Hurricane Sandy's Aftermath


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2012
thenthey're ontheir own and shame on Christie for allowing it.

His career--once quite bright--is now about as attractive as his 116-inch waistline.
He--is toast--and history as a conservative.
It is these times--where you make it or break it.
Maybe he wants a cushy position in another Obama administration--he seems to be supporting it.
you know, I could not believe how pathetic the population in New Orleans was responding to Katrina but I swear these losers in NYC and Jersey are worse. more proof (not that we needed it) that the nanny state is a bain of terrible effect.
you know, I could not believe how pathetic the population in New Orleans was responding to Katrina but I swear these losers in NYC and Jersey are worse. more proof (not that we needed it) that the nanny state is a bain of terrible effect.

I couldn't believe they were all crying because no one had brought them food or water.....after two days. Have these people never gone camping and planned a weeks' meals out of a backpack? Did they not read the weather report or heed the evacuation orders?
I couldn't believe they were all crying because no one had brought them food or water.....after two days. Have these people never gone camping and planned a weeks' meals out of a backpack? Did they not read the weather report or heed the evacuation orders?

these parasites do nothing, expect room service and are bitching because the pizza is cold.
I would kill myself if I ever became such a thing.
you know, I could not believe how pathetic the population in New Orleans was responding to Katrina but I swear these losers in NYC and Jersey are worse. more proof (not that we needed it) that the nanny state is a bain of terrible effect.

Actually--it is O-N-L-Y a matter of how the Ministry of Mainstream Propaganda Ministries choose to pick the pathetic types (usually with missing teeth and a child on the hip, subject to regional prejudices) to interview and pay to give hysterical narratives who make things seem so bad. Not that they are not unfortunate--just the emotional pleadings.
We saw this--in spades--in the Katrina affair. I remember one man who was angry, indignant and horrified and he exclaimed--"we got nothing! we ain't had no meat to eat in three days!" Plenty of food, mind you, but no 'meat'.

In advertising--the biggest joke of all--THE biggest--a source of howling laughs when suggested--is the mindless prattle known as the "testimonial".

Every testimonial--whether it is advertising or news--is and always has been 100% contrived and not one--not a SINGLE ONE--is real, heart-felt or genuine.

Interesting footnote to the storm--Gallup "suspended" it's daily tracking of voters--allegedly because of the storm, but it curiously vanished when Romney clearly stayed in the lead--I wonder why? Coincidence? And God knows--they always slant the tally with more democrats.

See the story here--

I noted with interest that more than 20% of the LGBT community supports Romney.
Perhaps they know which side of one's bread is buttered?
Another power company turned away - I wonder how the people of Stanten Island feel about unions now.

Georgia power crew turned away from Sandy-stricken New York for refusing to join union

Unions are cartels.
No different--really--than drug cartels.
ALL they want is more money and power and "the people" can go straight to hell as far as they are concerned.
Let nothing--be forgotten here.
Life--and--death means NOTHING to these people.
They are also almost all democrats.