest numbers I've seen indicate that of all firearms related homicides, only 20% were committed with a legally owned firearm, and by the owner of the firearm, and of these, fewer than 20% of that number were "unlawful" homicides, meaning that it was not a clear cut case of self defense, or the court ruled that though it was "self defense", the amount of force used was "excessive" (which in places like New York City and California means that the perp that got shot was using something less than a 155mm howitzer when they were shot).

What people like you consistantly fail to comprehend is that there are literally MILLIONS of lives that are saved every year because the intended victim of a felony assault was ARMED, and able to thwart the attack, usually by simply brandishing their weapon. This is NOT a subject of debate, it is FACT, and has been tracked consistantly since the early 1960's.

All of that to say this, you either really don't know sh*t about the subject, or you're one of those that doesn't understand, comprehend, or believe in the Constitution. The Second Amendment is there for a reason, because without it, there isn't a First Amendment!
Have you a source for the "... there are literally MILLIONS of lives that are saved every year because the intended victim of a felony assault was ARMED, and able to thwart the attack, usually by simply brandishing their weapon. This is NOT a subject of debate, it is FACT, and has been tracked consistantly since the early 1960's." statement. It would seem difficult to accurately assess the number of crimes that DID NOT take place, let alone assign a numerical value to the lives saved from crimes NOT commited.

OH BULLSH*T!!! First you own a construction company, and now you're a fully qualified psychologist??? Can you say ANYTHING without LYING?? You're worse than Bill Clinton, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Harry Skreed, Nancy Piglosi, and Obliviot all rolled into one!
Didn't you go to college? It only takes 4 years to get a BS in psychology and 2 more to get a Masters, lots of people learn enough in college to know that they don't want to do the same thing they been studying for all those years. My father taught me basic carpentry and I pursued furniture making as a hobby for many years before I began to do it professionally. One of the things that I learned as I got older is that there is a lot more of a market for home maintenance than for handmade furniture. Especially there is a market for a woman who does home maintenance if she is not as loud, obnoxious, and dirty as many of the men doing that kind of work. Not having plumber's butt is a selling point, cleaning up after you're done working EVERY day is a plus. Listening to what women want and not telling them they have no brain is good for business too. Too many male contractors act just like you do here on the site and women don't want men like that in their homes. One of the things I like the best about the work I do is that I get to meet and become friends with a lot of intelligent and thoughtful women. I ended up doing a lot of work for old people too because I was quiet and patient with them. There is no shouting, swearing, spitting, guns, or throwing things on our worksites because these are people's homes and we respect them.

I don't "discuss" with willful idiots, I verbally smack 'em upside the suckhole until they get their headspace and timing corrected. It's like my Sergeant used to say "the beatings will now commence, and they will continue until moral improves". I don't care if you like it or not, you're grossly ignorant, or willfully stupid, take your choice, but in either case you don't have the first clue WTF you're talking about, and you're entirely too old for me to be willing to pass it off as youthful ignorance. You've staked out a totally fallacious stance, based on emotion, and without the first shred of evidence to support your positions, and you have the gall to be "offended" when you're finally told that it's downright stupid to do that? PLEASE!!!
You could have stopped at "I don't discuss..."

Oh, and now you're going to bring God into this? ROTFLMFAO!!! God has about as much to do with this as the Tooth Fairy does. If you want to be a Martyr, that's your choice, but you have NO right to expect, or demand, that anyone else join you! Frankly all of those "meely-mouthed, pacifist, sitting around in a circle and singing Kumbya" martyrs bore the crap out of me, I find them to be a bunch of self-eggrandizing POS's with their Holier Than Thou "look at me, see what a sacrifice I'm making for my religion, cause, whatever", and the world would be a far better place without them.
I brought up religion once before too and you reacted the same way as now. I'm okay with that, Bob, everyone is entitled to their position vis a vis religion. I'm sorry you're so unhappy and you feel the need to shout at me, but we're all doing the best we can and I can respect the fact that you are coping with a lot of pain and conflict.

One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome. We've been killing each other in the attempt to settle our problems for about 10,000 years and it hasn't gotten us anywhere really. Maybe, just maybe it's time we tried something else. Scary thought isn't it? Imagine living your life without all that ordinance, imagine being vulnerable, too scary I bet. Have you ever read about Gandhi? He drove the British out of India with very little violence--and none of it intentional--but a with a great deal of courage instead. Maybe there is a lesson in there for all of us who have the courage to look for it.
I'm not denying that Bob can dish it out, he certainly can, but you said:
... You must never have disagreed with him on any substantive issues if that is your impression of him.

