"Assualt" weapons

I used to be in favor of banning assault weapons but the discussion in the thread I started on Gun Rights has convinced me otherwise. So long as there is a decent licensing program and decent enforcement of the laws yeah...I can get behind people wanting to keep their large caliber arms.

I'm with you. As I said in that thread, the rights of the people are loaned to the government -- the government does not give people their rights. Therefore, the onus is on the government to justify taking away the assault weapons. The burden of proof is not on the citizens to keep their guns.

And thus, when only 1% of gun attacks are carried out with assault weapons, and this number remains constant after a ban on assault weapons -- that does not constitute a justification of removing assault weapons.
And as many have pointed out. If that brave teacher had been allowed to carry, the body count may have been as low as 2, including crazy boy.

What's especially ironic is that VT disciplined a kid the prior year for carrying a licensed gun on campus. If only he had been there that morning...