McCain is toooooooo dumb to be president!!!!!

Maybe thats why I have come to admire Hillary, she is at least a fighter. Though.....I dont like her politics ;)

She may be a fighter, but she is one like Bush, keeps fighting long after the fight was lost, doing more harm then good. That she is Still running right now , scares me, and says how pig headed she is. And thats not the same as a tough fighter.
That's because McCain get get people like me, who would rather jump of a bridge then vote for Bush. Bush was a 100% screw up, even my Republican friends hate him, and say he destroyed the party. For me if Bush supporters cant support him, that's a positive for the nation.

LOL well I guess that reasoning to vote for him is as good as any :)

He might make up for all the conservatives who REFUSE to vote for him with democrats who wont vote for Obama....

I cant stand the thought of either of them in the white house. I want a re do
She may be a fighter, but she is one like Bush, keeps fighting long after the fight was lost, doing more harm then good. That she is Still running right now , scares me, and says how pig headed she is. And thats not the same as a tough fighter.

you are probably right but I really could of voted for her, and i know i can not vote for obama and i just cringe when i think of mccain so she was the lesser of all the evils i guess, though that is a bad reason to pick someone too

i want mitt romney or thompson
thank you for the reply. I just can not agree but it is nice to hear other people's points of view. I honestly can not think of one decent thing about Ohhhbama except that he does seem like a good father who loves his kids. Everything, and I do mean everything else about him I find horrible.

As for McCain the only decent thing I can say about him is he was a war hero 40 years ago. I dont trust or like him either.

and both of them are spineless. I mean really!

It might be a personal problem of mine but I really loathe men who are weak and limp, and they both are.

Maybe thats why I have come to admire Hillary, she is at least a fighter. Though.....I dont like her politics ;)

It's my sincere hope as the election nears you compare the two candidates Senator McCain and Senator Obama and give Senator Obama your vote. It's hard to find someone to agree with on all issues and I of course I don't agree with the characterizations you cite in regard to Senator Obama.

But regardless at the end of the day it's going to be one of them... and the old thinking and a promised Bush approach and continuation in policy is fundamentally disastrous for our great nation. The evidence is all around.

As far as Hillary I like her politics but hate her campaign.

I think when the one on match ups start between McCain & Obama you'll see he is far from spineless & extremely up on his game (intelligent). Please keep an open mind and consider Senator Obama.
It's my sincere hope as the election nears you compare the two candidates Senator McCain and Senator Obama and give Senator Obama your vote. It's hard to find someone to agree with on all issues and I of course I don't agree with the characterizations you cite in regard to Senator Obama.

But regardless at the end of the day it's going to be one of them... and the old thinking and a promised Bush approach and continuation in policy is fundamentally disastrous for our great nation. The evidence is all around.

As far as Hillary I like her politics but hate her campaign.

I think when the one on match ups start between McCain & Obama you'll see he is far from spineless & extremely up on his game (intelligent). Please keep an open mind and consider Senator Obama.

Can you picture a conservative voting for Obama? Heck I can’t picture a conservative voting for McCain :(

I do not agree with abortion but I understand how some people think it should be a right in that first 3 months. When they start voting for late term partial birth abortion that makes me upset, if they go further and are even against if the child should be born alive, let it die, then I am disgusted. Obama is all that. Now McCain is pro life but openly admits he wouldn’t do a dang thing to stop funding for tax payers to pay for other peoples abortions or stop late term partial birth abortions, so even though his personal view is more like mine his vote on it is pointless since he won’t vote on it.

I am for lower taxes and less government. Obama is for bigger government and higher taxes, McCain is such a snake, and I don’t know where he stands.

I am for securing the borders and not letting people sneak in illegally, both McCain and Obama will do nothing.

McCain would (probably, and even that I say with doubt) put in more conservative judges than Obama would. But I don’t really believe it, he just says he would.

I am extremely pro Israel. I think Obama is pro Palestine, which makes me nervous. McCain.....who knows what he is, he is a maverick? So what ever that means.

Neither have anything to offer me. I wish there was a third party candidate who really had a chance at winning, and I could agree with on those above issues.
Conservitives voted for Bush, why not McCain..he is more true Conservitive then Bush.

