Can you explain this?

Point makes perfect sense to me.

It does not matter how much money someone has, it matters how much taxes are being paid. The highest income levels pay a higher % of all taxes after the Bush tax cuts. That is just a simple fact. What is there not to see?
Point makes perfect sense to me.

It does not matter how much money someone has, it matters how much taxes are being paid. The highest income levels pay a higher % of all taxes after the Bush tax cuts. That is just a simple fact. What is there not to see?

Well I'm the 'new guy', so I could be wrong, but it appears to me that Dawkins is one of those "underachievers" who feels that he's been 'held down by the man', so he wants to impose some Socialist/Communist form of government on everyone in order to make things more "fair". His idea of "fair" means bringing everyone down to his level of lazy incompetence instead of promoting a system where the only limitations anyone has are based on their own desire and ability.

He's the same kind of guy who get's all P.O.'s at market capitalism because he wasn't smart enough to pass the test for the night assistant manager slot at McDonalds!