Missile Launch off California - Pentagon has "no clue" who launched it

See--did I lie? ;)

Have not heard much from North Korea lately--now have we?

That should be a routine job. why did they make it a news of "mystery missile launch" ?

742. Re-election of Obama (10/24/2012)

About that Gallup poll: Is Romney really up by 7? And will Obama win the election anyway?

Posted by Ezra Klein on October 19, 2012

According to Real Clear Politics, Mitt Romney is, on average, up by one point in the polls. According to both Nate Silver and InTrade, President Obama has a better-than-60-percent chance of winning the election. I think it’s fair to say that the election is, for the moment, close.

But not according to Gallup. Their seven-day tracking poll shows Romney up by seven points — yes, seven — with likely voters. But he’s only up by one point with registered voters.


The Gallup poll is just a gimmick to cheat people. This election is pre-decided. Obama will win his second term. It is not politics. It is a plot of the Feds. They need Obama’s Health Reform that they forced Chief Justice Roberts to change his mind in June to pass the “Healthcare Reform”. (see #726)

To keep Obama to stay in his seat, the Feds have to create an economic situation that favors him. Two months ago- in early September, we saw European bank chief Draghi said they would buy the bond with no limit. Why?

Draghi helps out Obama campaign

By Robin Harding in Washington September 6, 2012

Barack Obama’s chances of re-election as US president rose on Thursday and the words that did it were not his but Mario Draghi’s.

Long before Mr Obama stood up to accept the Democratic nomination in Charlotte, North Carolina, the head of the European Central Bank had sketched out a new plan to buy the bonds of troubled eurozone countries.

That will not move the polls; it will not move a single vote. But Mr Draghi has lowered the gravest of risks to Mr Obama: a pre-election meltdown in the eurozone that would have blown up banks, pulverised Wall Street, and routed a fragile US economy back into recession.

If that happened, it would not be Mr Obama’s fault, but he would get the blame. Just as the failure of Lehman Brothers doomed his rival John McCain in 2008, a eurozone implosion would create economic odds too great for Mr Obama to surmount.


Within days, Federal Reserve Chief Bernanke announced another QE which would push up economy temporarily but hurt it in long term with inflation. The timing of issuing QE3 obviously helps Obama. Republican feels it immediately.

Fed risks political fallout from QE3

By Robin Harding and James Politi in Washington September 14, 2012

Mitt Romney, the Republican candidate, duly opened fire on Friday after the Fed began an open-ended third round of quantitative easing (QE3), under which it will buy $40bn of mortgage-backed securities a month.


QE3 will produce another housing bubble.

Marc Faber: Fed's QE forever is ludicrous; no country has become rich from consumption

Source: BI-ME , Author: Constantine Gardner Fri September 14, 2012

"Asset prices will go up and the money will flow to the Mayfair Economy," he said, defining the latter as an "economy of the rich people whose assets prices go up and whose net worth increases" without any trickle down benefit to the real economy.

What you have is a small economy that is booming and the majority of the economy is being damaged by QE, Faber explains.

Faber sees the Fed's monetary policies over the last 15 years as mainly responsible for the various asset bubbles (Nasdaq, real estate etc...) leading to the subprime crisis in 2007. "The money printers and the neo-Keynesians interventionists are responsible for the crisis, reckons Faber, and people should know this."

Dr Bernanke's attempt to boost growth and reduce unemployment will end up, according to Dr. Faber, in a fiscal Grand Canyon with never ending deficits, the majority of the economy being damaged, the man in the street facing higher prices and losing his job.


Faber sees the Fed's monetary policies over the last 15 years responsible for the Nasdaq bubble and the following housing bubble. I talked about these two bubbles from #733 to #739. And the Federal Reserve now is going to create the third one at the purpose to help the Feds to remove the hot potatoes in their hands to the ordinary people.

743. Unusual drop of unemployment rate (10/29/2012)

The unemployment rate was still highthree months before the voting date. It made the re-election unlikely for Obama.

What Does an 8.3 Percent Unemployment Rate Mean for the Election?

By: Jon King | August 5, 2012

Many pundits (including this one) have made the point that if the unemployment rate is at 8% or higher that the president will have an uphill battle to win the election.

The reason why 8% is such a hurdle is that no modern president has ever won re-election when unemployment was over 8%. Actually, if one wants to take an even more skeptical view, they could say that no president since Roosevelt has won re-election with unemployment over 7.2%.


