IN Mexico, our Monuments shows government' corruption

One of the managers of the Sinaloa`s Cartel is Joaquín El Chapo ( Shorty, because he is not tall) Guzmán.


there is a gossip that says he has been protected by actual Mexican government.

IN Mexico, if you want to be really rich, you have to be politician or drug dealer, on legal name lender for a politicians as Mr Carlo$ $lim were.

With a decent living you won't go to any place :D

When Fox was president this guy could get away from jail. Mr. Giuzmán is in the forbes list as one of the wealthiest men in the whole world.


He doesnt look Dangerous. But suppose i travel into mexico. What kind of gang id run into?
Accountability for the ambassador of the United States asks Senator Rosario Green, former Foreign Relation Secretary

By Raúl Muñoz

Senator Rosario Green suggest to declare "persona non grata” denouncing that the Ambassador knew about the smuggling weapons operation

(March 8th., 2011

AGUASCALIENTES.- The ambassador of the United States, Carlos Pascual,
knew about the operation by which it was allowed the smuggling of two thousand weapons to Mexico, so they could follow them afterwards.

That was pointed out by Senator Rosario Green who considers that the operation was a flagrant violation of Mexico’s sovereignty, so Mexican President, Felipe Calderon has the right to demand an explanation.

" surely he was well informed, as nothing happens without being seen by the U. S. Embassy, but as they have such stressing and difficult relationship….. She said before her assistance to a forum about gender violence in Aguascalientes State..

Meanwhile she consider that the ambassador can't be taken as an ally or as an enemy

According to a CBS report, an ATF officer revealed that one of the weapons allowed to pass through Mexico by the program "Fast & Furious” ended being used to kill a border patrol officer

Alter knowing the report; Mexican Foreign Relations office announced that they will ask a detailed information from the United States’ government about this matter.

Senator Green considered that this sovereignty violation should be translated in a harsh critic by Mexican society to President Barak Obama, and not only a simple statement, by the Mexican foreign relations Secretariat.

It has to turn into a severe critic to an American President by Mexican society, because he promises in one side "that he’s going to help our fight against illegal weapons,” :D:p and by the other side there is an 11 (eleven) month allowed program known, ( or that should be known) by the U. S: that allows this illegal weapon smuggling into Mexico with the official Seal of the United States.

To a question about if President Calderón should declare the U. S. Embassador a non grata person, Green only said that “he should take the next step.”

He is the Mexican President and he had said that he doesn’t like him ( The ambassador) I Think he should take the next step Don’t you thing so? She quoted

If the ambassador is considered as persona non grata” Obama would have to withdrawn him However Mexico (doesn’t have the guts) to ask for it.

As ( Calderón) doesn’t take the next step to say that the ambassador is a persona non grata as it was done with ) former ambassador ) Gavin, there is no Choice Obama would have to withdraw him but they always leave things undone
Copyright © Grupo Reforma Servicio Informativo

Fecha de publicación: 8 marzo 2011
I firmly believe that the United States’ government has an urgent need to see an oculist:D:p
Two facts show it.
First when they saw MDW en Irak and they could not prove it

Now they can’t see all the smuggling weapony from the U. S., that they sell to the Mexican drug dealers.

They could only see it when one American officer was murdered by such weapons.

Raymundo Riva Palacio.

José López Portillo said privately that when a new Mexican President came to Los Pinos, one purpose was to rebuild the relationship with the United States of Amnesia. but it wouldn’t take too long that even the most pro-American president will turn into an anti American due by the Washington subjugation and by their officer’s arrogance. López Portillo lived during the deal for natural gas, when the overbearing Energy Secretary in Carter’s administration, James Schlesinger, met Chancellor Santiago Roel with his paws over the desk, without getting up to greet him.

Luis Echeverría, lived before when at that time president Richard Nixon threatened him with reprisals if the Mexican president supported China `s Entrance to the United Nations. To former president Gustavo Díaz Ordaz organized an an internal uprising because he impulsed a law against transnational companies. And to Carlos Salinas was attacked by the Intelligence agencies for helping the Sandinist at the Nicaraguan elections.

