Assassination loony watch


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
As the egregious T Party and their fellow travellers scramble to pin the blame on somebody else for their appalling lapse in taste and judgement, the more extreme of them come out of the woodwork..

First, it is all the local shreriff's fault

"..State Rep. Jack Harper, R-Surprise, partly blamed the shooting on Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, who has himself blamed caustic political rhetoric and lax gun-control as contributing to the massacre.

"If he would have done his job, maybe this doesn't happen," Harper told USA Today on Monday. "Sheriff Dupnik did not provide for the security of a U.S. congresswoman."

"When everyone is carrying a firearm, nobody is going to be a victim," Harper continued. "The socialists of today are only one gun confiscation away from being the communists of tomorrow."

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Gee Jack, how did the Red Army defeat Hitler - with slingshots ?

Comrade Stalin
As the egregious T Party and their fellow travellers scramble to pin the blame on somebody else for their appalling lapse in taste and judgement, the more extreme of them come out of the woodwork..

In another thread you stated:

"Proof should be unambiguous."

Please post unambiguous proof to back up your assertion that the Tea Party is to blame for this shooting.
As the egregious T Party and their fellow travellers scramble to pin the blame on somebody else for their appalling lapse in taste and judgement, the more extreme of them come out of the woodwork..

First, it is all the local shreriff's fault

"..State Rep. Jack Harper, R-Surprise, partly blamed the shooting on Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, who has himself blamed caustic political rhetoric and lax gun-control as contributing to the massacre.

"If he would have done his job, maybe this doesn't happen," Harper told USA Today on Monday. "Sheriff Dupnik did not provide for the security of a U.S. congresswoman."

"When everyone is carrying a firearm, nobody is going to be a victim," Harper continued. "The socialists of today are only one gun confiscation away from being the communists of tomorrow."

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Gee Jack, how did the Red Army defeat Hitler - with slingshots ?

Comrade Stalin

Of course these statements are ridiculous just like the blame Palin, blame Rush, blame Tea Party, etc. Rep. Giffords wasn't even transported to the trauma center before the accusations started flying. :confused:
As the egregious T Party and their fellow travellers scramble to pin the blame on somebody else for their appalling lapse in taste and judgement, the more extreme of them come out of the woodwork..

First, it is all the local shreriff's fault

"..State Rep. Jack Harper, R-Surprise, partly blamed the shooting on Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, who has himself blamed caustic political rhetoric and lax gun-control as contributing to the massacre.

"If he would have done his job, maybe this doesn't happen," Harper told USA Today on Monday. "Sheriff Dupnik did not provide for the security of a U.S. congresswoman."

"When everyone is carrying a firearm, nobody is going to be a victim," Harper continued. "The socialists of today are only one gun confiscation away from being the communists of tomorrow."

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Gee Jack, how did the Red Army defeat Hitler - with slingshots ?

Comrade Stalin

Another post for Gen's list.
You see how Police supports the democrats? This is exactly who i dont give two ****s about this ***** Giffords. I hope GOD makes her retarded when she recovers and the Governor Jan Brewer will appoint a Republican to take her spot. I dont care about cops they cant protect anybody.All they care about is robbing your wallets dry. Judges will always side with the cops when they pull you over for speeding running a red light or not feeding the parking meter. Thats one of the Reasons i dont give two ****s about this guy nether.

I know hes in hell!
In another thread you stated:

"Proof should be unambiguous."

Please post unambiguous proof to back up your assertion that the Tea Party is to blame for this shooting.

"blame on somebody else for their appalling lapse in taste and judgement"

that does not say responsible for the killings...I dont think the the tea party had any link to the shooter so far as we know...but that does not mean its judgment and taste are not to be questioned as many fear the next shooting like this..or that the tea party knows some are taking issue with them right now over there rhetoric....and that they are trying to blame others now for it...
In another thread you stated:

"Proof should be unambiguous."

Please post unambiguous proof to back up your assertion that the Tea Party is to blame for this shooting.

They are no more to blame than Adolf Hitler was for the German Army invading the USSR.

Comrade Stalin
"blame on somebody else for their appalling lapse in taste and judgement"

that does not say responsible for the killings...I dont think the the tea party had any link to the shooter so far as we know...but that does not mean its judgment and taste are not to be questioned as many fear the next shooting like this..or that the tea party knows some are taking issue with them right now over there rhetoric....and that they are trying to blame others now for it...

"That Scott down there that's running for governor of Florida. Instead of running for governor of Florida, they ought to have him and shoot him. Put him against the wall and shoot him." (Former Congressman Paul Kanjorski, D-PA).

Give me a break.. this idea that the "Tea Party" is somehow behind all this "incendiary rhetoric" is just absurd, especially when Congressman can run around making statements like that and then in the next breath argue:

"Therefore, it is incumbent on all Americans to create an atmosphere of civility and respect in which political discourse can flow freely, without fear of violent confrontation."

I know often when I want to create an atmosphere of civility and respect I call for people to be lined up against a wall and shot.. give me a break. This discourse is nothing new, and it is not responsible for what happened.
Step forward the local T-party flack who blames the victim

"...In March 2010, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) warned that the rhetoric from the tea parties and Sarah Palin was potentially dangerous. “I can say that in the years that some of my colleagues have served — 20, 30 years — they’ve never seen it like this…when people do that, they’ve gotta realize there’s consequences to that action,” she said on MSNBC. Tuscon Tea Party co-founder Trent Humphries called Giffords’ previous concerns about violent rhetoric “political gamesmenship,” claiming that if Giffords was so concerned, then she is to blame for Saturday’s shootings because she “had no security whatsoever”:

“It’s political gamesmanship. The real case is that she [Giffords] had no security whatsoever at this event. So if she lived under a constant fear of being targeted, if she lived under this constant fear of this rhetoric and hatred that was seething, why would she attend an event in full view of the public with no security whatsoever?” he said. “For all the stuff they accuse her [Palin] of, that gun poster has not done a tenth of the damage to the political discourse as what we’re hearing right now.”

Humphries also told the Guardian that Saturday’s shootings in Tuscon are “evolving into a conspiracy to destroy his organisation and silence criticism of the government.”

Comrade Stalin
Actually, we do not have to trawl the media to find loonies.

There is a good crop of them on this panel.

Comrade Stalin