How Much Will Obama Cost?


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2007
As put forth by Senator Allard of Colorado.

Find the Floor Speech here.

A few notables:

Sen. Obama has offered 188 campaign proposals that would add up to at least $300 billion in new annual spending. That has a 5-year cost of more than $1.4 TRILLION. Of the 188 new spending proposals, the $300 billion price tag only covers 111 proposals. There are another 77 proposals with unknown cost estimates that will add billions to this number.

To put this in perspective, this $300 billion spending proposals would cost more than 42 states’ budgets combined (general fund expenditures). It is more than the United States spent last year on imported oil ($294 billion net). It is more than 60% larger than any one-year federal spending increase, ever. Who will pay for the proposed $300 billion increase in spending? Middle-class American taxpayers and small businesses (which are the engine of growth for our economy), that’s who. Raising taxes on just the “rich” simply won’t cover it.

Senator Obama has promised to pay for his record new spending increases with a tax increase on families making $250,000 and over. However, this increase would only yield $225 billion over 5 years, a far cry short of the $1.4 trillion required under his new spending plan.

According to CBO, President Clinton’s 1993 tax increase raised taxes $240.6 billion over five years. The late Senator Patrick Moynihan (D-NY) called it the “largest tax increase in the history of public finance in the United States or anywhere else in the world.” But this proposal will increase spending $300 billion in a single-year!

Added to all of this is of course his global poverty plan, which will send another trillion dollars out the door over these same five years. Where is this money going to come from? Even if we were not spending one cent in Iraq, he would still be a little over a trillion dollars short right now.
Who cares? Only a Racist would ask such a question... :)

Obama is a strong charactered man of principal, a Christian family man who's inexperience means his moral compass has not been tainted by Washington entrenchment. Hope can overcome our challenges, Belief will carry us through the difficult times ahead, this is our moment - this is our time for Change!

Obama in '08! Bankruptcy in '09! YES WE CAN!!!

If I missed any of the talking points, one of the bots will be along...
Who cares? Only a Racist would ask such a question... :)

Obama is a strong charactered man of principal, a Christian family man who's inexperience means his moral compass has not been tainted by Washington entrenchment. Hope can overcome our challenges, Belief will carry us through the difficult times ahead, this is our moment - this is our time for Change!

Obama in '08! Bankruptcy in '09! YES WE CAN!!!

If I missed any of the talking points, one of the bots will be along...

Judgement to lead,

You forgot he has the judgement to lead....... lead us straight to hell but at least he has the judgement :)
Who cares? Only a Racist would ask such a question... :)

Obama is a strong charactered man of principal, a Christian family man who's inexperience means his moral compass has not been tainted by Washington entrenchment. Hope can overcome our challenges, Belief will carry us through the difficult times ahead, this is our moment - this is our time for Change!

Obama in '08! Bankruptcy in '09! YES WE CAN!!!

If I missed any of the talking points, one of the bots will be along...

But did you not hear? It is Bush's fault that Obama has to spend this much money. Bush is responsible for everything last time I checked. Except he is not responsible for the new success in Iraq, that was something else.

The surge was supposed to increase violence, that was Obama's statement wasn't it? Bush must have lied again.
GAH! Judgment to lead!!! OF COURSE!!

There are a couple other programmed responses that I forgot... I'm sure if we ring the bell, the Bots will drool like Pavlovian dogs and come slobbering:

As put forth by Senator Allard of Colorado.

Find the Floor Speech here.

A few notables:

Added to all of this is of course his global poverty plan, which will send another trillion dollars out the door over these same five years. Where is this money going to come from? Even if we were not spending one cent in Iraq, he would still be a little over a trillion dollars short right now.

Since he is citizen and leader of the world rather than of the US perhaps he should tax them too.
Just look around at what W. and the pubbies have done & borrowed & spent. Pretty much anything besides I'm not a criminal enabler, a liar and an economic idiot will be a vast improvement.

Let's be honest. The Republicans have sat the bar very very low...;)
Just look around at what W. and the pubbies have done & borrowed & spent. Pretty much anything besides I'm not a criminal enabler, a liar and an economic idiot will be a vast improvement.

Let's be honest. The Republicans have sat the bar very very low...;)

So you hold NONE of the Democrats accountable for ANY of our current budgetary crisis? After all, they DID sign off on all that new debt under W... piling as MUCH on as possible since people like yourself only blame W anyway.

Top Gun... do you REALLY not care at all about our debt or are you under the impression that Obama will make things BETTER and not worse? I don't like much about McCain, but at least he's actually campaigning on cutting SOME gov waste and spending...
Just look around at what W. and the pubbies have done & borrowed & spent. Pretty much anything besides I'm not a criminal enabler, a liar and an economic idiot will be a vast improvement.

Let's be honest. The Republicans have sat the bar very very low...;)

So your response to this is basically "Bush has spent a lot too"? Yes Bush spent a lot, and if you are upset about government spending then perhaps you should rethink your position on Obama, since he will effectively double what Bush has spent.
I don't like much about McCain, but at least he's actually campaigning on cutting SOME gov waste and spending...

In 2000 Bush campaigned on cutting government waste and spending too. Turns out he's the biggest spender since LBJ, working in tandem with a Republican Congress the majority of the time.

What makes you think John McCain will be any different? Republicans are great at saying one thing and doing another.
In 2000 Bush campaigned on cutting government waste and spending too. Turns out he's the biggest spender since LBJ, working in tandem with a Republican Congress the majority of the time.

What makes you think John McCain will be any different? Republicans are great at saying one thing and doing another.

McCain has a record for fighting Gov waste and Bush never did.

Republicans are great at saying one thing and doing another.

And do you really think thats not ALSO true for Democrats?
In 2000 Bush campaigned on cutting government waste and spending too. Turns out he's the biggest spender since LBJ, working in tandem with a Republican Congress the majority of the time.

What makes you think John McCain will be any different? Republicans are great at saying one thing and doing another.

Issue still remains. Obama will have a Democrat Congress and is openly proposing trillions in excess spending. Bush is not running again. Obama will make Bush's spending look like nothing.

I cannot understand the logic for this. Obama wants to spend more than Bush ever dreamed of, but since you are mad about Bush for spending so much, you will support Obama?