Micheal Steele should be fired from GOP


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Why?? He promised he was gonna get Harry Reid on Racist remarks. Whjy didnt he spend over 10 Million on ads reminding voters what he said? He should be fired because he didnt do his job. Im for NEWT GINGRICH to become the new GOP Chairman.
Why?? He promised he was gonna get Harry Reid on Racist remarks. Whjy didnt he spend over 10 Million on ads reminding voters what he said? He should be fired because he didnt do his job. Im for NEWT GINGRICH to become the new GOP Chairman.

I can't see what the RINOs did in this election. GOP support would have made all the difference in getting rid of two of the worst - harry reid and barbara boxer. In nevada, the difference was trainloads of out of state money, the lib defamation media working overtime, and all kinds of sharp outside media people and political operatives. And the RNC was - where?

Like I said, the main enemy of conservatives is RINOs.
Newt Gingrich would keep his eye on Democrats on everything they say. If they get Racist he would order his republicans to impeach them.