Lets Bankrupt uncle sam and create a new country


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Ifs face it,,United States of America isnt the country its supposed to be. For example the consitution,,, Where does capitalism say in the consitution? Can you find it anywhere where capitalism is mentioned in the consitution? I cant find it anywhere. Can you also find socialism in the consitution? Cant find that nether. The only country can really describe about the freedoms in the U.S in the consitution is France. The French are enjoying freedoms that Americans are not enjoying. And corperations dont rule France. Plus Law Enfircement officers are treating the French equily and fairly. They not trying to rob your wallets to help your local government unlike the states are doing in America. So lets Lets Bankrupt uncle sam and create a new country by following these steps

1. Work Together against Israel
2. Work Together against capitolism
3. Work Together against stabilty
4. Do Not Pay the I.R.S
5. Do not pay your Mortgages

Banks need to survive when you pay them your mortgage So if Millions of homeowners stop paying their mortgages banks will go bankrupt and so will rest of America. You see our government needs the banks. Banks are like the governments heart. Now what happens when your heart stops? You die right? Thats the begining of the process of death. Then your heart stops and blood isnt flowing to your brain then youre dead! You see Banks help money to flow to keep government operating. When the banks ge bankrupt then congress cant get the money the senate cant get the money and the white house cant get the money and spending stops. The I.R.S is the Brain of America. When the I.R.S dies America dies too. And a new country is born. Ever hear the old saying,,,Ring out the old bring in the new? Thats what we Americans should be doing now. Get rid out corrupted government and lets start over.
You hate Capitalism but support the Tea Party...

You hate Capitalism but support Sarah Palin...

You hate Democrats but support Socialism/Communism...

You hate Government but you support Socialism/Communism...

You think taxes are too high so you steal from people who have nothing to do with setting tax policy...

The people you support are in favor of everything you hate and the people you hate are in favor of everything you support. I suggest looking into that.
The constitution protects the rights of all people to own property and to make contracts with each other. It is these two rights that form the foundation for capitalism, i.e. the means of production are privately owned and used to make a profit (or not as the owners of the property decide when they make agreements with others).

The opposite of capitalsm would be the various forms of socialism/comunism in which the means of production (a property) are owned by the state and the individual does not get to use that property to make a profit (or not as he sees fit).

There are no pure capitalisms in which every last kind of property are owned by individuals and there is no pure socialism/comunism in which all property and the right to use it to form contracts is owned by the state, but only a fool cannot see when a system is a capitalism or a socialism. [in the same way that there are many kinds of dogs and only a fool couild not tell when he is looking at a Great Dane or a Spaniel.]

So why didn't the founders just define the US as a capitalism?

" Neither of those [capitalism or free markets] had yet emerged--the word capitalism was yet to be coined"


Addittionally the principles of natural law which were highly influention in our founding are quite consistent with a regulated capitalism while it is easy to find numerous quotes from our founders objecting to redistribution (though they used different words) of wealth from one citizen to another.

I would like to point out that those who would favor a laizze fairre system of capitalism will not find support for that in the constution either. Regulation of wrong doing (not merely of industry) and a social safety net were a part of our founding fathers vision as well.
Do I want a new country? No, I want the best advancements we have made coupled with the right understanding of our constitution.

Do I want to bankrupt Uncle Sam? No. But if starving the beast will allow him to lose some weight from his bloated middle then so be it.