BU$INE$$; Compliments Of Greed-Is-Good/Reagan-Years

some of the high school kids on the sales floor I helped train...had better ideas how to do cust service and run a business then these guys.. but they also figured out the plan....Run the company into the ground making decisions that make short term gains...then sell off and run company into the ground ...then sell the pieces and make a profit....I was there for 7 years...evry year they got worse not better...this year...I think you will see Sears and Kmart will be no more. Gone with Circut City. When you look at there paychecks ...they will profit ...workers will be out of jobs.
O.K, but where are examples of companies that succeeded and their managmenet team.

Microsoft, Intel, Pfiser, Walmart.
Just because there are examples of corps that have problems doesn't mean free market system is broken.

Yes, many young and eager employees, do show promise but that does not mean they would be able to run/manage a business. If they could, then they would have started their own business and not went to work somewhere
congrats they ran it into the ground and at last min saved it from completely folding....great job , bravo...Next as a sales person I went a month with out a sale, was just about to get fired, then did the bare min to keep my job...give me a extra 1000 bucks.

But don't worry, then Eddy and his hedge fund came in and took it over merged it with Sears...and now both are going to be gone. but i am sure he will make a killing off it.

You know when a CEO and top people should get a bonus...when they make sales past goal. Thats the point of a Bonus is it not, for doing more then your job?

But I could always post the long list of CEO's who ran companies into the ground to get there golden parachutes....but you know its true so why bother.

When they meet goals then they deserve a bonus. we are agreed.

When they don't meet goals then they don't deserve a bonus. We are agreed there too.

First, I would be willing to bet that the Board of Directors is far far more likely to give bonuses to those that meet goals than those that don't.

Second, if the Board of Directors gives bonuses to those that don't deserve it that is none of my business. I don't care I they want to waste money. Does it become my business if they have received a bailout? Perhaps. But let's not give away any bailouts then it won't matter.