Perhaps not, but I don't recall him ever posting the kind of stuff that Bob rips off in every post. At least Top can write something besides vituperation.
Have you a source for the "... there are literally MILLIONS of lives that are saved every year because the intended victim of a felony assault was ARMED, and able to thwart the attack, usually by simply brandishing their weapon. This is NOT a subject of debate, it is FACT, and has been tracked consistantly since the early 1960's." statement. It would seem difficult to accurately assess the number of crimes that DID NOT take place, let alone assign a numerical value to the lives saved from crimes NOT commited.

Why YES, I do! It comes from the FBI. The numbers are based on reports made to Police by citizens REPORTING ATTEMPTED CRIMES like the ones I take all the time. The numbers of course do not include all of the incidents where people do not call the Police to report the attempted crime.

Didn't you go to college? It only takes 4 years to get a BS in psychology and 2 more to get a Masters, lots of people learn enough in college to know that they don't want to do the same thing they been studying for all those years. <blah, blah, blah>

Short answer, you took Psych 101 and now think you know something. As for your alleged construction expertise, BS!! The last thing that ANY of my female customers ever want is a female on the job! I've even had to ask some of my subs not to bring their female employees to the job because all they do is flirt!

I brought up religion once before too and you reacted the same way as now. I'm okay with that, Bob, everyone is entitled to their position vis a vis religion. I'm sorry you're so unhappy and you feel the need to shout at me, but we're all doing the best we can and I can respect the fact that you are coping with a lot of pain and conflict.

And I'm sorry that you feel it necessary to bring God into EVERY discussion, as if it has any bearing on the discussion at hand. Frankly while it's not quite as lame as your attempts at playing shrink, it's still a really lame tactic, which is why I slam you so hard for trying to use it.

One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome. We've been killing each other in the attempt to settle our problems for about 10,000 years and it hasn't gotten us anywhere really. Maybe, just maybe it's time we tried something else. Scary thought isn't it? Imagine living your life without all that ordinance, imagine being vulnerable, too scary I bet. Have you ever read about Gandhi? He drove the British out of India with very little violence--and none of it intentional--but a with a great deal of courage instead. Maybe there is a lesson in there for all of us who have the courage to look for it.

Ah, but your way has already been tried, by Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, and every other tin pot dictator in the entire 20th Century, and the only thing that comes out of it is wholesale SLAUGHTER!! Ghandi? Uh, correct me if I'm wrong here, but didn't he get SHOT?? If he'd been smart and had an armed bodyguard with him instead of walking around acting like some Holier Than Thou target, he might have lived a bit longer and possibly been able to temper the SLAUGHTER that occurred between India and Pakistan! STUPID MARTYR! Oh, and as far as driving the British out, I guess we've seen how well they've done since then. MILLIONS of people slaughtered, piss poor infrastructure, Oh, and did I mention the partition of India and Pakistan and the subsequent Hindu/Muslim conflicts that the British had managed to keep under control for more than 100 years? Yeah, that worked out about like a fart in a diving helmet!

You call it courage, I call it STUPIDITY! Got any other dumbass martyrs you want to hold up a primary examples of what NOT to do? The world if full of sheep, if you want to join their numbers that's YOUR choice, but don't think for a moment that the sheep dogs that are here to protect you are going to give up their fangs just because they resemble the fangs of the wolves that we're protecting you against! Hell, if the founders used your logic, we'd still be speaking the Queens English, taking tea and crumpets at 4 in the afternoon and eating blood pudding and haggis!
Why YES, I do! It comes from the FBI. The numbers are based on reports made to Police by citizens REPORTING ATTEMPTED CRIMES like the ones I take all the time. The numbers of course do not include all of the incidents where people do not call the Police to report the attempted crime.
Without resorting to the shouts of BS that you use, let me say that I suspect some exaggeration--MILLIONS of lives saved? Like I asked, got a source, you know, a link?

