Buffett's concept; an economic stimulus at no expense.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2009
I'm a proponent of Warren Buffett’s concept to significantly decrease USA’s trade deficit of goods. A senate bill based upon the concept was proposed in 2006 by Senators Dorgan and Feingold.

Trade deficit's detriment to the gross domestic product, (GDP) exceeds the amount of the deficit itself. Anything detrimental to the GDP is generally detrimental to the median wage.

This is a permanent economic stimulus that doesn’t require federal disbursement or risk of trillions of dollars. I'm aware of no single proposal that would be economically more beneficial.

No other trade concept would both significantly decrease our trade deficit and increase our GDP with less government intervention or less increased prices of imported goods. The concept is not prone to trade retribution, is not a tax and would not increase government spending. Specifically concerning China, the unilateral proposal is immune from any currency or foreign trade manipulation.

Refer to World Wide Web (site of) “USA-Trade-Deficit.Blogspot.Com “.
www.USA-Trade-Deficit.Blogspot.com. “

Respectfully, Supposn