Nevertheless few suffered as Miguel de la Madrid, in with government , the Guadalajara cartel chief order the killing of Enrique Camarena Salazar, el DEA agent, who discovered the ranch El Búfalo, where Rafael Caro Quintero produced marihuana in large scale Camarena ‘s murder allowed DEA to have an eternal martyr, and hid Kiki, as we was called, was involved with the drug traffickers.
How much he was corrupted is still debated, but there is no doubt that to infiltrate them, he had to be just like them.

That is the logic employed by the ATF, in his operation “Fast an furious” that allowed the entrance of weapons in México to follow up their path and Discovery the criminals that were buying it. Today we feel upraged and astonished . that no one deceive. It is not an inedit act by the U. S: government , neither a deviation on their standard behavior of their intelligence agencies. It’s a routine procedure animated by the utilitarian principles of intelligence for the majority’s benefit that inspires the Rights of the United States of Amnesia against their enemies in the world.

As metaphorically showed an ATF officer, interviewed by CBS, showed this operation on the same day President Felipe Calderón expressed his annoyance and frustration in Washington due to the complete lack of willingness form president Obama to stop the weapon smuggling to Mexico, “to make an omelette you have to break some eggs”. But the speciality t o throw them to the wastebasket, is true, the United States de Amnesia paint themselves alone.

Some of this weapons that did not enter into Mexico appeared in Texas a year later in a federal officer `s murder. Many others have been used in police and military’s killings during these war against drugs. The ATF does the same as the DEA, the CIA, the ICE and other agencies that have intelligence and recruit and infiltrate criminals. Hey close their eyes before other offenses , because they assume that the largest benefit is to dismantle criminal chiefs. It’s the same logic about the protected witness , where they forgive criminals in Exchange of information, that allows them to arrest a greater number of criminals, or that serves to their strategic purposes.

The CIA did it in The Asian southwest, and in Middle East and also in Mexico, allowing the drug trafficking to finance clandestine operations. Supporting Pablo Escobar, chief of the Medellin’s cartel, and his [other] ally, Manuel Antonio Noriega, Panama’s strong man , until he confronted the DEA and they were disposable pieces. The same the U: S: does it in Afghanistan, were the drug harvest increased since the Taliban fall and in Mexico, to infiltrate cartels, they always are in the legal border, falling many times in the illegal border..

The Americans are practical. But Mexicans are romantic. there are officers who live neo - colonized, and in the ideal phase that was mentioning by former president López Portillo. Most of the frustrations come from there. The Americans aren’t our friends, but they don’t have to be our enemies. If we understand that it is a mutual interest relationship and that abjection
won’t be rewarded, perhaps the relationship improves. But if there are Mexican officers that feel comfortable serving external interests, they neither
nor irritate if afterwards treat them as servants, as their self respect themselves they dilapidated it

As it ‘s seen, operation Fast & Furious” has been a great success, because it is annoying quickly all Mexican politicians.

And as it is not a thing seen each day, to acknowledge that the U S: authorities gave 2,000 weapons for the organized crime in Mexico!
"supposedly to fight against it."

The reclaims, by the legislators, contrast the Mexican government has kept before such revelation.

Until now, the official standing is a plain communication from the foreign relations Chancellery saying oooobviously that it would ask information from Washington over the subjet. But nothing else.
It would be really interesting to know if Mr. Barack Obama and Mrs. Hillary Clinton would look to the other side if they were acknowledged of something really crazy that our Federal Police’s Secretary, Genaro García Luna had organized a secret operation involving the introduction of 2 tons of cocaine into the United States, to follow the drug cartels on the other side of the border


neither Obama nor Clinton would remain silent… unless of course that they would allow a foreign government to operate within their land
Manda a abogángsters, pistolas y dinero.

"La mierda ha sido esparcida por el ventilador."