Short answer, you took Psych 101 and now think you know something. As for your alleged construction expertise, BS!! The last thing that ANY of my female customers ever want is a female on the job! I've even had to ask some of my subs not to bring their female employees to the job because all they do is flirt!
It's kind of funny how different our experiences have been, mine lead me to treat you like a fellow human being and yours lead you to treat me abusively. Not just a touch of misogyny there, eh? It's too bad you've had such incompetent female help, ours is excellent. My business partner grew up in a family of contractors and has been licensed for almost 40 years now. She's been a project manager, built churches and buildings, tract homes, spec homes, and now we stick mostly to remodeling and building maintenance.

And I'm sorry that you feel it necessary to bring God into EVERY discussion, as if it has any bearing on the discussion at hand. Frankly while it's not quite as lame as your attempts at playing shrink, it's still a really lame tactic, which is why I slam you so hard for trying to use it.
Religion is a good tool, it gets you all wound up and crazy. Methinks thou doth protest too much. Okay, so you didn't go to college, my mistake, but that doesn't mean that the rest of us didn't.

Ah, but your way has already been tried, by Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, and every other tin pot dictator in the entire 20th Century, and the only thing that comes out of it is wholesale SLAUGHTER!!
Everyone of the people you list was just as fearful and power hungry and violent as you are. Not one of them ever walked peacefully on the Earth.

Ghandi? Uh, correct me if I'm wrong here, but didn't he get SHOT?? If he'd been smart and had an armed bodyguard with him instead of walking around acting like some Holier Than Thou target, he might have lived a bit longer and possibly been able to temper the SLAUGHTER that occurred between India and Pakistan! STUPID MARTYR! Oh, and as far as driving the British out, I guess we've seen how well they've done since then. MILLIONS of people slaughtered, piss poor infrastructure, Oh, and did I mention the partition of India and Pakistan and the subsequent Hindu/Muslim conflicts that the British had managed to keep under control for more than 100 years? Yeah, that worked out about like a fart in a diving helmet!
Yep, he got shot by somebody who was just as gun crazy as you seem to be. You don't like the Hitlers and you don't like the Gandhis, is there anybody you do like? The slaughter between India and Pakistan was largely due to the way the British partitioned the land. Blaming Gandhi for that is hardly rational, nor is blaming him for the things people did after his death. The way the British kept things under control was the same way that the Soviets kept peace in the Balkans, but when the bootheel of the oppressor was gone the people started fighting amongst themselves again. You can't even give credit where credit is due, it must be the fear talking. Gandhi did a great job of getting the British out of India and giving the Indians a chance to run their own country. Maybe they didn't do a good job, but who are we to point the finger?

You call it courage, I call it STUPIDITY! Got any other dumbass martyrs you want to hold up a primary examples of what NOT to do? The world if full of sheep, if you want to join their numbers that's YOUR choice, but don't think for a moment that the sheep dogs that are here to protect you are going to give up their fangs just because they resemble the fangs of the wolves that we're protecting you against! Hell, if the founders used your logic, we'd still be speaking the Queens English, taking tea and crumpets at 4 in the afternoon and eating blood pudding and haggis!
Your awful view of life suggests how deep your anger and conflicts go, how miserable you must be inside. How do you keep living in a world that is so awful? Is there any joy in your life? Do you have things that make you truely happy and content? Perhaps surrounding yourself with all those guns and things eases your fear and dread to the point that it feels like happiness. Hang in there, Bob, maybe things will get better for you.
Topgun is a tool, and not even a good one. He's the "bargain basement" kind of tool, like you'd find in the dollar bin at Big Lots. Disposable, and guaranteed to bend and break the first time you put any serious pressure on it. You're not even that good.

I'm sorry you feel that way Bob. I've tried to engage you several times but you almost always just resort back to personal name calling.

I do have a problem with just letting a ranting bully go unchallenged. It's your choice whether you tone down the personal insults. I think you only bring scorn and ridicule on yourself for no good reason.

But I could care less how you handle yourself. Just don't start complaining when others treat you in the same manor.

Or in other words...

Perhaps not, but I don't recall him ever posting the kind of stuff that Bob rips off in every post. At least Top can write something besides vituperation.

I try to use sarcasm and humor when up against personal insults and name calling. I also try to keep my focus of attack on the actions or actual situations of an elected Republican or Conservative or as they as a group if it's a Party pushed issue like say "family values"... but not some individual poster.