It’s difficult to convince people the unemployment rate could drop below 7.2% from 8.3% in two months. But the Feds still could manage to get a figure of 7.8% in order to make Obama’s re-election more reasonable.

[quote ] Fact Check: Labor Secretary Solis Misleads on Jobs Revisions

by Joel B. Pollak 5 Oct 2012

Suspicion about the federal government's September jobs report has fallen on Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis, who appeared on CNBC this morning and defended the numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), claiming--falsely--that upward revisions of 86,000 jobs were from the private sector. In fact, the new number is entirely accounted for by upwards revisions to state and federal government payrolls.

The BLS reported that while only 114,000 jobs were created in September--which would have translated into a rise in unemployment from 8.1% to 8.2%--the unemployment rate fell dramatically to 7.8%. That unusual drop is the fastest in nearly three decades, and was unexpected even in the rosiest predictions.

One reason for the rise was an upward revision of 86,000 to the July and August jobs numbers--all of which came from a 91,000 increase in the estimate of public sector jobs. Private sector job estimates were actually revised downward by 5,000.

In addition, the BLS reported a large rise in the number of part-time jobs, adding 600,000 jobs to the total--a dramatic increase of 7.5%, not explained by any other economic indicators--and raising questions about whether the government had changed the way it counted part-time workers

http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Govern...or-Secretary-Solis-as-Jobs-Numbers-Questioned [/quote]

Nobody can verify the figure. The Feds have kept a war criminal (who activated a war with a lie) to stay on his second term, what’s the problem for another puppet? Just create a hoax of a better off economy for the time being then blame everything on the coming financial cliff.
744. Disguise in God's role (11/7/2012)
The Feds like to control people in God's role. When they planned to keep a proved liar on chair for his second term in 2004, they said it was the "God’s will".
Pat Robertson said "I think George Bush is going to win in a walk, I really believe I'm hearing from the Lord it's going to be like a blowout election in 2004. It's shaping up that way."
Now the Feds want to shape up the way for Obama. They play it in another way – in Mother Nature’s guise.
Three months ago, storm Issac had disturbed the GOP Convention and suppressed Republican’s spirit.

The timing and route of Issac was so coincident that Limbaugh alleged:
Rush Limbaugh Says Obama Manipulated Isaac Storm Track To Delay GOP Convention: ‘The Hurricane Center Is … Obama’
By Stephen Lacey on Aug 27, 2012


Then Frankenstorm Sandy came:
Conspiracy Theorists Say Obama Engineered Hurricane Sandy
By Elizabeth Flock October 29, 2012
As Hurricane Sandy blasts the eastern seaboard just over a week before Election Day, a number of conspiracy theorists have decided President Barack Obama engineered the mega-storm to secure his re-election.

InfoWars.com, TheIntelHub.com, and ConsfearacyNewz all posted stories over the last several days alleging that the The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or HAARP, helped the president engineer Sandy.


Tuesday, Oct 30, 2012 05:28 AM PDT
So what does Romney do now?
If the hurricane freezes the presidential race in place, it's not good news for the GOP nominee
By Steve Kornacki
For Romney, the downside is obvious: Sandy has for now frozen the race in place – and where the race is right now isn’t good for him. If the election were held this moment, Barack Obama would probably be returned to office for a second term. The president is at best tied with Romney in the national horserace and at worst behind by a point, but he holds clear advantages in the most important battleground states and is much better-positioned to reach 270 electoral votes.
Romney needs to shore up states like Virginia and Colorado and erase stubborn gaps in Ohio or Wisconsin and Iowa before next Tuesday. Momentum alone doesn’t seem like it will get him there. He surged in the wake of the first debate in Denver, but the race has settled into place since then. For lack of a better term, Romney is in need of some kind of jolt that would fix his swing state problem.
Sandy severely complicates this task. For one thing, it has overtaken the presidential campaign as the top national story and will continue to do so for several days. Obama, as the president, has an obvious place in this story. The actions of the White House and the response of the federal government are integral to the clean-up, and Obama has a platform to showcase his presidential leadership. Romney, though, has no official role, and really can’t force his way into the story. There’s also the matter of unseemliness – it wouldn’t look too good for Romney to keep right on campaigning as the rest of the country takes stock of a natural disaster. Thus did Romney cancel events yesterday and again today.


