Black Jeopardy

The thing is the Left doesn't want right wingers making comments or jokes about race. Like Sean Hannity explain on left wing hypocrisy on race subjects
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The thing is the Left doesn't want right wingers making comments or jokes about race. Like Sean Hannity explain on left wing hypocrisy on race subjects
steve this is amateur shit ....

Every normal thinking American knows where the hate speech, vitriolic language and violence is coming from. Every normal thinking American knows that these leftist are Marxist and that Marxism is responsible for more repression and murder in the 20th century than all other times of recorded history combined.

Unless you are just trying to "bait" brainless liberals ... this is not new news!
Well im tired of those liberals who attack Limbaugh or OReilly when they say something. But when Letterman,Bill Maher or even Chris Mathews get racist or sexist they look the other way.
Well im tired of those liberals who attack Limbaugh or OReilly when they say something. But when Letterman,Bill Maher or even Chris Mathews get racist or sexist they look the other way.
Welcome to Obama's Amerika ....

Hitler did the same. He did not create a whole set of new laws ... he selectively applied existing laws and not only through the courts, but through public opinion as well known as "propaganda" at the time!