Bill Clinton - Herman Cain double standard?


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
When Herman Cain is calling it quits. No one defended him to keep going. Herman Cain has so many sex scandal allegations that urge him to drop out of race. But Bill Clintion has so many sex allegations too. Democrats protected him from Impeachment and removed from office. Its a Double Standard with it comes to Democrats with scandals they almost never get the boot and the Media looks away and forgives him. But when it comes to Republicans the Media acts like a bunch of wild dogs keeps the story alive and democrats pressure him to resign.
When Herman Cain is calling it quits. No one defended him to keep going. Herman Cain has so many sex scandal allegations that urge him to drop out of race. But Bill Clintion has so many sex allegations too. Democrats protected him from Impeachment and removed from office. Its a Double Standard with it comes to Democrats with scandals they almost never get the boot and the Media looks away and forgives him. But when it comes to Republicans the Media acts like a bunch of wild dogs keeps the story alive and democrats pressure him to resign.

yep mark Weiner proves that..

aslo smart people know that when one party goes out screaming about family values and protection of marriage...maybe they should be able to live up to some of those standards. Its not the cheating that kills them...its the Hypocracy
While neither side has a monopoly on hypocrisy, if one can not see the sort of thing going on (quite often) mentioned in the first post, then there is definitely a vision problem.
yep mark Weiner proves that..

aslo smart people know that when one party goes out screaming about family values and protection of marriage...maybe they should be able to live up to some of those standards. Its not the cheating that kills them...its the Hypocracy

I think not. We are all sinners. But, some of us strive to be better. We believe in and try to live our lives as Jesus and Moses taught us. Some believers fail. Does that then mean that those believers who fail are hypocrites?

What of those on the left who do not believe in the rules laid out in the Bible or any rules of behavior? They are not striving to be better human beings. Your beloved BJ Bubba Clinton and many leaders on the left commit all kinds of juvenile disgusting behavior without consequence and proving they are people that can't be trusted...well at least without consequence in this life.
I think not. We are all sinners. But, some of us strive to be better. We believe in and try to live our lives as Jesus and Moses taught us. Some believers fail. Does that then mean that those believers who fail are hypocrites?

What of those on the left who do not believe in the rules laid out in the Bible or any rules of behavior? They are not striving to be better human beings. Your beloved BJ Bubba Clinton and many leaders on the left commit all kinds of juvenile disgusting behavior without consequence and proving they are people that can't be trusted...well at least without consequence in this life.

First I did not like CLinton, I never once voted for him...have stated that many times...
2nd...I don't expect leaders to be perfect people...But the Republican party claims to be the party of chrstian values and attacks those who don't hold them and tries to take away there rights, like gays..and often these days Muslims....Since your party campaigns on family values...and the Dems don't....sorry but the party yelling about them, looks more hypocritical when they can't do them them self...Gays hurt Marriage, but having affairs with 2 wifes and marring 3 ladies is fine for it...

If a republican does not run on family values, does not attack those who he does not agree with in that area..and cheats and gets caught...then its not going to hurt them as bad , simple as that...oddly those are the ones who don't have that issue I bet...
While neither side has a monopoly on hypocrisy, if one can not see the sort of thing going on (quite often) mentioned in the first post, then there is definitely a vision problem.

Yes there is on both sides, but thats not the point...for the left if I see them attacking Unions, or me thats far worse then a Republican..because Republicans don't pretend to be pro Union....and not realy known for a pro Minority agenda as well....Republicans are often Family Values Bible thumpers who look worse when cheating on there wifes...its not a double standard...its not ignoring Hypocrisy...its knowing that both sides do in in different areas.

I don't expect leaders to be perfect in there family life...but if your going to preach about family life and try to legislate it...then you better live up to it.
First I did not like CLinton, I never once voted for him...have stated that many times...
2nd...I don't expect leaders to be perfect people...But the Republican party claims to be the party of chrstian values and attacks those who don't hold them and tries to take away there rights, like gays..and often these days Muslims....Since your party campaigns on family values...and the Dems don't....sorry but the party yelling about them, looks more hypocritical when they can't do them them self...Gays hurt Marriage, but having affairs with 2 wifes and marring 3 ladies is fine for it...

If a republican does not run on family values, does not attack those who he does not agree with in that area..and cheats and gets caught...then its not going to hurt them as bad , simple as that...oddly those are the ones who don't have that issue I bet...

You completely misunderstand or have been brainwashed by the Left.

Who is yelling about family values? I know of no one.

Is it wrong for a political party to have as one of it's planks a belief in traditional family values? I think not. But, you think this means ALL Rs are some kind of Christian fundamentalists trying to impose their will on you. This is illogical thinking.

Stop buying the lies of the Left.
You completely misunderstand or have been brainwashed by the Left.

Who is yelling about family values? I know of no one.

Is it wrong for a political party to have as one of it's planks a belief in traditional family values? I think not. But, you think this means ALL Rs are some kind of Christian fundamentalists trying to impose their will on you. This is illogical thinking.

Stop buying the lies of the Left.

I see you are blind and hard of hearing if you think family values is not a key republican talking point.
Yes, but this is entirely different from the illogical rantings of your prior post. Try to stay on topic please Mr. Strawman.

it is the damn want to claim bias...then you have to accept there is more Hypocrisy from the right on the issue of Family values when one of theres does something wrong in regards to those values.
.But the Republican party claims to be the party of chrstian values and attacks those who don't hold them and tries to take away there rights, like gays..and often these days Muslims....Since your party campaigns on family values...and the Dems don't....sorry but the party yelling about them, looks more hypocritical when they can't do them them self...Gays hurt Marriage, but having affairs with 2 wifes and marring 3 ladies is fine for it...

If a republican does not run on family values, does not attack those who he does not agree with in that area..and cheats and gets caught...then its not going to hurt them as bad , simple as that...oddly those are the ones who don't have that issue I bet...

See your post above. I commented on this illogical post with the statement, who is 'yelling' about family values? I don't think family values has even been discussed much in the R primary. Yet, you being the strawman you are, attack the R party on family values. Does this make sense? Again, stop watching MSLSD and get informed.

Stop replaying the BJ Clinton years in your the way, I would take BJ Bubba over BO any day of the week. I bet you would too.

Secondly, who in the R party is 'attacking' gays and Muslims. Please just name ONE Mr. Strawman. Just one! Proof again you have been duped by the left media.

You are out there where the buses don't run...AGAIN. How do you get anywhere?