Is San Fransisco beginning to face reality?


Staff member
Apr 20, 2007
The Golden State
San Francisco at Crossroads Over Immigration

Illegal immigration, that is.

SAN FRANCISCO — In the debate over illegal immigration, San Francisco has proudly played the role of liberal enclave, a so-called sanctuary city where local officials have refused to cooperate with enforcement of federal immigration law and undocumented residents have mostly lived without fear of consequence.

But over the last year, buffeted by several high-profile crimes by illegal immigrants and revelations of mismanagement of the city’s sanctuary policy, San Francisco has become less like its self-image and more like many other cities in the United States: deeply conflicted over how to cope with the fallout of illegal immigration.

Is reality finally getting in the way of ideology?
I wonder if what we are seeing is the passing of the time of Christianity. Not the Old Testament Mosaic Law version of Christianity, but the real, Jesus' teachings-based Christianity. Face it, Christianity has become a group of 4000 squabbling sects whose main contribution to society is sheltering child molestors, bashing gays, campaigning against gay marriage, making money from their tax exempt status, laying up treasure here on Earth, and keeping the people somnolent while the real powers loot and enslave us.

If someone, or some group, or even a city were to actually embrace the Love others as yourself, Return good for evil, Turn the other cheek, Forgive others, philosophy that Jesus advocated, how long would they last? They would be innundated by every scam artist, slimeball, chiseler, and lowlife on the planet, wouldn't they? They'd be dead inside of a week.

Maybe it's time to stop paying lip-service to the Jesus' unworkable teachings and go back to the "kick ass and take names" guys in the Old Testament. Go in and slaught every man, woman, child, and suckling babe--except for their virgin daughters, knock down their cities and salt the earth so they can never build there again. We have technology to do that now that would be the envy of any Old Testament conqueror, we could sow the soil with all the nuke waste we don't know what to do with and if we run out we can get more from the French.

It's obvious that what we are doing now isn't working, these dribbling-along wars just bleed us white, why do that? Neutron bombs can kill all the people and leave the real estate mostly intact so we can loot it, genocide is the best way to deal with the problem of terrorists and insurgents.

I read once of a prayer that said, "Allah protect me from the venom of the cobra, the teeth of the tiger, and the vengeance of the Afghans." Maybe we need to be the new Afghans in the world. We are being preyed upon by very powerful people who have a lot of money, but we outnumber them thousands to one, let's take back the world from them.
What does Christianity have to do with this thread? Is there even a Christian in San Fran?

Besides Pelosi who is kind of laughable when it comes to her faith.

What Christian is not laughable in their faith when it is compared to actual teachings of Jesus?

San Francisco welcomed with open arms a lot of people who took advantage of them and their generousity, didn't they? That's my point. Jesus' good teachings will get you destroyed in the world today and thus we are witnessing the passing of that kind of Christianity and we're seeing the reinstatement of Old Testament Christianity in it's place.
What Christian is not laughable in their faith when it is compared to actual teachings of Jesus?

San Francisco welcomed with open arms a lot of people who took advantage of them and their generousity, didn't they? That's my point. Jesus' good teachings will get you destroyed in the world today and thus we are witnessing the passing of that kind of Christianity and we're seeing the reinstatement of Old Testament Christianity in it's place.

Then, we'll see San Franciscans begin to stone homosexuals pretty soon?
What Christian is not laughable in their faith when it is compared to actual teachings of Jesus?

San Francisco welcomed with open arms a lot of people who took advantage of them and their generousity, didn't they? That's my point. Jesus' good teachings will get you destroyed in the world today and thus we are witnessing the passing of that kind of Christianity and we're seeing the reinstatement of Old Testament Christianity in it's place.

The people of Frisco did not open the doors because of any teachings of Jesus. They did it because they wanted to do it.
Then, we'll see San Franciscans begin to stone homosexuals pretty soon?

I love the fact that the only part of the Mosaic Law that people know is about killing homosexuals. That right there should tell us something about ecumenical education and the goals of modern Christianity.
The people of Frisco did not open the doors because of any teachings of Jesus. They did it because they wanted to do it.

Do you have a single shred of proof of why they did what they did? Or are you simply denigrating them from total ignorance and wishful thinking? C'mon Pando, you're smarter than that.
I love the fact that the only part of the Mosaic Law that people know is about killing homosexuals. That right there should tell us something about ecumenical education and the goals of modern Christianity.

Oh, no, there is also the part about stoning unfaithful wives, people who worship idols, and those who dare to wear clothes made from two different fibers.

If you think San Francisco is nuts now, just wait until they begin to practice Christianity as outlined in the Old Testament.
Why would they do that? Isn't the largest population of homosexuals in Frisco? Isn't it a very open area for homosexuals?

I thought this thread was about illegal immigration?

The underground railway was all about illegal immigration and it was largely undergirded by Christian compassion. Can you speak with authority about the level of Christian compassion that was involved in the San Franciscan illegal immigration process?
Oh, no, there is also the part about stoning unfaithful wives, people who worship idols, and those who dare to wear clothes made from two different fibers.

If you think San Francisco is nuts now, just wait until they begin to practice Christianity as outlined in the Old Testament.

Just wait till it gets practiced ANYWHERE in the US. Adulterers had to be killed too. But it was okay to sell children and own slaves, and you had to marry your brother's wife if he got killed. Whoo Hooo!
The underground railway was all about illegal immigration and it was largely undergirded by Christian compassion. Can you speak with authority about the level of Christian compassion that was involved in the San Franciscan illegal immigration process?

Yes, I believe that there is something in the philosophy of Jesus that would encourage us to take in the world's poor, whether they come in to the nation illegally or not.

But, now that we have a president who says that the US is not a Christian nation, maybe something will be done about illegal immigration.

Disclaimer: Disclaimer: Disclaimer: Disclaimer:

(Yes, that was facetious)
Do you have a single shred of proof of why they did what they did? Or are you simply denigrating them from total ignorance and wishful thinking? C'mon Pando, you're smarter than that.

I would have to be a mind reader to know why they welcome people who are here illegally, I can only say with good reason why they did not do it. They did not do it based on any Christian dogma. There are not very many Christians in Frisco compared to other places and the people who generally are the ones supporting it are not relious types and the New Testament says we should honor the laws of the land unless they go against the laws of God.

Nothing about immigration is for or against the God so if its ILLEGAL then it stands to reason that Christians in general would not support it. Not as a group anyway.

I think if illegals were being killed in Mexico it would be morally right to sneak them in here, or if they were held as slaves exc. but not for the current reasons.