Has America gone "Looney Tunes"?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2009
Well, If one looks at the choices we have made for President in just the period from 1992 to 2008, 16 years ,it does show we must be mentally unstable or grossly ignorant as to both our Constitution and our nation's course. For example,in 1992 we elected a sexual pervert , one who showed all signs of being so. His total disrespect of women was shown in his actions time and time again.His activities as Governor of Arkansas was hardly an endorsement for being President .But as with Obama , a biased national news media for the most part covered for him but even so due to his ignorance and the volume of his offenses some made headlines.Then his media would , say "Oh, everybody does that" lol,lol
We kept dumming down our values until they became so low he was reelected in 1996.
In 2000 we elected G.W.Bush, former Governour of Texas, who appeared to have spirit , nerves, courage , love for America ,and America's Values. Soon after his election, September 2001.America was attackd by muslim terrorist and over 3000 American Citizens died as the Twin Towers in New york City were destroyed.Our President Bush was the man for this job . He rallied the Nation, People of political parties who loved America joined together to resist these terrorists . Legislation that was badly needed was passed as liberal democrats and republicans worked with Conservative democrats and republicans to pass needed legislation to protect America.While this period in time was a disaster it also was one of America's finest moment as politicians forgot their greed and selfishness and worked for America.Little did we know President Bush would soon become hated by radical liberal democrats and a very few radical liberal republicans .They would team up to destroy President Bush and America if necessary.In short it took them eight years of lies , deceit , and a willing lying national news media but they finnaly destroyed his spirit and in doing so greatly harmed America .Bush ended his Presidency as wild a liberal as any of his radical democrats.His damage to America by doing this is unknown at this time but it will be shameful at best. TARP was and is his most shameful legacy!
In 2008 , as a result of the lies , distortions , and just plain hate for America , the radical leftist National news media were responsible for the election of an unknown radical leftist or marxist , Barack Hussien Obama.He was sold to the Citizens of America as a "CHANGE" for America .Neither the media or Mr. Obama ever told us what his changes would entail. To our shame we never demanded that he do so , at least not in a voice loud enough to drown out his supporters of doom. Yes, Obama was elected and in just nine months millions realize we have been had. It seems we now live in Russia , or Cuba , or China , or some other State Controlled police state . Obama confiscated our Auto Mfg. , many of our Banks , our Mortgage Companies. Our school children are learning songs singing praises to Obama , GOD is not allowed in our schools but Obama is forced.This is just a very short accounting of how much and some of why, America has being destroyed not from outside our borders but from the inside. Can America be returned to sanity ? If we have any chance at all it will only be with the HELP of GOD . In the elections of 2010 and 2012, WE must VOTE FOR OUR PRINCIPLES OVER PARTY! If any candidate does not support YOUR PRINCIPLES then DO NOT SUPPORT THAT CANDIDATE, BE THEY democrat or republican, or independent! GOD BLESS AMERICA!
Ever since a large percentage of Americans decided they could use government to take money from part of the population and give it to the rest, yes, we have been "Looney Tunes".

The election of Obama and the current Dem congress, has accelerated this trend.
The looney is writing the tooney in this OP. This OP is an excellent anti-history. As twisted a view of reality as I have ever seen.
Well, If one looks at the choices we have made for President in just the period from 1992 to 2008, 16 years ,it does show we must be mentally unstable or grossly ignorant as to both our Constitution and our nation's course.
Yeah, the '90s were quite the $tre$$ful-period, in this Country. Ask you Mom & Dad....or, anyone else you might know, who was a working/tax-paying adult, back then.)


(BTW, that's "...d-u-m-b-i-n-g down...". You weren't an English Major, were you? :rolleyes: )​
Ever since a large percentage of Americans decided they could use government to take money from part of the population and give it to the rest, yes, we have been "Looney Tunes".
No doubt.

As profitable as health-insurance companies are, they hardly need a constant-flow of Federal-subsidies. Their stockholders should be relying on these companies investments...instead of tax-dollars...to enhance their dividends.​
ALWAYS asked: Has America gone "Looney Tunes"?
Walk to the nearest mirror and stand there and look deeply into that reflection and just act like a 'nodding dog'...Gee see how easy that was...you just answered your very own question:rolleyes:

But I digress...it would appear that the seething/radical/hate mongers are crawling out of the wood work...the past election brought you out here into the daylight :eek:
Ever since a large percentage of Americans decided they could use government to take money from part of the population and give it to the rest, yes, we have been "Looney Tunes".

The election of Obama and the current Dem congress, has accelerated this trend.

Thank You for agreeing with REALITY! You are to be congratulated for seeing and understanding my brillant and unbiased analysis of period from 1992- 2008, a period of radical liberal decadence. It is from the damage to our Nation and our precious Constitution ,caused by this liberal decadence , that we as a people now suffer from a serious threat of fascism . History has shown that radical liberalism grows seeds of even worse destruction to a nation . The shadow of fascism hovers over our land like a killing fog .Only a fresh wind of freedom assisted by the love, mercy , and forgiveness of our GOD can save America! America is in grave danger! GOD HELP AMERICA!
"The middle of the road is all the usable surface. The extremes of left and right are in the gutters." President IKE. I'm sure by quoting him some of you will label him a Communist or a Nazi too just like with Bush and Obama...