Maddow attempts to equate racial issues with sexualized behavior


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2008
The difference should be obvious to all: we regulate behaviors all the time. We have scores of laws against certain behaviors being mainstreamed. So we have to agree to recognize homosexuality as a "race". But it isn't. But we're not supposed to talk about that.

Just like when the APA declassified homosexuality as a mental disorder back in the early '70s, it was because people who practiced deviant sexuality stormed conventions and threatened to retaliate if their affliction was not declassified. Fast forward to today and what was recognized as a mental neurosis, seated in a behavioral genesis, is now a "race' of "struggling people" who need "equality".

There are several levels of denial in psychotic people. They range from mild to severe.

Here they are condensed:

There are four levels of denial.

The first is a lack of information— The solution here is education and up-to-date information. It helps the person reorient as to reality and they do and move on.

The second level of denial is conscious defensiveness. At this level we know that something is wrong, but we don’t want to look at the problem and face the pain of knowing. The solution is to recognize that there is an inner conflict occurring where one part of us knows there’s a problem, but another part doesn’t want to admit it. To resolve this conflict we must be willing to listen to the part that knows the truth and take action. The old saying “the truth will set you free” is certainly relevant in this case.

The third level is denial as an unconscious defense mechanism. We get to this level when we have stayed in the inner conflict, mentioned above, and the defensive voice keeps winning. Once this happens, denial becomes an automatic and unconscious defense mechanism. The solution is much more difficult. It usually takes an outside intervention, or what is called a motivational crisis, to break through this defense and allow us to know the truth, and then start addressing the problem.

The fourth level is denial as a delusional system, which is the toughest level to address. This delusion is a mistaken belief that is firmly held to be true despite convincing evidence that it is not true. If someone was experiencing denial at this level, they probably wouldn’t be open to any information that conflicts with the integrated delusion. People at this level of denial usually need long-term psychotherapy to resolve their delusional system.

I would venture to say that many practitioners of deviant sexuality that had a behavioral genesis in their past, whether blocked out in memory as molestation episodes often are, or acknowledged and embraced as "normal" imprinting, are suffering from the latter stages of denial.

Instead of the pain of regressive therapy, they want the entire world to change to support their delusion. This is why I say that I empathize with them while at the same time I do not promote what they do as normal.

Members of the APA who declassified sexual deviances as mental disorders did so out of fear possibly, some compassion, but always from a non-professional position. If they simply looked at their notes on classical conditioning for example, they would have to become professional again and reiterate that most deviant sexual behaviors become fixated during early life in impressionable stages of child/adolescent development.

Their silence on this matter has allowed a monster to grow so bizarrely out of its closet that we are now willingly sentencing young men and women on the fronts to die in retaliation from a hostile enemy, in favor of this wave being able to overtake every nook and cranny of society as "normal".

That's a whole society participating in fourth stage denial folks. Instead of looking between their legs and saying "yep, I'm a boy [or girl]", we are supposed to participate in their delusion of wanting to role-play the opposite gender, like the fairy tale "The Emperor's Clothes".

Are we all going to participate in fourth stage delusion to the point maybe even of teaching our elementary school kids that regular anal sex is normal? Or are we going to wake up from this bella donna stupor we're in, this politically correct fogbank?

define deviant sex..

if I want to go down on my girlfriend, is that deviant? should I be arrested if I do so? what if she does it to me? Or is it only deviant if 2 guys do it or 2 girls?
who is in charge of such judgments?also should these choices effect my job or if I can serve my nation? if my girlfriend likes to be that Deviant ? should she be banned from the military? or from being married? I have a thing for Asian chicks, should I be legally stopped from acting on this, many have said interracial marriage is deviant. my girlfriend is out of town for 3 weeks...can I take care of myself or is that deviant and cause for me to not be able to marry or join the army? what those in the army should they be banned from doing this as well? its Deviant. So things got heated and we did it before married...a deviant act...should be we barred from the military, or getting married?

Or should I just ask the bedroom police watching from the cameras we had to have installed in the house to make sure no deviant acts where going on?
Deviant sex would be a regular practice of anal intercourse. This activity is known to be one of the main vectors in spreading the HIV virus.

You can be gay and serve in the military. You just can't talk about it. No big deal. Most young gay men in the military don't have committed partnerships. Statistically they are quite promiscuous actually. They suffer no harm for not being able to discuss their scores. However, their soldier comrads on the front sure will when, and not if, Al Qaida punishes them for our military declaring that it is 'openly gay'.

Any enlisted who is gay and for repealing DADT, knowing it will be deadly for his fellow enlisted, is not fit to serve. All soldiers are required to sacrafice for the good of the whole. You know that going in. Not talking about gay sex is not the only right you sign away at the recruiter's office..

What people do in their bedrooms and what we teach our kids in the 5th grade health class as "normal sexual intercourse" may not be the same thing always. But we put forward the ideal use of the human body, knowing there will be a percentage of people who will misuse it..much like bulimics do with the digestive process. It's really the same. It's just a misuse of a normal bodily function in the pursuit of the bulimic's case it would be the pleasurable sensations of eating while not wanting to get fat. Should we teach this to kids in the 5th grade as normal? Or should we teach them normal nutrition while we know some of them will unfortunately misuse their bodies?
Deviant sex would be a regular practice of anal intercourse. This activity is known to be one of the main vectors in spreading the HIV virus.

You can be gay and serve in the military. You just can't talk about it. No big deal. Most young gay men in the military don't have committed partnerships. Statistically they are quite promiscuous actually. They suffer no harm for not being able to discuss their scores. However, their soldier comrads on the front sure will when, and not if, Al Qaida punishes them for our military declaring that it is 'openly gay'.

Any enlisted who is gay and for repealing DADT, knowing it will be deadly for his fellow enlisted, is not fit to serve. All soldiers are required to sacrafice for the good of the whole. You know that going in. Not talking about gay sex is not the only right you sign away at the recruiter's office..

What people do in their bedrooms and what we teach our kids in the 5th grade health class as "normal sexual intercourse" may not be the same thing always. But we put forward the ideal use of the human body, knowing there will be a percentage of people who will misuse it..much like bulimics do with the digestive process. It's really the same. It's just a misuse of a normal bodily function in the pursuit of the bulimic's case it would be the pleasurable sensations of eating while not wanting to get fat. Should we teach this to kids in the 5th grade as normal? Or should we teach them normal nutrition while we know some of them will unfortunately misuse their bodies?

and who made you judge of this? And protected anal sex is less likey to spread aids then unprotected vaginal sex so is that even more Devient? OMG having a baby is Devant! And is now at random the possible spread of aids plays a part? Realy? you know what the odds of to people with out aids spreading aids with anal sex is? does that make it not devent? And how does saying you can do it, just don't talk about it...change anything? Well sure Sgt Williams Flames like crazy with his lisp...but as long as he does not say he is gay, well lets Shower! man odd he realy loves those village people ....

Just because your a homophobe does not mean they should lose there rights so you can feel better as you sit on your high horse deciding what sex acts are ok and what are not...for the rest of us...

how about if you have to live by the ones I pick out.? why? because I have just as much right to tell other people what they can do with consenting adults as you...but you think you have the power to punish them for it.