- Warren Zevon

JUEVES 11 de marzo de 2011-03-10

No se llevó mucho tiempo…

.....Tan sólo ayer cuando Chris Cox de la National Rifle Association -ILA llamó a l Comité judicial de la Cámara baja, para llevar al cabo una investigación expedita sobre la operación “Fast and Furious (alias proyecto de armas caminando). “ y ayer mismo por la noche el representante republicano Lamar Smith a y trece ( mientras más me la…) del Comité Judicial de la Cámara de Diputados revelaron una declaración relacionada con la carita que enviaron al Procurador General de los Estados Unidos de Amnesia , con su respectiva demanda de respuestas.

Los rep. Quieren inmediatamente respuestas sobre el Programa de Tráfico de Armamento ATF

Washington, Mar 9 -

El mero presidente del Comité Judicial, Lamar Smith (R-Texas) y otros 3 Republicanos [de dicho comité] hoy mismo enviaron una carta al Procurador General General de los Estados Unidos de Amnesia , en relación a los recientes alegatos de que la Oficina de Alcohol, Armas de Fuego, Explosivos y Tabaco del Departamento de Justicia de los EUA ( ATF por sus siglas en Inglés) pudieran estar implicados en la ilegal transferencia de armas de fuego hacia el traspatio. O sea México. Los miembros solicitaron información en relación al programa conocido como Rápido Y furioso” que recuerdo a reportajes , permitieron intencionalmente que compradores hormiga de organizaciones criminales compraran miles de armamentos de manera que ATF pudiera darles seguimiento a través de la frontera.

Smith y los miembros criticaron las acciones de alegatos de la Oficina de Alcohol, Armas de Fuego, Explosivos y Tabaco del Departamento de Justicia de los EUA ( ATF por sus siglas en Inglés), diciendo es una ironía que el [propio] gobierno permita el tráfico de armamento México como parte de un porgada diseñado detener el contrabando de armas a México.. También nos molesta que la ATF se envuelva en actividades que pudieran haber facilitado la transferencia de armas a los violentos carteles de la droga, mientras simultáneamente intente restringir las ventas legales de armas de fuego hechas por los distribuidores de armamento de la frontera.”

De acuerdo con el Centro de Integridad Pública, la Oficina de Alcohol, Armas de Fuego, Explosivos y Tabaco del Departamento de Justicia de los EUA ( ATF por sus siglas en Inglés) permitió que casi 2,000 armas; —valuadas en más de un millón de dólares, — cruzaran la frontera a manos de organizaciones criminales. Precisamente dos de esas armas se descubrieron en la escena del asesinato del Agente de Aduanas y Protección fronteriza, Brian Terry en diciembre pasado

El departamento de Justicia ha solicitado que el Inspector general investigue los alegatos. Pero quedan [todavía ] dudas en el departamento, incluyendo quién autorizó y dirigió el programa

A legal name lender to former president Carlo$ $alina$ de Gortari, Carlo$ $lim, and Joaquín EL Chapo ($horty)Guzmán Chief of Sinaloa's Drug Cartel, are the wealthiest Mexicans Believe it or Not
To kill the messenger

by Denise Dresser

21 Mar. 11

Translated by Rafael Norma Méndez

Eventually Felipe Calderón
got what we wanted. to kill the messenger. To exile the ambassador . To behead the diplomat. To get Carlos Pascal’s dismissal, only because he annoyed Mr. caldeRON, as the ambassador stressed the negative consequences carried by the war that Calderon lashed. To upset the Mexican army and to show that -sometimes- doesn’t act with the needed efficiency or quickness required. To stress the Mexican State’s internal division, and the security agencies confronted. To inform about the National Action party’s presidential candidates’ grayness and how Calderon doesn’t know what to do to strengthen his own position and that of his party because saying the truth even if it hurts to acknowledge it . truth that the president
doesn’t want to face,
that the Mexican Army doesn’t like to face,
doesn’t want to hear,
the Public Security Secretariat prefers to make up, and National Action conservative Party would like to deny

A stubborn truth that begins to appear each day, even the number of drug traffickers detained or killed, even the number of weapons taken out, even the cocaine confiscated, México isn’t winning the war against drug traffickers, and organized crime. Neither more, but nor less. The compelled U. S: ambassador dismissal can’t hide /i]the 36,000 dead people , the executions , murders and kidnappings, the impunity at all levels, And they tell us once more that violence is an unavoidable consequences , when as Eduardo Guerrero[/b[/b points out in his wonderful articles in Nexos magazine- It shouldn’t be that way. And they try to Reminds us that it’s only the drug dialers killing themselves., when the executions go beyond the drug traffickers World. And they urge us the denounce the bad guys., when 98.% percent of the crimes are not ever solved.