There have been times... probably several times in over 3000 posts:)... that I have came back at someone with insults of my own. Sometimes I fall into this simply trying to level out the insulting rhetoric.

But I try to post a lot of in depth policy and reasoning as much as I possibly can. I can go to any bar and find somebody just to argue with for arguments sake.

I spend time here because there are important political and human issues that desperately need the spotlight... and bad things that need challenged.

I do my best by my own coscience... that's all I can do.

I saw that you've posted a few kind things in regard to me and I should to say thanks... thanks.
Without resorting to the shouts of BS that you use, let me say that I suspect some exaggeration--MILLIONS of lives saved? Like I asked, got a source, you know, a link?

The source is the 1995 Kleck/Gertz study, which has been substantiated by the FBI. I don't have a link, but I'm sure that you can find it if you'll take the time to do some basic research.

Not just a touch of misogyny there, eh? <whatever>

Not at all, just truth, facts, and basic human nature.

Religion is a good tool, it gets you all wound up and crazy. Methinks thou doth protest too much.

It doesn't get me "all wound up and crazy", it simply has nothing to do with the subject at hand.

Everyone of the people you list was just as fearful and power hungry and violent as you are. Not one of them ever walked peacefully on the Earth.

That's RICH!! You obviouslly don't know nearly as much about psychology as you profess, otherwise you'd know that they are the NORM, and the Ghandi's are the extremely RARE exception, which is why your "Utopian" ideal has NEVER HAPPENED! It simply can't, human nature precludes it.

Yep, he got shot by somebody who was just as gun crazy as you seem to be.

Again you seem to be confused by the English language. I'm not "gun crazy", I simply believe that people should defend themselves, because nobody else is going to do it for you. Like I said, if you want to be a martyr/victim that's your choice, but don't ask anyone else to commit suicide with you.

You don't like the Hitlers and you don't like the Gandhis, is there anybody you do like?

Yup, I like men like Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Franklin, and the rest of the FF's who, like me, understood basic human nature, and because they did, they were intelligent enough to give us the SECOND AMENDMENT! Like Thomas Jefferson said "Let you gun be your constant companion on your daily walks". Or do you think that Jefferson was "fearful" or in need of psychological counceling?

The slaughter between India and Pakistan was largely due to the way the British partitioned the land. Blaming Gandhi for that is hardly rational, nor is blaming him for the things people did after his death. The way the British kept things under control was the same way that the Soviets kept peace in the Balkans, but when the bootheel of the oppressor was gone the people started fighting amongst themselves again. You can't even give credit where credit is due, it must be the fear talking. Gandhi did a great job of getting the British out of India and giving the Indians a chance to run their own country. Maybe they didn't do a good job, but who are we to point the finger?

Oh, so it's all the fault of the British? Were the British the ones slaughtering the Hindu's and Muslims, or were they slaughtering each other? Keep living your Utopian lie if you want to, but I know the realities, and I conduct myself accordingly.
Without resorting to the shouts of BS that you use, let me say that I suspect some exaggeration--MILLIONS of lives saved? Like I asked, got a source, you know, a link?
He won't come up with it...he never does...but his little shadow/troll will do his home work for him...;)
It's kind of funny how different our experiences have been, mine lead me to treat you like a fellow human being and yours lead you to treat me abusively. Not just a touch of misogyny there, eh? It's too bad you've had such incompetent female help, ours is excellent. My business partner grew up in a family of contractors and has been licensed for almost 40 years now. She's been a project manager, built churches and buildings, tract homes, spec homes, and now we stick mostly to remodeling and building maintenance.

Religion is a good tool, it gets you all wound up and crazy. Methinks thou doth protest too much. Okay, so you didn't go to college, my mistake, but that doesn't mean that the rest of us didn't.

Everyone of the people you list was just as fearful and power hungry and violent as you are. Not one of them ever walked peacefully on the Earth.

Yep, he got shot by somebody who was just as gun crazy as you seem to be. You don't like the Hitlers and you don't like the Gandhis, is there anybody you do like? The slaughter between India and Pakistan was largely due to the way the British partitioned the land. Blaming Gandhi for that is hardly rational, nor is blaming him for the things people did after his death. The way the British kept things under control was the same way that the Soviets kept peace in the Balkans, but when the bootheel of the oppressor was gone the people started fighting amongst themselves again. You can't even give credit where credit is due, it must be the fear talking. Gandhi did a great job of getting the British out of India and giving the Indians a chance to run their own country. Maybe they didn't do a good job, but who are we to point the finger?

