Jordan Van der Sloot will be extradited to US in 2038


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Peru confirms Dutch convict will be extradited to US in 2038

Lima (AFP) - Peru confirmed Sunday it will extradite Dutch convicted killer Joran Van der Sloot, serving a 28-year sentence here for murdering a young Peruvian woman, to the United States in 2038.

The widely expected decision was two years in coming. Lima had said earlier the Dutchman would be extradited to the United States, but only after he serves his sentence in Peru first.

Van der Sloot, 26, pleaded guilty and was handed down his sentence in January 2012 for the "cruel and savage" murder of 21-year-old Peruvian Stephany Flores on May 30, 2010.

The victim had been struck, then strangled in a hotel room in Lima, where she ended up with her assailant after meeting in a casino, where they played poker.

In 2012, Peru's top court agreed to allow Van der Sloot's extradition to the United States, where he is the prime suspect in the 2005 disappearance of 18-year-old US college student Natalee Holloway on the Caribbean island of Aruba.

Some Liberal democrat will pardon him. That's what Democrats do,,Piss people off. Even the Meda pisses me off when they look the other way but when an Republican does something illegal they hammer him. Like Christie for example.
The odds are pretty good I won't be here in 2038, so I guess I don't care. As for liberals, their cause is deader than Van der Sloot's girlfriend.
I was hoping he wouldnt survive in the peruvian prison, that kid will kill another woman again given the chance
Yeah he would. That's why he should go in US. But the way our politicians are he will be granted a pardon its almost a mockery in our system. That's how liberals are. They say one thing but they really mean another thing.
Lol man listen NO one is giving him a pardon anywhere

Wanna bet? Democrats are the most scandal political party in history. Just like the NSA scandal, The IRS scandal, Benghazi scandal, The fast and furious scandal. Whitewater Scandal, Monica Lewinski sex scandal and Travel gate. Theres not one Democrat president was ever clean free from scandals.
Wanna bet? Democrats are the most scandal political party in history. Just like the NSA scandal, The IRS scandal, Benghazi scandal, The fast and furious scandal. Whitewater Scandal, Monica Lewinski sex scandal and Travel gate. Theres not one Democrat president was ever clean free from scandals.
You mean like Marc Rich?
Im not going to be dazzled by right wing or left wing BS, Im going to check and see if your telling me the truth and once again I find that hyper partisans are just talking out thier keisters

Ronald Reagan pardoned a total of 406 people in 8 yrs

Gerald Ford in his short time as Potus pardoned 409

GW Bush pardoned 20 individuals, list is here.

Obama has been criticized over his LACK of pardons

Pardons by HW Bush, note only 4 yrs

Gerald Ford, Pardoned Richard Nixon

Simply put you far righties are full of crap, you always make generalized wild statements and your most always wrong, just like your FAR left counterparts who do the exact same thing.

Heres a full list of all pardons given by Potus from George Washington. There may very well have been more pardons by Democrats, I dont know I didnt tally the list.
The point is EVERY PRESIDENT gave pardons. not just democrats or liberal presidents.
Wanna bet? Democrats are the most scandal political party in history. Just like the NSA scandal, The IRS scandal, Benghazi scandal, The fast and furious scandal. Whitewater Scandal, Monica Lewinski sex scandal and Travel gate. Theres not one Democrat president was ever clean free from scandals.

Steve, no president was scandal free.

Nixon Watergate impeached, Reagan Iran Contra, the list goes on and on. Dont make blanket generalized statements that arent based on facts.
Wanna bet? Democrats are the most scandal political party in history. Just like the NSA scandal, The IRS scandal, Benghazi scandal, The fast and furious scandal. Whitewater Scandal, Monica Lewinski sex scandal and Travel gate. Theres not one Democrat president was ever clean free from scandals.

Steve, no president was scandal free.

Nixon Watergate impeached, Reagan Iran Contra, the list goes on and on. Dont make blanket generalized statements that arent based on facts.

Nobody died when Nixon & Reagan lied.