Bush you get a American Foreign Policy of us being involved all over, and nation building...not very Conservative.
Bush, largest Federal Spending of any President I believe.
Bush, Huge Increases in Government power, with more agency's, then ever. ( like Homeland Security....though he was against that before he took credit for it ...)
Bush has said its ok for the government to Spy on US Citizens, without warrants...last I checked, not Conservative.
Bush lets the government look at your records of what books you are reading ( that's about as Big Brother as it gets) no Conservative.
Bush on Immigration is not "conservative" even though it was oddly logical in some ways, while flawed in others.
Federal Deficit...what ever happened to balanced budgets and running government like a company? Well he did make the army private buy running half the war out of Black water..but still....'

But year McCain actually knows there is a problem with Global warming and Sides with the white house reports, UN reports, and every major study...damn Liberal
And yes he said need to reform campaign spending...the horror of not having our leaders bought and sold as much is one I cant stand...
Conservitives voted for Bush, why not McCain..he is more true Conservitive then Bush.

Bush you get a American Foreign Policy of us being involved all over, and nation building...not very Conservative.
Bush, largest Federal Spending of any President I believe.
Bush, Huge Increases in Government power, with more agency's, then ever. ( like Homeland Security....though he was against that before he took credit for it ...)
Bush has said its ok for the government to Spy on US Citizens, without warrants...last I checked, not Conservative.
Bush lets the government look at your records of what books you are reading ( that's about as Big Brother as it gets) no Conservative.
Bush on Immigration is not "conservative" even though it was oddly logical in some ways, while flawed in others.
Federal Deficit...what ever happened to balanced budgets and running government like a company? Well he did make the army private buy running half the war out of Black water..but still....'

But year McCain actually knows there is a problem with Global warming and Sides with the white house reports, UN reports, and every major study...damn Liberal
And yes he said need to reform campaign spending...the horror of not having our leaders bought and sold as much is one I cant stand...

If Bush had of run on those issues in 2000, he would NOT of been the nominee.
Brand new to the forum, however, I'd like to respectfully submit to're going to miss a President who ain't sticking his finger out the window every single morning to see what direction the American wind is blowing at the moment.

Amused by the current two ring circus that is the Democratic party primary, and completely disappointed(almost) in this Republican nominee, I find myself preferring Bush run a third term.
NO Obamanation;38148]Can you picture a conservative voting for Obama? Heck I can’t picture a conservative voting for McCain :(

Well you voted for Hillary. :)

I do not agree with abortion but I understand how some people think it should be a right in that first 3 months. When they start voting for late term partial birth abortion that makes me upset, if they go further and are even against if the child should be born alive, let it die, then I am disgusted. Obama is all that. Now McCain is pro life but openly admits he wouldn’t do a dang thing to stop funding for tax payers to pay for other peoples abortions or stop late term partial birth abortions, so even though his personal view is more like mine his vote on it is pointless since he won’t vote on it.

Abortion is a issue that is as it stands has the correct balance with is up to viability interpretation (could live on it's own outside the womb). Everything past that is actually only to protect the life of the mother.

The simple truth is women cannot be forced to be government controlled incubators both from a right and wrong perspective and realistically. Self abortions (throwing ones self down the stairs, coat hangers and dangerous chemical concoctions have been used since the dawn of time. Back alley unsafe unregulated abortions followed up on that.

My concern as a father of 2 wonderful daughters 28 & 21 is their safety and availability to all options in a safe medical setting. I'll trust they're judgment. It shouldn't be up to you... or me... or the government. It's the woman who has to live with the decision and the aftermath either way. No one is a fan or abortion... but simply... it's her call.

I am for lower taxes and less government. Obama is for bigger government and higher taxes, McCain is such a snake, and I don’t know where he stands.

WOW! COOL! Then you just absolutely hate the Republicans and George Bush! Biggest growth EVER!

Come on my friend...You know EXACTLY where McBush stands. Take the Bush spend it up, cut taxes on the wealthy (as in beer heiresses, McBush's wife) and war war war. Basically John McCain will have the easiest job of any President ever. All he needs is a bottle of Whiteout and sign his name to the existing documents... :eek:

I am for securing the borders and not letting people sneak in illegally, both McCain and Obama will do nothing.

