Bloomberg Battles Obesity by Banning Extra-Large Sodas.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2012
Seattle, Wash.
The newest social hype involving people’s rights and politicians, concerns Americas growing obesity problem. New York’s current mayor, Michael R. Bloomberg has recently passed a ban on large sugary soft drinks over 16 oz. In New York City limits from fast food franchises, sports arenas, etc., and who knows where else next in the world. What is funny about the logic of these types of judicial meddling in the public’s personal life is that it’s OK to drink a 32 oz. beer but not a 32 oz. coke. This is a great example of our modern bureaucracy at work. I can just envision a patriotic New Yorker in the movie theater, sitting there with his 16 oz. mountain dew and his extra-large, extra butter bucket of popcorn feeling content that he took a big bite out of our nation’s growing fat problem. Meanwhile the mayor of New York will be siting in his wood paneled office feeling confident he won a battle over American obesity.
The Social Hysteria Blog – http://*********************
Well you are incredibly fat after all - even fatter than we are. It is like your gun-obsessions surely, a nuttiness based on a past situation (the days when you had to shoot Indians and eat them, or whatever you did when you began tax-dodging), and someone should do something before you burst messily! :)
Well you are incredibly fat after all - even fatter than we are. It is like your gun-obsessions surely, a nuttiness based on a past situation (the days when you had to shoot Indians and eat them, or whatever you did when you began tax-dodging), and someone should do something before you burst messily! :)

Does your mom know your on her computer?