It starts ......


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2008
Slippery folks like The Obama always bear watching - they say one thing and do another. His choice of Rep. Rahm Emanuel as chief of staff is really scary but predictable - the guy is one of the most leftwing extremists in america. Ideologically, this would be about like Bush appointing Michael Savage.
Slippery folks like The Obama always bear watching - they say one thing and do another. His choice of Rep. Rahm Emanuel as chief of staff is really scary but predictable - the guy is one of the most leftwing extremists in america. Ideologically, this would be about like Bush appointing Michael Savage.
Obama's bringing-in know, the folks that gave us The Greatest Economy This Country's EVER Experienced!!.....has got you kinda rattled, huh?

GOOD!!!!!! :p

Let's see how well you "conservatives" wear, over-the-course of an eight-year Desperation-Mode. :D
Obama's bringing-in know, the folks that gave us The Greatest Economy This Country's EVER Experienced!!.....has got you kinda rattled, huh?

GOOD!!!!!! :p

Let's see how well you "conservatives" wear, over-the-course of an eight-year Desperation-Mode. :D

You keep saying that Clinton staff will generate the same economy Clinton had. What you ignore is the actual factors of the economy that Clinton had as opposed to now.
Clinton came into an upshot in the economy where we had the huge infusion of the .coms!!! If it weren't for that, his economic policy would not have worked.

It CERTAINLY will not work now!!!

Everyone understands that economic policy HAS to follow the CURRENT environment in order to succeed don't you??
Obama's bringing-in know, the folks that gave us []The Greatest Economy This Country's EVER Experienced

This "Clinton's great economy" is a staple of lib mythology - do you want to be the first justify the claim that any of Clinton's actions created any great economy? My guess is not. :D