As warns the Sun Tzu in the art of war, all of them entails a deception, and Mexico’s a victim mockery of it.
The Mexican government has not been honest with the people about the huge challenges that faces.. the self-defeating mistakes that has committed. The out of way it’s founded. The kind of help that has requested to the United States. The collaboration degree that had demanded. The American agents’ number that has allowed, and from there all the contradictions , evasions, incongruities that shown by president caldeRON and the Foreign Relations Secretary, Patricia Espinosa, and the National Defense Secretariat.
All demand that the United States appropriate more resources, more attention, more significance to Mr. Calderon war, . but they go backwards when this help is made public. When this collaboration is revealed.

When initiatives like Fast and FurioUS and the over flights into national land by U. S: Planes in charge to develop intelligence Jobs-covered by the Mexican newspapers in their first pages.

When tactic and strategic failures made by Mr. Calderon’s government are made public by WikiLeaks.

Then it begins the so known practice to look for a shelter under the patriotism’s umbrella. Between the fold of our national flag. Behind the pronounced diatribes on behalf sovereignty. The United States is filed with an intromission demand., after being assiduously asked by Felipe CaldeRON The criticism about U. S: intervention, [ i]afterwards it has been requested by the same Mexican government. Mr. Carlos Pascual is accused to be the proconsul, afterwards that the Mexican authorities –by incompetence or unaccountability- had given such role-The ambassador is cut up for “his supposed lack of knowledge” after he sent cables that contained truly and realistic diagnosis. Hard to read but difficult to contradict them.

Instead of killing the Messenger, Felipe Calderón[ ] should think about the dispatch he sent. It contains everything that should take him to rethink the war, and the terms which he is waging,. to rectify the strategy that up to the moment has increased violence without decreasing drug trafficking. To restate the relationship with the United States over more honest basis with their self and with their fellow-citizens. . to redefine the success of his offensive, so the priority should be the execution’s reduction .Because if he doesn’t do that, it won’t matter if Calderóngot Mr. Carlos Pascual’ s head, if he only got short term applauses;, if he impose his will .

To morrow when the U. S. ambassador had taken his luggage , Ciudad Juárez will still be the unsafest city in the whole World, and Homicide rate will be growing at alarming rate. Public Security Institutions will be incapable to prevent, detect, investigate or even sanction the large majority of violent acts that frighten the country..
Mexican government will still be asking for help to the United States in a surreptitious way, denying it when it reaches the public light. [/i]The message is crystal clear. b] If we don not finish with this war, - bad conceived, bad fought and bad explained-, the war will finish with us.
And we don’t need t o read any Carlos Pascual`s communications to know it

please forgive my translation but is the best i could.
After former Mexican president, Jose López Portillo, who had said the at “we were going to get used to manage wealth, because of the discovery of Cantarelll oil field. ( of course he was refering only to his family)
then Mr. Miguel de la Madrid Hurtado when we were in a terrible economic situation, back in the '80, he dare to say: (SIC) "We`ll have to take out the ox from the deep hollow."

Now Mr. Calderón said: (SIC) "The fox has entered the henhouse" in an obvious reference to northern states' violence.

So as you can see, our politicians see us, citizens like animals.

They always have and they always do.


pollito, chicken
gallina, hen
Lápiz, pencil
pluma, Pen

Today with the clown that gives us our daily bread ( of bad news), and forgives all our trespasses....,

...... in an astounding twitter, some Mexicans
had the brilliant idea to respond at the U. S. government plan baptized as
"Fast & Furious”
in which almost 2,000 assault weapons were smuggled in Mexico, that we should be introducing by the same means, at least 20 metric tons of cocaine, just to see how they are distributed in the land of freedom and democracy....