Cindy McCain lies about her family history


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Washington state
Cindy "pills" McCain has always said she's an only child, well hold on, here comes her half sister.

WASHINGTON - Cindy McCain's claim to being the "only child" of Arizona beer baron Jim Hensley touched off a family feud Wednesday with an angry half-sister who was shortchanged in the will.

"I'm upset, I'm angry, it makes me feel like a nonperson," said Kathleen Hensley Portalski, 65, of Phoenix.

Her son, Nicholas Portalski, 38, also of Phoenix, said, "It just struck us very hard" when Cindy McCain recently repeated the "only child" claim.

The Portalskis told National Public Radio of the tangled family history - there's also another half-sister - that includes what presumptive GOP nominee John McCain has called his "greatest moral failure" in divorcing his first wife, Carol, to marry Cindy Lou Hensley.

Kathleen Anne Hensley was born to Jim and Mary Jeanne Hensley in 1943. Jim Hensley, who was to become the multimillionaire head of Arizona's largest beer distributorship, divorced Mary Jeanne in 1945 after returning from World War II.

Hensley married Marguerite Smith, who already had a daughter now named Dixie Burd. Cindy Hensley was born in 1954.

In a statement, the McCain campaign said: "Mrs. McCain was raised as the only child of Jim and Marguerite Hensley and had no family relationship with any other sibling."

Nicholas Portalski said that's not true.

He told the Daily News, "The fact is my mother and Cindy had lots of contact" over the years. "Cindy continues to make the point that she's an only child and my mother has to relive it. She [Kathleen] always wanted to have a closer relationship with her dad."

The Portalskis are Democrats and Nicholas Portalski said of the McCains that, "it's bad enough seeing these people gunning for the highest office. This other business is just hurtful."

Kathleen Hensley Portalski said she saw her father a "few times a year. I saw him at Christmas and birthdays, and he provided money for school clothes, and he called occasionally."

The last time the Portalskis saw Cindy McCain was at Jim Hensley's funeral in 2000. They haven't spoken since.

The Portalskis were left with $10,000 from the will. Cindy received millions and the beer distributorship that anchors the family's fortune, which is estimated at more than $100 million.

Nicholas Portalski said he came forward because of "the fact that we've never been recognized, and then Cindy has to put such a fine point on it by saying something that's not true."

Does this old broad ever tell the truth? Drug addiction, claiming untruthfully she was tight with Mother Teresa, plagiarizing recipes, not paying her property taxes etc. and who knows what else is out there. She seems to think she's better than everyone else. Is this what we really want in a first lady?
wow all these half brothers and sisters

Obama's half brother was found like
Yesterday living in a shack and making
One dollar a month

His millionair half brother has only met
Him a few times but never offered any
Help. So sad

Oh by the way mccains wives houses
One of them is where an aged aunt
Is living another a daughter and two are
Investment properties

Obama should help that poor half brother
Cindy "pills" McCain has always said she's an only child, well hold on, here comes her half sister.

Does this old broad ever tell the truth? Drug addiction, claiming untruthfully she was tight with Mother Teresa, plagiarizing recipes, not paying her property taxes etc. and who knows what else is out there. She seems to think she's better than everyone else. Is this what we really want in a first lady?

It's just Republican we have to fake a perfect family BS. It's all Smoke & Mirrors for the McCain's.


Look over there....

I'm not a cheater that dumped my first wife after she waited for me!

Wait Wait look over there...

My new Trophy wife didn't steal from a Charity to feed her Vicodin addiction!

Hey Hey Hey look over there...

There's nobody in our family that we've ever denied!

When you try to be "Family Values Perfect" and you're really not even a decent example these things happen. In a word it's called Republican "Hypocrisy".
Obama has admitted to using hard core illegal drugs and has failed to mention when, if ever, he quit using them.... But Cindy McCain's prescription medication is a big deal. :rolleyes:

Tell us more about hypocrisy... its amusing.

Obama, the good Christian Family Man, was listening to anti-American rants from his racist preacher for 20 years... Only when these things become public knowledge does Obama separate himself from both. Theres your man of solid conviction in action.

God forbid anyone mention something important to our countries future... instead we just get this "politics of Change" crap, aka - more of the same old politics.

Seriously, lets hear more about hypocrisy.... just remember, people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
He made 4 million dollars last year alone, not counting what Michelle made and he couldnt do anything for his brother living in a shack making 1 dollar a month?


