Debate Night 10/15

My 14 year old, who has a slight interest in the debate, though Palin was the candidate and McCain was her dad, a retired old pol who was helping her out.

Comments included .."no way - he's 80 years old" ... "I thought he retired 20 years ago.."he's a douche"
My 14 year old, who has a slight interest in the debate, though Palin was the candidate and McCain was her dad, a retired old pol who was helping her out.

Comments included .."no way - he's 80 years old" ... "I thought he retired 20 years ago.."he's a douche"

Yeah you are right. Its way better to have the old and experienced part of your ticket on the bottom and let jr with no experience be on the top.
fox is saying obama did better, 4 people in the focus group changed to obama

i did not think obama did bad, i just thought mccain did better.

but fox is in the tank for mccain so i dont know what the heck they are doing saying obama won when I think mccain did

As much as Fox can try to manipulate the news, maybe they were unsuccessful manipulating the Focus group?

All polls that were solely comprised of Independents showed Obama as the clear winner of the debate. Many folks said that McCain came across as very angry. That doesn't look presidential, no matter how you try to slice and dice it. Frankly, what scares the crap out of me is that our country's future may be in the hands of the "Undecideds". It is beyond me how people can still be undecided at this point. Commit, folks! The Daily Show did a great pie chart of the Undecided voters. I'll have to find it and post it. To paraphrase, it included slices like "STUPID - 47%", "Racist Democrats - 11%", "Commitment phobic" and some others. It was hilarious, but actually if you thought about it too long, it was kind of sad.
This much of your post I can agree with you on.

I personally am not a socialist, I am also not a communist
I am not someone who is "into" worshiping my president as some kind of messiah.
I am not someone who thinks stealing from one group to give to anther is ethical or decent.
If "that one" becomes president, it will be through voter fraud first off, and second it will destroy the country as we know it. We will become like every other socialist country out there and the one thing that made us differnt than everyone else will be gone.

So I agree with you its the make us or break us election.

But becoming a pathetic socialist country who is led by a ... my gosh there really are no words to describe your leader.. is not a direction I am willing to go without a fight.

I am trying to think if there is any country who was sucked into socialism but was able to get out of it, and I cant really think of any.... I feel pure dread when I think of it.

Curious as to how you can attribute Obama winning to "voter fraud" when every poll out there (on the LEFT, RIGHT and in-between) shows Obama ahead anywhere from 6% to 12%! Are you saying voter fraud is being perpetrated via the polls? How can you attribute this to voter fraud?

Voter fraud is always a legitimate concern, (there sure was plenty to go around in the last few elections) but unless Obama was BEHIND in the polls and then wins, I don't see how you can attribute that to voter fraud. It just isn't logical. Or, are you counting on so many racists being in our midst that there will be a giant "Bradley effect" going on? Please explain your logic, because it sure as hell seems faulty to me.
Military - 20%

Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and Welfare - 66%

You could fund the ENTIRE military budget by cutting the waste from the above 4 programs and NOT interrupt or otherwise denigrate the services they provide.~ Gen

I can do you one better than that. Provide universal health coverage at low premiums to a central and strictly monitored pool, then bring american jobs home by imposing sanctions on companies that outsource and higher tariffs on imports to nullify what they were trying to save by outsourcing. Do those two things and you watch our country get off welfare, not need medicare or medicaid. Social Security will work if more people are working and paying into it...duh...

Two things

1. Universal health coverage

2. Bring jobs home.

Those two things spell success for our country.

can you agree that the socialists in the government have far to many programs that are wasteful and not working and need cutting too?~ NoObamanation

Yes, I say we start first with cutting funding to public roads, sewer sytems and water systems, police forces, fire departments, schools and such. Then we'll progress to cutting the socialized military (you know, run from a pool of public tax money for the benefit of all). Do you even realize what socialism is? You think "Evil Russian Empire" or "Red China" every time you drive down the road? How inane can you be?

That's funny Stalin, my son also calls McCain a "Douche bag". Though I think that Jon Stewarts comparison of McCain to Smeagle was far more accurate (and funny as hell! :p ). He is like a old man infested with a spirit of evil who wrestles for control of his soul. You can see this angst on his face every time he makes an appearance.