I clearly remember the McCain/Kennedy comprehensive immigration Bill.. so McCain is not only, not in your column but yet AGAIN... FLIP FLOPPING, PANDERING or just plain lying again. Pick any one and you'll be correct.

McCain would (probably, and even that I say with doubt) put in more conservative judges than Obama would. But I don’t really believe it, he just says he would.
50/50 he has nothing to lose either way.

I am extremely pro Israel. I think Obama is pro Palestine, which makes me nervous. McCain.....who knows what he is, he is a maverick? So what ever that means.

WAS a maverick... now a Republican gelding. Obama is for working both sides to lesson tensions. Democrats believe that a shaky peace or even just a temporary truce is better than all out war. Both Carter and Clinton achieved movement in the direction of peace and kept people talking. Obama would act similarly.

Bush... push for democracy and then say... Well we're not going to recognize or even talk to the people you legally elected because I'm gonna call them terrorists. America demands a redo until we get your leaders the way we like them.

Hint: Not democracy then. ;)

Neither have anything to offer me. I wish there was a third party candidate who really had a chance at winning, and I could agree with on those above issues.

It's hard to find everything one wants in a candidate. But at the end of the day we know Bush policy has been mostly a combination of help the millionaires succeed, lies, and needless & deadly wars of occupation, and taxpayer money hemorrhaging.

McBush... same deal unfortunately. Senator Obama... a new inspiring, intelligent positive direction.


Or this? Because these are our choices.
My concern as a father of 2 wonderful daughters 28 & 21 is their safety and availability to all options in a safe medical setting. I'll trust they're judgment. It shouldn't be up to you... or me... or the government. It's the woman who has to live with the decision and the aftermath either way. No one is a fan or abortion... but simply... it's her call.

Support murder. I should have guessed.

WOW! COOL! Then you just absolutely hate the Republicans and George Bush! Biggest growth EVER!

WOW! And EVERY SINGLE DEMOCRAT in congress who passed EACH SPENDING BILL!! You know, the money for grants spent on alternative fuel research, and the freedom car to get us off oil you hate?

Come on my friend...You know EXACTLY where McBush stands. Take the Bush spend it up, cut taxes on the wealthy (as in beer heiresses, McBush's wife) and war war war. Basically John McCain will have the easiest job of any President ever. All he needs is a bottle of Whiteout and sign his name to the existing documents... :eek:

I must be rich. At 17K last year, I got a tax cut from Bush, and a tax rebate this year. Darn I'm a wealthy guy.

I clearly remember the McCain/Kennedy comprehensive immigration Bill.. so McCain is not only, not in your column but yet AGAIN... FLIP FLOPPING, PANDERING or just plain lying again. Pick any one and you'll be correct.

Which doesn't change the fact Obama has no plan for securing the boarders.

WAS a maverick... now a Republican gelding. Obama is for working both sides to lesson tensions. Democrats believe that a shaky peace or even just a temporary truce is better than all out war. Both Carter and Clinton achieved movement in the direction of peace and kept people talking. Obama would act similarly.

What garbage. What did either Carter or Captain Underpants do for peace? Obama would surrender in Iraq, leading to a massive genocide and loss of respect of the entire Iraqi nation. The new government would take the techonological advances in Iraq, and use them to export terrorism world wide, as Saddam had been prior. Iraq would become a puppet of Syria and Iran, both of whom are our enemies.

Bush... push for democracy and then say... Well we're not going to recognize or even talk to the people you legally elected because I'm gonna call them terrorists. America demands a redo until we get your leaders the way we like them.

We do not deal with terrorists. The end. However, I agree we should not have been involved with Israel at all on this. They should deal with it themselves.

It's hard to find everything one wants in a candidate. But at the end of the day we know Bush policy has been mostly a combination of help the millionaires succeed, lies, and needless & deadly wars of occupation, and taxpayer money hemorrhaging.

Agreed there. In fact it's hard to find a candidate with anything I want. I suppose I'm a millionaire now since his reduction in taxes benefited me. That and his tax rebate benefits me. So I best go to my bank vault and check out the millions I have.

McBush... same deal unfortunately. Senator Obama... a new inspiring, intelligent positive direction.

