Let's pretend it's election day, 2008 and Hillary and Ron Paul are the candidates...

How will you vote?

  • Clinton

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • Paul

    Votes: 6 54.5%
  • Green Party Candidate

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Other 3rd Party Candidate

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
That makes almost as much sense as believing Ron Paul has a chance to be our next president. I mean, it keeps me awake at night worrying that Hilliary might take away my freedoms, at gunpoint no less.

I realize that you're being facetious, but the truth is, it should keep you awake. Hillary Clinton is the most frightening of all the Democratic candidates in this election cycle.

I've not spotted it lately, but someone here uses the quote about "when fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a flag." I believe that's true. But I think what the quote fails to convey is that it could be from either extreme, right or left.

Except for those so far out on the right you might as well change their address to something off-planet, patriotism embodies a love for country, our freedoms, our Constitution, and those who formulated this great land and those who have fought, bled and died to preserve it.

When from the far-left, you will find fascism couched in patriotism. But instead it embodies the screaming right to dissent, yet not offer alternatives and solutions. It embodies the promulgation of the Nanny State, convincing more and more that the government is better able to spend our money than we are. The government, despite it's abysmal record of past departments and programs, is better at taking care of us.

To keep it brief, Hillary Clinton reflects this. She moves toward the middle, even a bit to the right, then back. She goes to any part of the country, to any type of group, and cites suspicious anecdotes from her personal life to put herself on equal ground with her audience.

In truth, she is a chameleon. A chameleon can regrow parts of it's body when it is cut off, like many amphibians.

And on the guns? As I said, whether it's by gunpoint or not that she takes your freedoms, as she assuredly will, will be a moot point. Once she is successful in banning private gun ownership as one step of her plan for a "better America" under her brand of patriotism, the rights we treasure will fall like dominoes.
I realize that you're being facetious, but the truth is, it should keep you awake. Hillary Clinton is the most frightening of all the Democratic candidates in this election cycle.

I've not spotted it lately, but someone here uses the quote about "when fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a flag." I believe that's true. But I think what the quote fails to convey is that it could be from either extreme, right or left.
The quote by Sinclair Lewis is, "when fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross", it's a great quote and one I agree with. However, promoting conspiracy theories and supporting fringe candidates is not the solution to anything. We have a 2 party system, it's not going change anytime soon, therefore you have to deal with the realities. The reality for me is this, Hilliary Clinton will undoubtedly be the Democratic nominee and, despite her faults, she is preferable to anything the Republicans have to offer.
The quote by Sinclair Lewis is, "when fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross", it's a great quote and one I agree with. However, promoting conspiracy theories and supporting fringe candidates is not the solution to anything. We have a 2 party system, it's not going change anytime soon, therefore you have to deal with the realities. The reality for me is this, Hilliary Clinton will undoubtedly be the Democratic nominee and, despite her faults, she is preferable to anything the Republicans have to offer.

Popeye, thank you for providing the full quote. I didn't have it at hand, so I qualified it using "about". The 'carrying a cross' component is obviously something Lewis felt. I can see where under some extremes that may hold some weight, but in general it is a gross over-statement.

What are the conspiracy theories you reference as being promoted? And the fringe candidates? Ross Perot proved in 1992 and 1996 that a 3rd party could have not only an impact, but a significant impact on a presidential general election.

You are not alone in nullifying any importance of the primaries in the Democrat party. As an observer of the process, I cannot, for the life of me see what qualifies her for the job. That in itself is not unlike the majority of candidates from across the spectrum. But I still am hooked, waiting to see or hear what it is that so irrefutably makes her the best choice.

Your statement that she is preferable to anything the Republicans have to offer speaks volumes. It is the same "We hate Bush! We hate Republicans! We hate Conservatives!" rhetoric that we've heard so much of. Yet there are not any constructive solutions offered, no viable alternatives provided. Only the anarchistic philosophical attitude of the tear-it-down-to-heck-with-answers crowd.