Your awful view of life suggests how deep your anger and conflicts go, how miserable you must be inside. How do you keep living in a world that is so awful? Is there any joy in your life? Do you have things that make you truely happy and content? Perhaps surrounding yourself with all those guns and things eases your fear and dread to the point that it feels like happiness. Hang in there, Bob, maybe things will get better for you.

BTW...BOOB...this was Mare's posted remark...your responce was just to this partial statement and then you went ballistic and awarded the quotations to your 'brains in the box' are really, really a comedic you two practice that obfuscation seem to have it so down pat :rolleyes:

PUNCH & JUDY SHOW...aka BOOBthebuilder and BrainsInTheBox

Give it can't even remember with whom you are attacking...OMG...ROTFLMAO!!! YOU JUST TORCHED YOUR TROLLING BUDDY!!!
The source is the 1995 Kleck/Gertz study, which has been substantiated by the FBI. I don't have a link, but I'm sure that you can find it if you'll take the time to do some basic research.
Not at all, just truth, facts, and basic human nature.
It doesn't get me "all wound up and crazy", it simply has nothing to do with the subject at hand.
That's RICH!! You obviouslly don't know nearly as much about psychology as you profess, otherwise you'd know that they are the NORM, and the Ghandi's are the extremely RARE exception, which is why your "Utopian" ideal has NEVER HAPPENED! It simply can't, human nature precludes it.
Again you seem to be confused by the English language. I'm not "gun crazy", I simply believe that people should defend themselves, because nobody else is going to do it for you. Like I said, if you want to be a martyr/victim that's your choice, but don't ask anyone else to commit suicide with you.
Yup, I like men like Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Franklin, and the rest of the FF's who, like me, understood basic human nature, and because they did, they were intelligent enough to give us the SECOND AMENDMENT! Like Thomas Jefferson said "Let you gun be your constant companion on your daily walks". Or do you think that Jefferson was "fearful" or in need of psychological counceling?
No, but then Jefferson didn't live in the America of today either. We have a basic difference in perspective: you assume that people are evil--the dictators you named being the NORM, which is short for normal. I don't think genocidal or psychopathic meglomaniacs are normal, but rather I think that most people are basically good. People will do all kinds of things when they are afraid--your responses to me are a good example of this since you have been abusive to me in nearly every post despite the fact that I have been reasonably polite about our differences. You are a very frightened man and I can see why if you believe that most people are like the dictators you listed.

Oh, so it's all the fault of the British? Were the British the ones slaughtering the Hindu's and Muslims, or were they slaughtering each other? Keep living your Utopian lie if you want to, but I know the realities, and I conduct myself accordingly.
See? This is an example of poor discussion, I never said it was all the British's fault, I noted that just like in the Balkans, when the oppressor leaves the internecine fighting starts up. But you can't discuss cogently, politely, or even rationally, you take snippets out of context and give me static for things I didn't even say. Again, this is a symptom of fear, you have to run roughshod over me just to make yourself feel justified. A frightened ego has to be ABSOLUTELY RIGHT every time in order to feel even a little bit safe and that kind of behavior drives people away from you, leaving you even more lonely and isolated than before. I know I feel that way, I won't respond to you in the future, I've enjoyed as much of your abuse as I care to. Life is too short to waste on people who refuse help or even comfort. Good luck, Bob, I suspect you're gonna need it.
No, but then Jefferson didn't live in the America of today either.

No we don't, today we coddle our criminals instead of hanging them and gibbeting their bodies as a warning to those who would attempt the same things.

We have a basic difference in perspective: you assume that people are evil--the dictators you named being the NORM, which is short for normal. I don't think genocidal or psychopathic meglomaniacs are normal, but rather I think that most people are basically good.

And your philosophy that people are basically good is the flaw in your theory. People are only as "good" as society demands that they be, and no more. Even a short study of every society throughout history bears this out, and what you're espousing is nothing but a pipe dream. It's never existed in the entire history of the world, and there's no reason to believe that we'll ever get there.

People will do all kinds of things when they are afraid--your responses to me are a good example of this since you have been abusive to me in nearly every post despite the fact that I have been reasonably polite about our differences. You are a very frightened man and I can see why if you believe that most people are like the dictators you listed.