New inspiring? You are in your 50s and still believe in empty charismatic speakers? I'm surprised you are not sending money to those TV evangelists like Benny Hin.

Tell me, what new inspiring intelligent positive direction on what issue do you support? More illegals? Socialized healthcare? (which has worked soooo well elsewhere in the world) More government control over every aspect of your life? Higher gas prices? How about talking with Iran? I'm sure a guy who refuses to believe in the Holocaust is a perfectly reasonable chap that we can deal with. You think government spends too much now? How will they provide universal health coverage without spending billions more?

So which inspiring view is it? Better yet, tell me which views Obama has, that McCain doesn't? You have your head shoved up your politics again.
Bush you get a American Foreign Policy of us being involved all over, and nation building...not very Conservative.

Security of the nation is very conservative. Saddam was a threat.

Bush, largest Federal Spending of any President I believe.

Like every single president prior to him, and every single member of congress, democrat or republican.

Bush, Huge Increases in Government power, with more agency's, then ever. ( like Homeland Security....though he was against that before he took credit for it ...)

Like Captain Underpants prior to him who wanted even more authority to watch over American Citizens.

Bush has said its ok for the government to Spy on US Citizens, without warrants...last I checked, not Conservative.
Bush lets the government look at your records of what books you are reading ( that's about as Big Brother as it gets) no Conservative.

I have not seen where this is true. Explain.

Bush on Immigration is not "conservative" even though it was oddly logical in some ways, while flawed in others.

It was not conservative, nor logical. It was ludicrous.

Federal Deficit...what ever happened to balanced budgets and running government like a company? Well he did make the army private buy running half the war out of Black water..but still....'

Yeah or like Captain Underpants 'Enron style' budgeting, where it's not balanced, but you fudge the numbers so it looks balanced. And of course, all the Democrats in congress voted for every single funding bill. Hey, why didn't your democraps stop him from over spending?

But year McCain actually knows there is a problem with Global warming and Sides with the white house reports, UN reports, and every major study...damn Liberal

Every major study lol. The major studies do not support global warming. Last year the global average temperature dropped... oop! So much for that BS.

And yes he said need to reform campaign spending...the horror of not having our leaders bought and sold as much is one I cant stand...

I agree. Lets prevent the Sierra Club and NOW and ACLU and all the other liberals from having a voice. Cancel their free speech.
Andy;38230]Support murder. I should have guessed.

Having daughters I support women. I support the right that no body can be forced to donate their body for somebody else's use without their permission. In example: My brother is a person. If he needed a bone marrow transplant to survive and I was the only donor match I'm not legally mandated to offer up my body for his survival. It's a choice I would be allowed to make and I would be left alone by the government to deal with my own decision.

WOW! And EVERY SINGLE DEMOCRAT in congress who passed EACH SPENDING BILL!! You know, the money for grants spent on alternative fuel research, and the freedom car to get us off oil you hate?

The fact is until very recently the pubbies had everything their way. They are still vetoing & blocking good legislation all they can. They will be gone soon and they even talk openly about that. Three major solid Republican seat were just recently won by Democrats in special elections.

I must be rich. At 17K last year, I got a tax cut from Bush, and a tax rebate this year. Darn I'm a wealthy guy.

17K and a 1982 Buick don't forget.:D

What you got was pennies compared to the massive tax breaks at the top for millionaires and corporate welfare... and the chickens are coming home to roost with the economy teetering (for all real intents & purposes) in recession.

Which doesn't change the fact Obama has no plan for securing the boarders.

Obama will clamp down on the employers that draw the illegals in. Implement a far superior guest worker program for the jobs that companies say they need. Building fences and such is mostly symbolic. With the old saying being true... build a 10 foot fence they'll build an 11 foot ladder and that the whole northern border is unfenced. In a free society like ours there will always be ways people can get into the country. But without the ability to work that number is dramatically cut.

What garbage. What did either Carter or Captain Underpants do for peace? Obama would surrender in Iraq, leading to a massive genocide and loss of respect of the entire Iraqi nation. The new government would take the techonological advances in Iraq, and use them to export terrorism world wide, as Saddam had been prior. Iraq would become a puppet of Syria and Iran, both of whom are our enemies.

