Does this make me a


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2010
In my mind... Everybody is capable of achieving except liberals. Liberals just want to stop achieving and replace it with shufflefooted handouts. Look at how well blacks have done under the banner of liberalism since 1965 when LBJ declared they would be democrats for the next 100 years...

Unemployment in 1965 for blacks was just 3% today its 27%

Out of wedlock children in 1965 it was just 5% now it is 96%!

Welfare for blacks in 1965 was 10% today it is 60% of the entire black population in the USA!!!!!!!!!!!!! 60 freaking %!!!!

96% of blacks that voted, voted for more of this kind of slavery.

Democrats have always been the party of slavery since Lincoln. They fought Lincoln at every turn eventually killing him. Then democrats became the great white fathers and mothers of blacks, sure that blacks could not make it without the help of their liberal great white fathers and mothers, they installed policies to keep blacks dependent on gov handouts. The net result is slavery under the guise of the helping white hand. What it really says is that democrats don't believe blacks are equal or capable of success without their great white father and mother interventions. So affirmative action was created, more welfare, until now we have a black race that is dependent. And liberals bend over backwards treating blacks like lost children. Well IMO there is no equality there.

The greatest racial disrespect you can show anybody is to create a system of power by which you tell them they can't make it on their own; so the dependency is in place and look at the yield... 96% vote democratic and they have the highest drop out rate, highest per capita drug addiction, highest per capita jail, highest rate of black on black violent crime. Yet the liberal politicians are all smiles though they have virtually destroyed an entire class of citizens that they disrespect by calling them too weak to make it on their own.

Even last week that racist eric holder was after police departments to lower the test admissions requirements because blacks were not doing well on the tests. So weaken blacks even more... turn them into social invalids... that's the democratic party for you, with morals lower than anyone can crawl.

I believe in absolute equality no nepotism, no affirmative action; you meet the requirements and you get the job. There is no room for racism in our society especially the long standing racisms of the democratic party. Haven't you done enough damage to blacks with your new handout and affirmative action slave trade? This has to change!

just sayin