Does anyone know the entire circumstances/ details of that "relationship"?? Not sure one can pass that kind of judgement ......when all the facts are not known.
GenSeneca;56589]Obama has admitted to using hard core illegal drugs and has failed to mention when, if ever, he quit using them.... But Cindy McCain's prescription medication is a big deal.
Tell us more about hypocrisy... its amusing.

Well you post so you must be able to read:)... just not his book I guess. He said he experimented with drugs in college. He's been out of college for what... 25 years now.

And even back then as a young student he certainly wasn't a millionaire that STOLE CHARITY MONEY to buy them for Christ sake! Come on buddy you know that's pretty bad... you know it.

Obama, the good Christian Family Man, was listening to anti-American rants from his racist preacher for 20 years... Only when these things become public knowledge does Obama separate himself from both. Theres your man of solid conviction in action.

He's a Good Christian Family Man that was not present at the really radical rants of a preacher that he had absolutely no control over regardless. When the "preacher" continued to play to the press that's when Senator Obama said enough and moved to another Christian Church.

God forbid anyone mention something important to our countries future... instead we just get this "politics of Change" crap, aka - more of the same old politics.

Well his voting record sure doesn't look like Bush the destroyer of all things economic or sovereign. That would be John McSame. Voted with George Bush policy 95% of the time. Which is most likely to be Bush like?

Seriously, lets hear more about hypocrisy.... just remember, people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Well OK but I'm not staying up all night...

Larry Graig

Mark Foley

Ted Haggard

Larry Vitter

Rudy Guiliani

John McCain
Cindy McCain's claim to being the "only child" of Arizona beer baron Jim Hensley touched off a family feud Wednesday with an angry half-sister who was shortchanged in the will.

well, THAT speaks volumes about the rich little heiress. she is dimissing her half sister completely and rudely with her "only child " statements. Maybe she is drinking too much of the family beer. (over inflated ego too)

sounds too, like there are some pesky "issues" in her family.
Does anyone know the entire circumstances/ details of that "relationship"?? Not sure one can pass that kind of judgement ......when all the facts are not known.

Obama visted him in the shack last time he went to kenya, i think it was late 2006 or early 2007

he wrote about him in his book, apparently he has a round head. thats about all obama said.

I am not surprised obama didnt help him, his grandmother who raised him, then he threw her under the racist bus early this year, she still lives in the same dinky apartment she lived in when she raised him. easter he went to i forget what island with his family and didnt even go see his grandmother

he never gives to charity, and the year he was running for pres he gave 2% this is a man who tells us we have to give more, and give up some stuff to help the country, and he gave 2%, and of course it was to his racist church.

he is not a giving man

at least the mccains have houses to let aunts and kids live in. why cant obama buy a bigger shack for his half brother?
Seems like they both have "character flaws". The question is :how relevant are these character flaws to leadership and leadership skills.??
Seems like they both have "character flaws". The question is :how relevant are these character flaws to leadership and leadership skills.??

probably nothing or at least little.

my point is more that people should quick attacking mccain on this stupid stuff because even though obama has less than half a life time to mess up he has equally messed up, really more so than mccain

so he should stick to the suposed reasons he thinks he would make a good pres and so should his supporters.

i really dont like mccain, and i am starting to say ill vote for him just to vote against obama, but you know these silly threads

mccain has a mole riddled with cancer

mccain doesnt know how many homes he has

cindy mccain did perscription pills

those only hurt obama because when someone says cindy had a perscription pain pill problem

it makes me remember obamas admitted drug problem, and cindy isnt running for president

when someone says he dont know how many houses he has
and his wife has houses for family members to live in and obama has a half brother who lives in a shack and grandma who still lives in the same stupid apartment while he makes 4 mil a year on his books alone not counting what his wife made or his senate job that he isnt doing made and they live in a mansion gotten by by shady deals.

its not helping obama its just making people like me who dont really like mccain feel more sure ill have to vote for him.
what you seem to be saying is that the more trivial crap is used against McCain.......the more you feel you need to defend him.

I guess it is up to us to figure out what is truly important and what is not. That is the problem with todays politics. and the media's role in it. Everything gets twisted / bent out of shape and priority, sensationalized until it is hard to sift through the crap to find what is important. Then there are so many things /issues that the candidates are hesitant to even mention as they know the reactions they will get. Yet, some of these issues are critically important.