Both Presidents worked on peace accords some that are still in effect today.

On Iraq you go on ahead and take that BS about continuing a ridiculous, economy breaking expensive and deadly occupation in Iraq into the next election and get spanked by the over 70% of the American people who know better. Nothing could make me happier.

We do not deal with terrorists. The end. However, I agree we should not have been involved with Israel at all on this. They should deal with it themselves.

If we tell them to legally elect somebody we can't then say... Oh Oh but not them. We have no right in the Constitution or anywhere else to be Nation Building overseas.

Agreed there. In fact it's hard to find a candidate with anything I want. I suppose I'm a millionaire now since his reduction in taxes benefited me. That and his tax rebate benefits me. So I best go to my bank vault and check out the millions I have.

I understand that at 17K a year a few dollars off your taxes and a $600 check may seem like something. But believe me the amount of the cost of things that went up at the state level because of cuts and the bad economy brought on by the mountains of bad Bush policy more than wiped that away.

New inspiring? You are in your 50s and still believe in empty charismatic speakers? I'm surprised you are not sending money to those TV evangelists like Benny Hin.

No the Benny Hin con men snake oil salesmen like Hagge & Parsley are actually McCain supporters.
As far as soon to be President Obama he's done and outstanding job bringing in new people to the Democratic Party and has a positive agenda for all Americans!

Tell me, what new inspiring intelligent positive direction on what issue do you support? More illegals? Socialized healthcare? (which has worked soooo well elsewhere in the world) More government control over every aspect of your life? Higher gas prices? How about talking with Iran? I'm sure a guy who refuses to believe in the Holocaust is a perfectly reasonable chap that we can deal with. You think government spends too much now? How will they provide universal health coverage without spending billions more?

WOW... that's a lot of manure stacked very high out of one little poster... LoL!

Illegals will be less not more.

We personally just got back from vacationing with people from Canada that think it's hallarious that the neo-cons talk as if they don't love their National Health Care System. I can assure you they do. Fact is many won't even come to vist the US unless they purchace a policy that covers them while they are here.

High gas prices... see George Bush & the Republicans. $30 a barrel before a made up invasion into Iraq. Today $127 a barrel.

Talking to any leader of a sovereign nation... of course. I was listening to Ron Reagan the former President's son (and a Progressive) just last Friday on how the whole "don't talk just attack" policy is ridiculous and not at all what his father did. The USSR had said in the past we will bury you but Kennedy kept lines of communication open and Ronald Reagan kept talking to the Gorbachev when he said he had hundreds of nuclear missiles aimed at major cities in the US.

Just like Chris Matthews ate that neo-con talking head for lunch on TV the other day neo-cons need to understand the English language. Appeasement is not talking... it's giving in to something.

anyone can easily watch just how terribly ignorant the "No talk" side is... Watch...
Well you voted for Hillary. :)

Abortion is a issue that is as it stands has the correct balance with is up to viability interpretation (could live on it's own outside the womb). Everything past that is actually only to protect the life of the mother.

The simple truth is women cannot be forced to be government controlled incubators both from a right and wrong perspective and realistically. Self abortions (throwing ones self down the stairs, coat hangers and dangerous chemical concoctions have been used since the dawn of time. Back alley unsafe unregulated abortions followed up on that.

My concern as a father of 2 wonderful daughters 28 & 21 is their safety and availability to all options in a safe medical setting. I'll trust they're judgment. It shouldn't be up to you... or me... or the government. It's the woman who has to live with the decision and the aftermath either way. No one is a fan or abortion... but simply... it's her call.

WOW! COOL! Then you just absolutely hate the Republicans and George Bush! Biggest growth EVER!

Come on my friend...You know EXACTLY where McBush stands. Take the Bush spend it up, cut taxes on the wealthy (as in beer heiresses, McBush's wife) and war war war. Basically John McCain will have the easiest job of any President ever. All he needs is a bottle of Whiteout and sign his name to the existing documents... :eek:

I clearly remember the McCain/Kennedy comprehensive immigration Bill.. so McCain is not only, not in your column but yet AGAIN... FLIP FLOPPING, PANDERING or just plain lying again. Pick any one and you'll be correct.

