Citizens sign petition to ban American Flag


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2015
"Media analyst Mark Dice’s latest stunt illustrates the stunning level of ignorance surrounding the issue and how easily led Americans are when told to support anything in the name of putting a stop to racism.

Although some refused to sign, when told that Old Glory has a history of “imperialism and racism,” numerous San Diegans agreed, with one man commenting, “It sounds like a great idea.” "
I wouldn't say that it's just Americans that are easily fooled when the racism word gets used.

The same would happen in a lot of countries, people hear racism and they immediately believe everything they are told. Here in the UK it's the same and people pull the racist card our at the drop of a hat.
It's not hard to believe when you think about 40+ years of systematic brainwashing that has taken place in some western cultures. Government schools have acted as indoctrination camps, where kids learn very little academic material, and a whole lot of social BS.
Well, to be honest, they're looking at things realistically. Everyone is cutting down the Confederate flag. In fact, TV Land won't even show the Dukes of Hazzard now. :rolleyes: Nonetheless, most bad stuff like racism and imperalism was done under the US flag. However, whether it be the Stars and Stripes or Stars and Bars, people are just being way to sensitive nowadays. Sure lots of bad stuff went on, but also many good things. In the end, the good vastly outweighs the bad.
I agree about the Confederate flag, to my knowledge, that flag didn't shoot anyone! Actually, I would say that most racism, or whatever people want to call it, has been carried out under a different flag altogether. Remember the fact that slaves were rounded up by their own tribesmen and sold to foreigners! I wonder how many people know, or will believe that the 1st. slave owner in America was a black man named Anthony Johnson!
Well, even though all Confederate flag fans aren't extreme racists, nearly all extreme racists support the Confederate flag. o_O The Confederate flag was only brought back from the closet in the 1950s when the South was being pressured to integrate. However, it is wrong that the society has went into PC overkill and have demanded it be totally banned though. However, the past and present day actions of extreme racists have made it easy for the government and big business to negatively target it.
Just a side note about the 1950's and racism: Not many people will believe or acknowledge who the southern racists were back then. The south was run by democrats, and they were the ones who were determined to keep blacks and whites separate! It's funny how since integration became the norm, the democrat propaganda machine has been thrown into overdrive, blaming all the southern racism on the Republican party.
The best strategy is to ignore the flag. This situation is similar to one where the government makes a law where somebody can't say a certain word. Sure enough, some punk will want to say it.:rolleyes: However, the Confederate flag should be taken down from government buildings. The reason for this action lies in the fact many of these states have a large black population, and a majority of them don't like the flag. Well, at least they don't want to displayed by the government.

Just a side note about the 1950's and racism: Not many people will believe or acknowledge who the southern racists were back then. The south was run by democrats, and they were the ones who were determined to keep blacks and whites separate! It's funny how since integration became the norm, the democrat propaganda machine has been thrown into overdrive, blaming all the southern racism on the Republican party.

Actually, Eisenhower did the more for Civil Rights than Kennedy or Johnson. The reason blacks flocked to the Democratic party was due to their support of massive government aid programs. Actually, they switched sides when Rooselvelt was in office, but Johnson was the one who put in the programs blacks really liked and came to depend on. I'm not sure how much support Kennedy or Johnson got from blacks due to civil rights alone.

Note, even though I think most Republicans supported civil rights measures, southern whites began to switch to the Republican party after 1968, maybe earlier. Possibly because Nixon promoted a southern strategy, one which later Reagan supported. This strategy accepted civil rights, but besides that, was reluctant to give too many concessions to minorities. As for Nixon himself, he was actually a mild closet racist, but not as much as most white southerners, and he didn't really care about southern traditions, seeing as he was from California.
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Pols make a show of taking a flag from a pole and claim action.
In fact this changes nothing other than tweaking racial tensions in the name of assauging them.
Don't you love how govt wastes your money and jets you around ?
I wouldn't say that it's just Americans that are easily fooled when the racism word gets used.

The same would happen in a lot of countries, people hear racism and they immediately believe everything they are told. Here in the UK it's the same and people pull the racist card our at the drop of a hat.

That, and people are so terrified of being seen as racist that they will kowtow to almost anything these days. God forbid anyone have a real, or worse yet... a different... opinion.

Militant PCism is making people crazy (or should I say crazier?).
Society these days is certainly trying to stamp out individual opinion, and if anybody dares to speak their mind then there's usually one party, or organization that's ready to label that person as a bigot/Nazi/racist...or anything else they can think of.
I disagree with banning the American flag, in full of America's past and present. Despite all that America is and has done to anyone who doesn't fit a certain "demographic", America has also provided several privileges as well. You get the good with the bad, something that occurs with every nation because humans aren't perfect.
A nations flag represents that country, no matter what. Just by banning something, that isn't going to also erase that certain part of history.

I'm sure every country in the world will have parts of its history that its not proud of, but at the end of the day it's the bad, aswell as the good that makes a country what it is.
I wouldn't say that it's just Americans that are easily fooled when the racism word gets used.

The same would happen in a lot of countries, people hear racism and they immediately believe everything they are told. Here in the UK it's the same and people pull the racist card our at the drop of a hat.
The Race Card Is a Joker

Political Correctness is a dead language. When anyone says "racism, sexism, homophobia," he might as well be speaking Latin.
It's not hard to believe when you think about 40+ years of systematic brainwashing that has taken place in some western cultures. Government schools have acted as indoctrination camps, where kids learn very little academic material, and a whole lot of social BS.
"The Rich Create Jobs" Is As Dumb As Saying That Vampires Create Blood

"Government" schools? You really have to be dumbed-down to think that. They are designed to provide the plutocracy with stupid, passive, obedient, and intimidated employees who will accept low wages and think the owners created their jobs.