Is Owebama getting the "drift?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2009
Our #one "corpseman" stated :" Senators Reid and McConnel were out playing in the new snow and making "Snow Angels". If correct this would be the first positive production by this Congess and may be a sign Owebama is getting the drift!
Now if he will drop his dirty shovel used for spreading his unwanted federal government control bill controlling our lives through his "health care scam", bury "Cap and Trade", bury even deeper his "global warming farce", then sit down and listen to SANITY from Conservatives in both parties, maybe , just maybe , America can grow in a positive manner and our Prez become aware how to lead.
If he takes advantage of his position and learns and grows up, he will be able to find work after January , 2013!
Many times "Mother Nature" uses a "Snow Job" to teach those in need.
he would do well to study what Bill Clinton did when he discovered that his spate of socialist ideas hit the wall and just ride the crest of GOP accomplishment.

then he could get people back to work and have a chance at a re-eection opportunity.

but I dot think his ego or his masters will allow it.