McCain flip flops on Social Security

It's amazing. Bush & the Republicans drive America in a ditch. Refuse to admit everything they've touched has turned to manure. And there are those that still say JUST KEEP DOING THE EXACT SAME THINGS... IT WILL GET BETTER.

As Benjamin Franklin and Sigmund Freud have said...

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and
expecting different results. "

Rolling back the tax cuts for the rich is the right thing to do. The economy was great for 8 straight years under President Clinton with the slightly high tax rate on the higher bracket.

Get out of Iraq and save America the bleeding of Taxpayer money @ $12 BILLION DOLLARS PER MONTH. End the special interest Bush tax cuts to the rich. And we're on a much better economic road again.

First you have to be smart enough (honest enough with yourself) to know you've driven yourself into a ditch in the first place ... then you think "what did I do to keep out of this ditch before"... then you stop just spinning your wheels getting stuck deeper & deeper... and then you finally straighten the wheels slowly rock yourself out & go back to the smarter driving techniques that keep you out of the ditch in the past.
A real explanation of the Clinton economy:

While any business cycle expansion has multiple causes, two stand out here. The first, and most important, was a change in policy at the Federal Reserve. The Fed, which had previously operated under the theory that six percent unemployment was the best that the economy could do without accelerating inflation, abandoned that view. Unemployment was allowed to fall to its current 4 percent, and growth continued beyond the point at which the Fed, in the past, would have pulled the plug.

The second was the stock market bubble: a 14 trillion increase in stock holdings over the last decade caused many upper income households to spend freely. This spending, even if it was based on paper increases in wealth that are now disappearing, provided a considerable stimulus to the economy-- much the same as we would get from a large increase in deficit spending by the federal government.

Mr. Clinton cannot claim credit for the stock market bubble, nor would he necessarily want to. Nor did he have anything to do with the Fed's policy shift, which was probably the most important positive change in economic policy in the last 20 years.

Further, It was not until 1999 that the median real wage reached its pre-1990 level, and it remains anchored today at about where it was 27 years ago. In short, Clinton's policies continued the upward redistribution of income and wealth, added to two other policies that he had nothing to do with, which were the backbone of the boom of the 90s
[BigRob;42270]I agree that Bush's spending has been a bit out of control.

REALLY! Ya think... a bit... LoL! :eek:

How 'bout this... Bush... Largest spending increases, ever. Biggest government, ever.

And not surprisingly at all to go along with it... WORST EVER Presidential polling numbers since the invention of polls!!! :eek:

Time to get the C average crowd out of the White House and make sure not to let just another C average McBush in just to continue the downward spiral.

The days of "Statergery" are over MY Friends... We want BARACK!!!
I love when people use the term FLIP FLOP to discuss the opposing political candidate. So, as people age, and mature, they are not allowed to change their opinion? We should all believe the same things at age 70 that we did at age 34?
I love when people use the term FLIP FLOP to discuss the opposing political candidate. So, as people age, and mature, they are not allowed to change their opinion? We should all believe the same things at age 70 that we did at age 34?

Give me a break. Virtually all of McCain's flip flops have taken place within the last couple years, some within 1 year. He's the king of flip flops, having flip flopped on almost every major issue...all in the name of political expediency. The man has no ethics and no morals, plus he's old and sickly. What a candidate.

Although he has taken the possibility of ANWR drilling off the table sadly.

Is there no place sacred, no place off limits to the greed of the fossil fuel industry? There was a major spill at Prudhoe Bay as recently as 2006. To suggest, as drilling proponents have, that opening up ANWR to drilling would have no environmental impact is wishful thinking at best and teeters on a bald faced lie.
Is there no place sacred, no place off limits to the greed of the fossil fuel industry? There was a major spill at Prudhoe Bay as recently as 2006. To suggest, as drilling proponents have, that opening up ANWR to drilling would have no environmental impact is wishful thinking at best and teeters on a bald faced lie.

The way I have understood it, Jimmy Freaking Carter set the land aside for future drilling and Clinton made it a sanctuary.

Am I wrong?

Also, we believe in states rights, right? ALASKA WANTS THIER OIL!
The way I have understood it, Jimmy Freaking Carter set the land aside for future drilling and Clinton made it a sanctuary.

Am I wrong?

Also, we believe in states rights, right? ALASKA WANTS THIER OIL!

State's rights have nothing to do with it, ANWR has been federally protected since 1960. I'm not sure what you are saying about Carter, but I do know that Clinton vetoed any bill that included a provision to open up ANWR to drilling..,.and rightly so.
State's rights have nothing to do with it, ANWR has been federally protected since 1960. I'm not sure what you are saying about Carter, but I do know that Clinton vetoed any bill that included a provision to open up ANWR to drilling..,.and rightly so.

Can you show me where you got the information from the 1960's?

It was a news thing I was watching someone said in passing that Carter started the whole thing, but I have never researched it.