50/50 he has nothing to lose either way.

WAS a maverick... now a Republican gelding. Obama is for working both sides to lesson tensions. Democrats believe that a shaky peace or even just a temporary truce is better than all out war. Both Carter and Clinton achieved movement in the direction of peace and kept people talking. Obama would act similarly.

Bush... push for democracy and then say... Well we're not going to recognize or even talk to the people you legally elected because I'm gonna call them terrorists. America demands a redo until we get your leaders the way we like them.

Hint: Not democracy then. ;)

It's hard to find everything one wants in a candidate. But at the end of the day we know Bush policy has been mostly a combination of help the millionaires succeed, lies, and needless & deadly wars of occupation, and taxpayer money hemorrhaging.

McBush... same deal unfortunately. Senator Obama... a new inspiring, intelligent positive direction.


Or this? Because these are our choices.

quick thing on the abortion. I dont agree with abortion period BUT BUT BUT I dont argue in that first three months. Obama not only is for late term abortion 7-9th month he is for letting them die if they should by some miricle be born alive. that is more than wicked more than twisted. that is one sick puppy! but like i said if a candidate was for early abortions, so many of them are, you would never be able to vote if you insisted on no abortion policy.

as for McCain being a mavrick or USED to be a Mavrick. Truth is I dont like him when he used to be a mavrick and i dont like him now that he isnt a mavrick. I just dont like him. I Like Mitt Romney.

I still can not think of a reason to like Obama. the more other people like him the less I do. I saw those pictures of all the idiots in portland WHO BY THE WAY ALL DRINK KOOL AIDE!. and it gave me the creeps it did not inspire me.
[COLOR=]Having daughters I support women.

Tell 'em to get their own job and move out of the trailer park. :)

[COLOR=]The fact is until very recently the pubbies had everything their way. They are still vetoing & blocking good legislation all they can. [/COLOR]

Like WHAT? Do you ever stop long enough to attach FACTS to your rants?

What you got was pennies compared to the massive tax breaks at the top for millionaires and corporate welfare...

Facts? Proof? No, just the usual free-association fiction.

[COLOR=]Obama will clamp down on the employers that draw the illegals in.


[COLOR=]If we tell them to legally elect somebody we can't then say... Oh Oh but not them. We have no right in the Constitution or anywhere else to be Nation Building overseas. [/COLOR]

Why don't we have the right? What is your concept of rights?

[COLOR=]I understand that at 17K a year a few dollars off your taxes and a $600 check may seem like something. But believe me the amount of the cost of things that went up at the state level because of cuts and the bad economy brought on by the mountains of bad Bush policy more than wiped that away[/COLOR].

Proof? Evidence? Nah, nothing - just more braindrool..........

Illegals will be less not more.

Nonsense - democrats have supported illegal aliens more than any group in america.

We personally just got back from vacationing with people from Canada that think it's hallarious that the neo-cons talk as if they don't love their National Health Care System. I can assure you they do. Fact is many won't even come to vist the US unless they purchace a policy that covers them while they are here.

What a howler - from the Clown Prince of Howlers! :D When canadians need a surgery NOW, they head for the US border, as just about EVERYONE knows but you. (The way you come off, they probably were just having a little fun with you.) When canadians need an MRI - they get in a line that can be eight months long - I'm sure they giggle when the state health authority bureaucrat tells them that.

[COLOR=]High gas prices... see George Bush & the Republicans. $30 a barrel before a made up invasion into Iraq. Today $127 a barrel. [/COLOR]

The price of oil has nothing to do with Iraq, einstein. :D

Talking to any leader of a sovereign nation... of course. I was listening to Ron Reagan the former President's son (and a Progressive) just last Friday on how the whole "don't talk just attack" policy is ridiculous and not at all what his father did. The USSR had said in the past we will bury you but Kennedy kept lines of communication open and Ronald Reagan kept talking to the Gorbachev when he said he had hundreds of nuclear missiles aimed at major cities in the US.

What a boneheaded misreading of history - kennedy brought the country closer to nuclear war than at any time during the cold war during the cuban missile crisis. Reagan never came anywhere near that. But you never heard of that, right? Right. :D
being a genius...would not make you suitable for need pathological desire for power and control