Analysis on the Progress of the Worldwide Revolutionary Movement


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2007
Gaddafi should be out of power in the next 72 hours. Unfortunately I think he is going to be killed. The Iranian revolution should go into effect when the Libyan revolution removes Gaddafi. These revolutions are completely reliant on media coverage. The American people are helping these revolutions by siding favorably with the protestors. Revolutions are easy to ignite. Normally I think think that revolutions are just inflamed by the protestors receiving the label of “the people”. However, it has become abundantly clear to the world that these revolutions are truly that of THE PEOPLE.

These revolutions do not just represent the anger of Arabian people toward their dictators, but it also represents younger people worldwide gaining influence over global politics. The younger generations in the world today believe they can make a difference and they are acting upon their beliefs. I think we are a generation that has begun to rise above xenophobia, racism, and discrimination of all kinds. I am proud of the progress that my generation has made over the last 5 years. We are constantly given negative predictions by our forefathers over the inevitable consequences of our actions; however, we have time and time again, proven that the human character is naturally good in its essence and just action bring positive results.

In America we were not raised to believe that the people of the middle-east were capable of peaceful revolutions. We were told that violence was in their nature. However, I have learned that it is the power elite that incite the violence in this region. It is the power elite, worldwide, that have in the past, manipulated the people with divisive methods into using violence in order to destroy the credibility of protests. This has changed, we are learning the systematic methods used to destroy unity amongst the people, and we are learning to overcome their tyrannical influence on peace and global unity.

These revolutions are not just for the people of Libya or Egypt, but they are for the influence and unity of a young generation of humans that do not share the ideology of our ancestors. They are pivotal to help spread the love and unity created through the overwhelming similarities that we have realized our generation shares with each other in all countries throughout the world.

So, I ask those all over the world; do not simply judge the people of a country by the actions of their government. Even in a democracy, the action of one’s government rarely represents the essence of its people’s free minds. In all countries the people are forced to overcome the influence of the power elite. We are all fighting against some form of corruption that oppresses true democracy. So let use continue to unite behind a peaceful future. Let us continue to work towards our common goals. Let us continue to save humanity.

By: Jay Mick
Gaddafi should be out of power in the next 72 hours. Unfortunately I think he is going to be killed. The Iranian revolution should go into effect when the Libyan revolution removes Gaddafi. These revolutions are completely reliant on media coverage. The American people are helping these revolutions by siding favorably with the protestors. Revolutions are easy to ignite. Normally I think think that revolutions are just inflamed by the protestors receiving the label of “the people”. However, it has become abundantly clear to the world that these revolutions are truly that of THE PEOPLE.

These revolutions do not just represent the anger of Arabian people toward their dictators, but it also represents younger people worldwide gaining influence over global politics. The younger generations in the world today believe they can make a difference and they are acting upon their beliefs. I think we are a generation that has begun to rise above xenophobia, racism, and discrimination of all kinds. I am proud of the progress that my generation has made over the last 5 years. We are constantly given negative predictions by our forefathers over the inevitable consequences of our actions; however, we have time and time again, proven that the human character is naturally good in its essence and just action bring positive results.

In America we were not raised to believe that the people of the middle-east were capable of peaceful revolutions. We were told that violence was in their nature. However, I have learned that it is the power elite that incite the violence in this region. It is the power elite, worldwide, that have in the past, manipulated the people with divisive methods into using violence in order to destroy the credibility of protests. This has changed, we are learning the systematic methods used to destroy unity amongst the people, and we are learning to overcome their tyrannical influence on peace and global unity.

These revolutions are not just for the people of Libya or Egypt, but they are for the influence and unity of a young generation of humans that do not share the ideology of our ancestors. They are pivotal to help spread the love and unity created through the overwhelming similarities that we have realized our generation shares with each other in all countries throughout the world.

