Employee Free Choice Act - big mistake

Unions are massive contributors to politicians because inherently Unions are "against" supposed big corporate bosses. Since there is a political party that uses that same "us vs them" rhetoric, the two go together very well.

Can someone please define "right to work"? What exactly does that mean?
I didin't mean it in that context Andy and my apologies for portraying it that way. I meant to say they have the ability to choose who and how much to work for. That is their freedom of choice.

There is no "right to work" as I mis -stated. There is no company that owes anyone a job either. As well as there is no such thing as a person has the "right" to health-care or benefits supplied by an employer.
In a truly evolved society, we each work roughly four hours/day on annual average, nobody is overworked for stockholders' benefits, nobody is chained to unhealthy conditions for less than a living wage, unions simply aren't necessary, no one is ever out of work, and, of course, we all pull together for our common security without losing our individual freedom.

Of course, in a truly evolved society we aren't over-populating the planet like wild hares, and people like Octo Mom aren't overnight celebrities.

Maybe rather than forcing unions into places that would bankrupt those places, we would be better off sterilizing the more promiscuous members of the herd, for as long as it takes, just to bring the numbers of us down to a point where there are less workers than jobs.

Then we'll all be on a more equal footing ... and the need for unions will disappear under the force of a more equally balanced laissez faire ... if you'll pardon my oxymoronic point of view.

In a truly evolved society, we each work roughly four hours/day on annual average, nobody is overworked for stockholders' benefits, nobody is chained to unhealthy conditions for less than a living wage, unions simply aren't necessary, no one is ever out of work, and, of course, we all pull together for our common security without losing our individual freedom.

1. No one is overworked for stockholders. We each choose to do the job that we do, or we choose not to.

2. Nobody is chained to unhealthy conditions. Anyone can leave their job at any time.

3. It is impossible to have a situation where no one is ever out of work, unless we revoke freedom.

4. As long as their is freedom, not everyone will "pull together for our common security". If we force everyone to "pull together for our common security", then there is not freedom.

Of course, in a truly evolved society we aren't over-populating the planet like wild hares, and people like Octo Mom aren't overnight celebrities.

We are not over populating the planet.

Maybe rather than forcing unions into places that would bankrupt those places, we would be better off sterilizing the more promiscuous members of the herd, for as long as it takes, just to bring the numbers of us down to a point where there are less workers than jobs.

Refer back to your comment on 'freedom'. This would be an infringement of that.

Then we'll all be on a more equal footing ... and the need for unions will disappear under the force of a more equally balanced laissez faire ... if you'll pardon my oxymoronic point of view.

As long as there is freedom, there will not be "equal footing". If there is "equal footing" by force, there can not be freedom.
no need for unions when it comes to safety anymore. we have OSHA and Fed guidelines.

The law requires any company union or not to pay at least a min wage, to have a clean air, safe equipment, a 10 min paid break every two hours and an unpaid half hour break for lunch every 4 hours.

there is no need for unions anymore except to strong arm companies.

before federal guidelines unions were more than useful but now its only good for protecting lazy workers and bleeding the company for more than the worker is worth. my union is living proof of that

OSHA and those Federal guidelines came into being BECAUSE of unions being able to collectively speak with one voice! Single workers couldn't do CRAP!

It's just like in the nonunion auto plants now. The very fact they have certain safety guidelines and things all the way down to how many restrooms a manufacturing plant must have compared to its number of employees are all things unions were able to establish for all workers.

I know several union workers in both the Auto Industry and the Masonry Trade. I can assure you they are neither lazy nor trying to bleed their work away by forcing their companies to go under.

The bottom line here is we either want American wages and standards so Americans can SAFELY prosper and raise families... or we're Republicans that want to see all American workers in a great race to the BOTTOM and try to live on Chinese or Korean wages and enjoy their pitiful safety standards.

I'm for American Workers and good jobs... and not just passing the buck for the greed and lack of innovation at the top trying to blame hard working AMERICANS!

OSHA and those Federal guidelines came into being BECAUSE of unions being able to collectively speak with one voice! Single workers couldn't do CRAP!

It's just like in the nonunion auto plants now. The very fact they have certain safety guidelines and things all the way down to how many restrooms a manufacturing plant must have compared to its number of employees are all things unions were able to establish for all workers.

I know several union workers in both the Auto Industry and the Masonry Trade. I can assure you they are neither lazy nor trying to bleed their work away by forcing their companies to go under.

The bottom line here is we either want American wages and standards so Americans can SAFELY prosper and raise families... or we're Republicans that want to see all American workers in a great race to the BOTTOM and try to live on Chinese or Korean wages and enjoy their pitiful safety standards.

I'm for American Workers and good jobs... and not just passing the buck for the greed and lack of innovation at the top trying to blame hard working AMERICANS!

I do not disagree that unions were valuable and had a place, but there is no reason for them any more now that we have government agencys to make sure workers are treated fair and safe.

what honestly do you need a union for now that we have all those other programs for

I will tell you

to protect lazy wortheless workers
to extort money from those useless lazy workers
to rape the company for all they can get even if it means the company goes under

there was once a place for unions, that time has ended