Its Offical Mubarak will resign today


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Egypt army takes charge, Mubarak to address nation

CAIRO – Egypt's military announced on national television it had stepped in to "safeguard the country," effectively seizing control and assuring protesters calling for President Hosni Mubarak's ouster that all their demands would be met. In Washington, the CIA chief said there was a "strong likelihood" Mubarak will step down later Thursday.

Thousands of people flowed into the protesters' camp in central Tahrir Square, already packed with tens of thousands, chanting "We're almost there, we're almost there" and waving their hands in V-for-victory signs. But euphoria that they were nearing their goal of Mubarak's fall was tempered with worries that a military takeover could scuttle their wider demands for true democracy, and many vowed to continue protests.

State television said Mubarak will speak to the nation Thursday night from his palace in Cairo.

The developments created new confusion about who is calling the shots in Egypt. The military's moves had some trappings of an outright takeover to shepherd some sort of transition of power. But Mubarak's planned speech and his meetings beforehand with his Vice President Omar Suleiman and Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq suggested they wanted to give the appearance of an orderly, constitutional handover of authority.

If Egypt becomes another IRAN then Obama will not be re-elected. You see history does repeat itself just like During the Iranian crises back in 1979 it was Jimmy Carters fault and Reagan became president but if Egypt becomes another IRAN Obama will not win re-election And Sarah Palin will become the first woman in the white house. Cause Sarah Palin is the next Reagan