Good day, monkeys


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2007
Up your butt, Jobu.
I was invited over here from a dying/dead site...I'm looking forward to actually having people around to debate. Or just to have people around to yell at me for saying what i say.

Dig it!

Why was the site dying? Didn't they like the same things that you obviously like?
Why was the site dying? Didn't they like the same things that you obviously like?

It is a very old forum that has undergone a couple of reincarnations and is now ultimately failing due to the moderators.
Hi I see we agree on one point already simply from your name. Welcome to the board. It's a decent place with some rather charged debates filling up some servers harddisks with tons of stalemates. But welcome nonetheless. Also, moderators here are actually more lax than you'd expect, as long as you don't go calling people names and being a nonsensical you'll be ok...well...we have roker and steveox, so maybe they're even laxer than I give them :p...