Do you think Clinton or Trump is the best candidate?

Why are you afraid of my question Old_Trapper70: You are always screaming about how much you hate right-wingers. Then you support a very extreme conservative. Tell us why.

Maybe your head is so far up Hillary's ass you can't hear the question?

No fool, I just can't seem to get an idea of what asinine comment you are looking for, and it has to be asinine since nothing you say makes sense. You keep referring to your wet dream girl Hillary as if you have some kind of obsession with her.

As to Castle, why do you think he is extreme? What part of the Constitution, or the ideology of the founders, do you think he disagrees with? But then, you comfusse in your wee liddle mind right wingers with conservatives. Right wingers are not conservatives, they are closer to Fascists.
As to Castle, why do you think he is extreme? What part of the Constitution, or the ideology of the founders, do you think he disagrees with?
Extreme does not = bad.

Castle wants to:"Secure the borders/Control immigration.

Withdraw from the United Nations, NATO, TPP, Nafta, Cafta, Gatt, WTO, etc.

End the Federal Reserve and return monetary policy to Congress where the Constitution places it."

I'm not saying that's bad, only that these views are outside the political mainstream as embodied by Hillary Clinton. Trump is one of the few major figures who comes close to agreeing with Castle.

I'm afraid you've exposed yourself as a fraud who wants to divide conservatives in an effort to serve the Clinton crime family.

But then, you comfusse in your wee liddle mind right wingers with conservatives.
On what specific policies do you disagree with right-wingers?
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Old_Trapper70 you are so devoted to conservatism and the Constitution, yet you never criticize Hillary Clinton. Why is that? You support Darrell Castle, whose views are the polar opposite of Hillary's, and yet you never criticize Hillary Clinton. Why is that?
Old_Trapper70 you are so devoted to conservatism and the Constitution, yet you never criticize Hillary Clinton. Why is that? You support Darrell Castle, whose views are the polar opposite of Hillary's, and yet you never criticize Hillary Clinton. Why is that?

Because hammer head, I am too busy proving you are full of shit, and, as I said before, I could not care less about the Clintons, just that people like you with your ********* are going to get her elected.

BTW, did you see where the Clintons released their tax records for last year? They gave away 9.6% to charity, and paid 34% in taxes. Where are the returns for the one you get down on your knees for looking for dinner, and dessert, Trump?
Because hammer head, I am too busy proving you are full of shit, and, as I said before, I could not care less about the Clintons,
You don't care if Hillary is elected even though her views are the polar opposite of the views of your candidate?!

C'mon stop pretending. You are on the left. Are you ashamed of being a leftist?

Old_Trapper70 you are so devoted to conservatism and the Constitution, yet you never criticize Hillary Clinton. Why is that?

On what specific policies do you disagree with right-wingers?

Stop running from my questions.

So much fun exposing Old_Fraud70! lol
If the election was a popularity contest to choose who would be the better friend or neighbor, then the choice would be easy. Gary Johnson is the only nice person running for President this election.

All the other candidates have one thing in common. They want to tell us all how to live our lives. They are busy-body power-mongers who want to rule. They may mean to rule well, but they do mean to rule.

The two big-party candidates are both proven liars, over and over again. Neither can be trusted. Neither can be believed. It is downright dangerous to give any power to pathological liars.

Unfortunately most politicians are pathological liars. Some are just more difficult to catch than others.

And elections aren't about who would make a good neighbor. Elections are about who is fit to rule over others.

It is my opinion that there isn't anybody on this planet fit to rule over others.

If, as the slogan says, "Your Vote Is Your Power!" then I refuse to give my power to any politician.

Voting makes the voter an accomplice to the winning politicians' political crimes.

I can't accept those terms, so my conscience won't let me vote. Not even for a nice guy like Gary.

El Veto-Voter