Just Another Reason That We Should Have Stayed Out of Iraq

I think it's cute when they play dumb. Or, maybe they are not playing. Hard to tell. As if the comparisons with police officers and brian surgeons are in any way relevant. As if these kind of of infantile equivalencies actually address the issue. I don't think these sort of childish rhetorical devices actually fool many people any more. But, going on the assumption that their comments might actually be based on ignorance, I will repeat the point again for their benifit.

You have yet to make a point. You just keep repeating the same thing over and over. I am a Marine. You are not. I am fulfilling what I see as a duty (though I received my commissioning before the War). Re-enlistment rates are far surpassing peacetime levels. People are going and staying in the military at a far higher rate since this war began.

But this isn't about you and me. It's about the ideological argument here.

Please point out the inaccuracies in the comparisons.

If you publically extol the virtues of the war in Iraq. If you exhort others to do your fighting for you. If you are physically and mentally capable of volunteering for military service, but refuse to do so; you can only be described as a hypocrite and a coward.

If you are physically and mentally capable of volunterring for police service, and you publicly extol the virtues of stopping crime then you can only be described as a hypocrite and a coward.

Nice logic.
As if the comparisons with police officers and brian surgeons are in any way relevant.

Since you obviously do not know what an analogy is, I thought I would help out:

Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source
a·nal·o·gy /əˈnælədʒi/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[uh-nal-uh-jee] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun, plural -gies.

1. a similarity between like features of two things, on which a comparison may be based: the analogy between the heart and a pump.
2. similarity or comparability: I see no analogy between your problem and mine.
3. Biology. an analogous relationship.
4. Linguistics. a. the process by which words or phrases are created or re-formed according to existing patterns in the language, as when shoon was re-formed as shoes, when -ize is added to nouns like winter to form verbs, or when a child says foots for feet.
b. a form resulting from such a process.

5. Logic. a form of reasoning in which one thing is inferred to be similar to another thing in a certain respect, on the basis of the known similarity between the things in other respects.


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I will repeat the point again for their benifit.

Your logic will be just as flawed no matter how many times you repeat it.
Some pretty pathetic responses here. Although I can't really say I am disappointed. Funny how some people need to create an imaginary straw man to make their world work. I guess that's what comes with the tendency toward knee jerk responses born from eroneous assumptions based on thin logic.
As to my experiance; not open for discussion. I will not talk about that in this forum for several reasons. I feel that to refer to those experiances for the purpose of establishing some petty credibility in a pointless argument with children dishonors the people I served with. It amounts to cheap exploitation.
As to the point. I suppose people will continue to pretend not to understand when an issue makes them uncomfortable.
Funny how some people need to create an imaginary straw man to make their world work. I guess that's what comes with the tendency toward knee jerk responses born from eroneous assumptions based on thin logic.

Oh the irony.
So you're still refusing to debate, instead of just sling insults.

Just a matter of perception I guess. I thought it was you who was refusing to debate. You never actually addressed any part of my posts. You just reacted with simplistic analogies(see definition above, provided by resident literary scholar) and pompous platitudes. If you ever have anything the least bit compelling to say I will be happy to debate you.
Re-enlistment rates are far surpassing peacetime levels. People are going and staying in the military at a far higher rate since this war began.

Borrowing from China $40,000 per re-enlisting soldier and giving down payment assistance for soldiers who are first-time home buyers doesn't suggest this resigning anomaly is coming from the heart or some mass belief that we are succeeding in Iraq. There has always been a market for mercenaries, especially if the price is right. Cascading the interest payment of that incurred debt onto our children and the unborn is a steep price for this botched Wall Street/Texas Oil Mafia mission.
Cascading the interest payment of that incurred debt onto our children and the unborn is a steep price for this botched Wall Street/Texas Oil Mafia mission.

Maybe. But the price of inaction was potentially much higher. And we would not have gotten a second chance.
Care to present your evidence for making such a declaration?

Saddam's refusal to cooperate with weapons inspectors and his documented support of terrorism in the past. Do you dispute either of these facts?
Refusal to operate doesn't mean he has the weapons. For one who doesn't like to make assumptions, its a bit of a leap. He was playing games, they just backfired on him through an illegal war.

As for supporting terrorism, YOUR GOVERNMENT SUPPORTED HIM. Does that make them terrorists?
Every negative thing that happens as a result of war is not more a reason to stay out than every positive thing is a reason to stay in. The ends don't justify the means any more than the reverse.

You only go to war
after other options have failed. So if we had waited, say, 12 years or more for Saddam to comply, and lots of un sanctions had failed and we had reason to believe that be might be close to accomplishing his spoken goals of hurting the us - then we would go to war.