Is the "OBAMA YOUTH MOVEMENT" starting ?

Pandora , The best way to help our nation during this INEPT Obama administration is DO NOT WATCH , DO NOT ALLOW CHILDREN TO WATCH ! His lies are OBSCENE and are injurious to young minds especially . A proper project would be to have our youth begin a "letter writing" campaign asking Barack Hussein Obama to resign! Resign and take his CZARS , his Government cars , and of of his LIARS with him .
C'mon, Skippy.....just tell your teacher you're sick, cry a little-bit, and tell her you need your Mommy. I'm sure they'll give you a pass....​
Pandora , The best way to help our nation during this INEPT Obama administration is DO NOT WATCH , DO NOT ALLOW CHILDREN TO WATCH ! His lies are OBSCENE and are injurious to young minds especially . A proper project would be to have our youth begin a "letter writing" campaign asking Barack Hussein Obama to resign! Resign and take his CZARS , his Government cars , and of of his LIARS with him .

There we go again with the "czars" stuff ..I can see you're another free thinker who gets his talking points from Glenn Beck's chalkboard.

How pathetic, how ridiculously pathetic..
Yeah....those mid-day appearances & press-conferences, by Lil' Dumbya, for the benefit of Dead-O-Heads, soap-opera-fans, and.....other such unemployables, are long-gone!!!

Obama doesn't feel any need to hide from the general-population!!! sound like a FAUX Noise fan. You folks don't listen, to him, anyhow. It's called Choice....and, you folks choose to stay uninformed/incurious.

What's the issue???

Right now.. we have a choice. But many factions of the left, including the very radical appointment by Obamm of the FCC Diversity Direcotry - Marc Lloyd, will try everything they can... of course in the name of "diversity" to change that.

You know... Marc Lloyd. Here is a clip to remind you of who Marc Lloyd is and what
he stands for.
If he sticks to what he is supposed to do - encourage kids to take school seriously, then I have no issue with it.

He is not the first pres to appear in a school - though this is the first address to all schools. Yes he does seem to be stuck on himself.

I do have my doubts that he will stick to the one topic. If it is a platform for politicizing an agenda I will pull my kid.
I was just over on a non-political forum and came across a disccussion of an odd video.

I don't know who made the video but if it is representative of things to come then be worried. The source of the video is UTube and it's existence was highlighted on Malkin's site (though who the messenger is is unimportant)

It is well worth watching the video right to the last few seconds when famous celebrities pledge to "serve Barack Obama".

So who made the video? How did it get played in schools? Is there any chance the Sept 8 address will be anything like this?
I was just over on a non-political forum and came across a disccussion of an odd video.

I don't know who made the video but if it is representative of things to come then be worried. The source of the video is UTube and it's existence was highlighted on Malkin's site (though who the messenger is is unimportant)

It is well worth watching the video right to the last few seconds when famous celebrities pledge to "serve Barack Obama".

So who made the video? How did it get played in schools? Is there any chance the Sept 8 address will be anything like this?

Obama cast a shadow that is Dark , Long , and deep. Nothing is really safe , our schoolchildren are on his menu and he will try and capture them using our very own Schools and our Government controlled class rooms . The N.E.A. does not have the interest of our children at heart . The N.E.A. was taken over years ago and its Union does us great harm . How can AMERICA survive when it has lost its youth? The answer is she cannot last! Why did not any past President stick his nose into our classrooms ? Why are we turning the young minds over to outside forces without even questioning the circumstances? THINK!!!
You never tire of making up whoppers do ya? But I will observe, as Republican liars go, your efforts are quite amateurish.

Yes, I am new at this work .Never before has a dictator threatened our nation from within our shores. But , I do know the signs . I remember the history of Germany in the 1930's. I saw the crushing boot of evil come down on Poland , on France , on Holland , on the entire Eastern Europe people .Militant youth groups sprung up and were used to spy an neighbors , parents , and pledeged to " Support and Obey " their Master.
Oh , yes , they too were victims of a economic disaster . Their thoughts were on their wealth , their food , their freedoms. BUT their worries blinded them to the truth and the actions of a crazed dictator .This dictator and his appointed czars
stole every treasure GOD had given them , even their children, millions died .Just think how innocently this terrible political movement started . How the mass media of that time were also controlled by Government and were nothing but an organ of government propaganda. Remind you of today in America ? Yes, sad to say it does! THINK!
GEE ,for a OHIOIAN , you almost sound like you finished thrid grade.First in your famiy too, i bet . WATCH OUT for the GLUE !!! lol,lol
What is a "BUCKEYE "? -A VERY WORTHLESS NUT! lol,lol

Say what you like about Buckeyes... they're hard nut you'll never crack with those girlie comments!:D

I'm amazed you spelled all the words right. Usually when a back holler KKK wannabe tries to act like they know something because they finally got dial up internet service they misspell a lot... oh wait... what's this...

GEE ,for a OHIOIAN , you almost sound like you finished thrid grade.First in your famiy too, i bet .

I guess I was right after all...

Yeah....Education: It's a Dangerous-Thing!!


MRS SHAMAN , The correct name for Obama 's actions is INDOCTRINATION! not education.Hitler was a firm beliver in INDOCTRONATION . He taught the GERMAN school children their hate early . Why do we want Obama infecting our youth ? His very best trait is that he is NOT TO BE TRUSTED! Look what happened to Germany !
In-other-words.....when, someone...called the school, they couldn't provide any details, yet, right?


(Embarrass yourself, much?)

Yes true, the first call was before we learned about what was happening. Many more calls since then.

The reason why we did not get told by down town is because our school starts the day after this event so it wont apply to us.

The district where my daughter goes to school starts the day of this event and they will be doing it.
Pandora , The best way to help our nation during this INEPT Obama administration is DO NOT WATCH , DO NOT ALLOW CHILDREN TO WATCH ! His lies are OBSCENE and are injurious to young minds especially . A proper project would be to have our youth begin a "letter writing" campaign asking Barack Hussein Obama to resign! Resign and take his CZARS , his Government cars , and of of his LIARS with him .

I do not think I agree. I do not want my child to miss school and besides she has to learn how to think for herself.

She will watch it at school and let me know what the teacher says it all means, then we will watch it together again at home and go over what I think it means, and she will decide for herself what she agrees with.