Who knows? Perhaps someone, Ron Paul or another dark horse, may still emerge from this premature and inordinately long election season. If he is what you are describing as a "fringe candidate", I submit your definition is skewed.
Lets Pretend You Are People And Not Ignorant Sheeple. You Are Content With Your Limited Knowledge, And Compete For It Like A Rat Race. There Is Robots In Pakistan But You Don't Know Because Of Their War Mentalities That Justify Lieing To You And Practice Duplicity Like An Art. I Might Be Weak, Content, Flawed, But I'm Not One Of Their Minions Like All Of You. What Will It Take For You Pussies To Consider Revolution And Start Planning To Take Responsibility For Your Country? I Reach Out To You Group Full Of Informational Drones But Your Swept In By Conformity. You Are All Pussies. I Am Not An Idiot. You All Are. None Of You Has A Mind Of Their Own. Its Like I'm Talking To A Website Running On Artificial Intelligence. I Spoke To You All From My Heart. I Told You Everything. And You Don't Respect Me Because You’re All Weak. You Except A Sick World. The Government Could Easily Be Led But They Filter All Leaders Out With School. No One Wants To Learn Like That. Class Is An Impersonal Sessions Where No One Speaks His Or Her Own Mind. School Is Not Teaching, It Is Enslaving Just Like Everything Else In Your Sick Little World That You See No Alternative For. I Lost All Respect For All Of You Because You Are All Fake. You Are Living Lies. You Talk Down To God Because They Want You To. You Basically Threw Away All Your Crowns For A Machine Just Because You Don't Have The Courage To Change It, And It Might Disrupt Your Meaningless Lives To Do So. Each And Every One Of You Could Go Down In History, As Revolutionaries Who Prevented Decades Of War And Uncertainty And Saved Individuality And Democracy, But All Of You Are Slaves To Their Fake Paths To Prosperity. None Of You Will Ever Live Of A Life Of Significance Unless You Drop Your Petty Lifestyles And Dedicate Yourself To Something That Matters. Ok Gov't Schools Producing Ignorant Sheeple... We Are Ignorant Sheeple, The Sheeple Revolution Will Stop The Breeding Of More Ignorant Sheeple, Plus It Has A Better Sense Of What Real Government Is About, And The World Will Not Be Such A Monotomous, Vauge, Nightmare. Yeah, Flame Me, Talk Trash, But At Least I Didn't Surrender. I Might Have Lost, But I'm One Man. None Of You Even Played. I Don't Advocate The Game, But I Do Repudiate The Game, And The Only Way To Stop The Game Is Play The Game, Without Letting It Change You. But No, I'm The Fool Here. Cowards. Every Single One Of You Has No Heart. None Of You Considered The Notion Of Revolution. So You’re Nothing. If There Were Democracy, You Would Be You, But Your Nothing.
That makes almost as much sense as believing Ron Paul has a chance to be our next president. I mean, it keeps me awake at night worrying that Hilliary might take away my freedoms, at gunpoint no less.

With each election, we become less and less free. And that's because collectivist statist bozos from both parties keep winning elections. Having the government gain greater and greater control does not equate to freedom. Sorry.
To keep it brief, Hillary Clinton reflects this. She moves toward the middle, even a bit to the right, then back. She goes to any part of the country, to any type of group, and cites suspicious anecdotes from her personal life to put herself on equal ground with her audience.

In truth, she is a chameleon. A chameleon can regrow parts of it's body when it is cut off, like many amphibians.

You do favor truth above all! This is so true. Hillary is a deceptive, lying fraud who is only interested in power and status. She and Bill are both truly evil. Why most people can't see through them is beyond me.
I mean, it keeps me awake at night worrying that Hilliary might take away my freedoms, at gunpoint no less.

All laws are enforced at gunpoint if necessary. Any law with prevents you from engaging in a peaceful, honest, or voluntary activity limits your freedom, at gunpoint if necessary.

I would like to choose my own doctor and have a wide variety of health care options. Hillary will prevent me from doing this. Hillary's "health care" will lead to waiting lines, fewer doctors staying in and entering the health care market, and a degradation of services.
I would like to choose my own doctor and have a wide variety of health care options. Hillary will prevent me from doing this. Hillary's "health care" will lead to waiting lines, fewer doctors staying in and entering the health care market, and a degradation of services.

I'll give you credit, you enunciate Republican talking points quite well. Unfortunately, it's the same old tired argument.
I'll give you credit, you enunciate Republican talking points quite well. Unfortunately, it's the same old tired argument.
I just don't get it. When Conservatives, Libertarians, et al cite FACTS as we understand them, it is deemed as "Republican talking points" by you who differ from our view. Same old tired argument? Of course it is! When the redundancy of Democrat/Liberal issues create a void of new discussions. The only answers anyone left of center offers are always more government control, less personal freedom, higher taxes to individuals, plus the great "solution" of taxing the daylights out of the profits of the oil companies, their evil-corporate-Satan favorite category of today's jeopardy. In return, this will indeed cost John Q. Public more money, as the prices will rise to maintain profit levels. The vicious cycle will begin: higher taxes on profits, raise prices, consumers at multiple product levels pay more, increasing profits back to pre-tax increase levels, which increases taxes again, raising prices again, and so on. This creates a forced inflationary cycle, and as the ripples spread through the economy, results in at the very least a spotty, selective recessionary effect.

Please please please enlighten me! Show me where government has been successful in running programs! Show me what they do well! I'm not expecting any facts to support any you wish to cite. You seem to be stuck on classifying everything as talking points, so that is most likely what you will use to substantiate your position. Mere talking points from the left.
I'll give you credit, you enunciate Republican talking points quite well. Unfortunately, it's the same old tired argument.

They're called "facts." You enunciate the Clinton strategy well - distract attention away from the evidence against you and blame Republicans for using political smear tactics.

It's all a "vast rightwing conspiracy"...isn't it, Blindeye?