So, I ask those all over the world; do not simply judge the people of a country by the actions of their government. Even in a democracy, the action of one’s government rarely represents the essence of its people’s free minds. In all countries the people are forced to overcome the influence of the power elite. We are all fighting against some form of corruption that oppresses true democracy. So let use continue to unite behind a peaceful future. Let us continue to work towards our common goals. Let us continue to save humanity.

By: Jay Mick

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."

Assurance of equality, liberty, and the governance of people from their consent are the key values they had already upheld as being undeniable truths from their Creator. This began the birth process of a new, free society. Then, they proceeded to incorporate their values into their Constitution so that no future leaders would easily destroy this free society - thus the rise of the American Exceptionalism!

How about Egypt? what about Libya ? Is there any subculture group inside Egypt that upholds the same free society values? Is there a group of leaders who can transform Egypt into a free society? Unfortunately, we do not see any leaders with these core free society values in this nation where 95% of the population believes that Islamic Shariah should play a significant role in their governing principles.

Neither did the Bolshevik Revolution have such a subculture of leaders. Their leaders held no free-society values. As a result, their uprising created a monster state that went on to murder millions of its own citizens. Neither did the Iranian Revolution of 1979 that led to today's radical Islamic rule, threatening the security of its neighbors and exporting terrorism overseas.

Nor will Egypt, or any other Islamic state in the Middle East, be able to birth a new free society that will assure freedoms of speech, expression, religion, press, and equal rights to women and other minority groups, because these values are not compliant with Islamic Shariah laws that are upheld by the largest majority of their citizens.

In the modern history of the Middle East, there is one shining example of this rare birthing of a free society. That was the re-establishment of the nation of Israel in 1948 that created the only oasis of freedom and liberty among the nations ruled by dictators and oppressors. Like America, Israel was raised by a group of leaders who were bred and nurtured in the subculture that upheld free society values as an endowment from their Creator. And also, like America, Israel has realized an admirable economic and social freedom for its citizens.

just sayin
Before you begin reading this, please have on screen, paper, or wall, a reliable full-scale map of the Middle East, one stretching from Morocco to Afghanistan, from the Caspian Sea to the Gulf of Aden. You will note that the territory covering 5.25 million miles belongs to states of the Arab League..

Not being an Arab or a Muslim, I can only wonder why young people raised in those societies do not ask these questions, encouraging their governments to change their policies. More than that, I marvel at the fact that some of apparently share the assumption that Arab and Muslim leaders are entitled to over one-tenth of the world’s land surface, while questioning the right of Jews to land about one-ninth the size of Syria. Do they really believe that Arabs and Muslims are innately so much worthier than Jews?

Much has changed in the Middle East during the past six decades, but one political feature remains disturbingly constant. The Arab League formed in 1945 to prevent the emergence of Israel, launching the most lop-sided war in human history, a war that continues hot and cold to the present day, pitting multiple non- and anti-democratic regimes against the Jewish State.

Scapegoating Israel and the Jews became a means of deflecting attention from the mounting failings and weaknesses of those regimes, very much the way that scapegoating the Jews served some Christian and anti-Semitic rulers in their time. Arab leaders who sought peace with Israel, such as King Abdullah I of Jordan and Anwar Sadat of Egypt, were assassinated by rivals. Religious and secular factions competed with one another over whose aggression against Israel was bloodier and more intimidating.

Moreover, the war against Israel required the sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arabs to permanent refugee status, The Arab world fueled its war against Israel with the permanent misery of Palestinian Arabs—and ascribed that misery to the oppressor Jews in a more perfect moral inversion than any literary Satan ever proposed. Postmodernism adores moral inversions, which may be why some Harvard professors have so eagerly joined the “devil’s party.”

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves: Look again at the full-scale map. Keep it in sight. Don’t let any course or discussion of the Middle East proceed except in its presence. And if the need arises, ask why Arabs and Muslims think they deserve odds greater than 640:1.

just sayin