If you were the President during 9-11 would you have done?


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
If i was the president on 9/11 i would done almost sxame routine Bush did. But during that Televised speech i would order Afgainstan to turn over Bin Laden to to the U.S Embassy for an arrest. They have 48 hours to do so. If you dont turn over Bin Laden i would launch a 100 Magaton Nuclear warhead into Kabul and i also would launch another 100 Magaton Nuclear warhead into Riyadh. And they probley would refuse and then This would happen in 48 hours later.

Riyadh Gone 1.5 Million dead.


Kabul Gone 750,000 + Dead.

Then i would Get back on TV adress why i did this. Then id say i just sent a power message to the world. You mess with America you deal with me. America has Nuclear weapons,,We will use them again. Like this TV President did.

This probably explains why you are not the POTUS.

Exploding the tonnage you quote would of course destroy any exports of petroleum to the US, with a complete collapse of the economy.

Also, all the expatriate US citizens in Riyadh and environs, probably in the tens of thousands, would be killed - more than at New York.

More thinking and less brain explosions are called for.

This is enough food for the troll today.

Comrade Stalin