There you go with your "fear" canard again. When Hitler took power in the 30's, what was he "afraid" of? NOTHING! When Pol Pot took power what was he afraid of? NOTHING! When Stalin took power, what was he afraid of? NOTHING! And why weren't they afraid of anything? Becuase the first thing they did was to seize the peoples means of resistance, which is exactly what you're espousing, and we all know how well that worked out don't we? The reason I'm so "abusive" towards you is because you're willfully stupid. You deny all facts, evidence, and reality and continue to chant the same old John Lennon intellectually bankrupt mantra of "give peace a chance".

See? This is an example of poor discussion, I never said it was all the British's fault, I noted that just like in the Balkans, when the oppressor leaves the internecine fighting starts up.

No, your mention of the Balkins was a vain attempt at obfuscation, and I note that you do that A LOT! We're talking about India and Pakistan and you bring up the Balkins. We're talking about firearms and you bring up God. Can't you EVER stay on topic?

But you can't discuss cogently, politely, or even rationally, you take snippets out of context and give me static for things I didn't even say.

And THAT is a lie. Show me ONE time where I've taken you out of context, or attributed things to you that you didn't say.

Again, this is a symptom of fear, you have to run roughshod over me just to make yourself feel justified. A frightened ego has to be ABSOLUTELY RIGHT every time in order to feel even a little bit safe and that kind of behavior drives people away from you, leaving you even more lonely and isolated than before. I know I feel that way, I won't respond to you in the future, I've enjoyed as much of your abuse as I care to. Life is too short to waste on people who refuse help or even comfort. Good luck, Bob, I suspect you're gonna need it.

Again with the fear?? I suppose using your convoluted excuse for logic that a parent admonishing their child for doing something wrong is doing so out of "fear". You're the one that's afraid, and your projecting your own inadequacies on me in a failed attempt to justify your own denial. If anyone needs professional help it's you.
No we don't, today we coddle our criminals instead of hanging them and gibbeting their bodies as a warning to those who would attempt the same things.

And your philosophy that people are basically good is the flaw in your theory. People are only as "good" as society demands that they be, and no more. Even a short study of every society throughout history bears this out, and what you're espousing is nothing but a pipe dream. It's never existed in the entire history of the world, and there's no reason to believe that we'll ever get there.

There you go with your "fear" canard again. When Hitler took power in the 30's, what was he "afraid" of? NOTHING! When Pol Pot took power what was he afraid of? NOTHING! When Stalin took power, what was he afraid of? NOTHING! And why weren't they afraid of anything? Becuase the first thing they did was to seize the peoples means of resistance, which is exactly what you're espousing, and we all know how well that worked out don't we? The reason I'm so "abusive" towards you is because you're willfully stupid. You deny all facts, evidence, and reality and continue to chant the same old John Lennon intellectually bankrupt mantra of "give peace a chance".

No, your mention of the Balkins was a vain attempt at obfuscation, and I note that you do that A LOT! We're talking about India and Pakistan and you bring up the Balkins. We're talking about firearms and you bring up God. Can't you EVER stay on topic?

And THAT is a lie. Show me ONE time where I've taken you out of context, or attributed things to you that you didn't say.

Again with the fear?? I suppose using your convoluted excuse for logic that a parent admonishing their child for doing something wrong is doing so out of "fear". You're the one that's afraid, and your projecting your own inadequacies on me in a failed attempt to justify your own denial. If anyone needs professional help it's you.

Hey, ignorant one :eek:...go re-read you post that I had to point out to you that was so hysterically off know the one that you just edited...LMAO
To point out:

People can have a discussion without resulting to insulting each other. You can attack someone's ideas and whatnot without telling them they are stupid, ignorant, or anything else.

From this point on, especially in this thread, anyone who attacks another person directly will be warned and possibly suspended.

If you want to attack someone, attack their ideas, not the person.
To point out:

People can have a discussion without resulting to insulting each other. You can attack someone's ideas and whatnot without telling them they are stupid, ignorant, or anything else.

From this point on, especially in this thread, anyone who attacks another person directly will be warned and possibly suspended.

If you want to attack someone, attack their ideas, not the person.

Great idea Rob!

As the little kids say, You Rock!