745. Rig the election (11/12/2012)
Boeing Announces Big Layoffs in Defense Division
Published: Wednesday, 7 Nov 2012


Boeing announced the lay off the day next to the election day. It took sometime to plan a big lay off. Boeing is a firm that under the control of the Feds. It sealed the bad news until Obama is re-elected. Similar tactic was seen in other areas.
Record-High Food Stamp Enrollment Data Released After Election
November 10, 2012
Nearly 421,000 new participants were added in just one month from the July 2012 figure of 46,681,917. Almost 2 million more participants were added in the last year when compared to the August 2011 figure of 45,794,474. There were about 32 million Americans on Food Stamps when President Barack Obama took office in January 2009.
The U.S. Monthly Data report is typically issued at the end of the following month, or pushed slightly into next week if there is a weekend or holiday at the end of the month. For example, July 2012's numbers were released on September 28, 2012 (See below). However, the August 2012 report was released unusually late on November 9, 2012, well after the U.S. Presidential Election had taken place.


Unemployment used to correlate with food-stamp enrollment. They made it a sharp drop two months before the election day from 8.3% to 7.8%. Obviously the figure was rigged(see #743). It’s a big contradiction to the Food Stamp Enrollment data. How could the sharp drop of unemployment cause a record high food stamp enrollment? To prevent the contradiction to hurt Obama’s election, there was an unusual delay of Food stamp enrollment data releasing.
Record-High Food Stamp Enrollment Data Released After Election
November 10, 2012
Nearly 421,000 new participants were added in just one month from the July 2012 figure of 46,681,917. Almost 2 million more participants were added in the last year when compared to the August 2011 figure of 45,794,474. There were about 32 million Americans on Food Stamps when President Barack Obama took office in January 2009.
The U.S. Monthly Data report is typically issued at the end of the following month, or pushed slightly into next week if there is a weekend or holiday at the end of the month. For example, July 2012's numbers were released on September 28, 2012 (See below). However, the August 2012 report was released unusually late on November 9, 2012, well after the U.S. Presidential Election had taken place.


746. GOP kneeling down to the Feds (11/21/2012)

With 60,000 dead, Mexicans wonder why drug war doesn't rate in presidential debate

Much of Latin America was dismayed that they got only a glancing mention in Romney and Obama's final presidential debate.

By Sara Miller Llana | Christian Science Monitor – 10/23/2012

That means no candidate talked about the drug trade, despite historic violence playing out in Mexico, much of it along the 2,000-mile border that the US shares.


The death toll in Syria so far is much less than 60,000. (about 30,000) Yet the media and US politicians blow the trumpet on civilians’ death there but keep a blind eye on its neighbor Mexico. It seems for them the lives of the Muslims are more valuable than Mexicans. The real reason is because this topic would certain to drag out a scandal – Operation Fast and Furious. It’s an Achilles’ heel of the Obama’s cabinet.A.G. Eric Holder and D.O.J. committed the crime to supply the weapons to Mexican drug gangs and made Mexico a slaughtering field. It’s strange that the GOP and Romney hadn’t taken the advantage on this issue in election campaign. That’s because they know the Feds control this nation and the election. The GOP dares not to offend its master and left this issue alone.

The reason that leads the Feds to keep Obama on his chair is they need his Healthcare for their case. (see “726. The surprise turnaround of Chief Justice (7/4/2012)”. Obama became the rare President who could be re-elected when unemployment was above 7.4%. After losing the election, the Republican recognizes the intention of the Feds and bows down:

Boehner: 'Obamacare is the law of the land'

By Michael O'Brien, NBC News 11/8/2012

Republicans' efforts to undo President Barack Obama's health care reform law appear to have come to an end, as House Speaker John Boehner described it Thursday as the "law of the land."


747. Extort Petraeus (11/27/2012)

On Nov. 10, CIA Chief Petraeus resigned from his post because the FBI had found an affair between him and Paula Broadwell from their email. On Nov. 20, there was such a news:

Senate bill rewrite lets feds read your e-mail without warrants

by Declan McCullagh

| November 20, 2012

A Senate proposal touted as protecting Americans' e-mail privacy has been quietly rewritten, giving government agencies more surveillance power than they possess under current law.

CNET has learned that Patrick Leahy, the influential Democratic chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee, has dramatically reshaped his legislation in response to law enforcement concerns. A vote on his bill, which now authorizes warrantless access to Americans' e-mail, is scheduled for next week.


Apparantly, the FBI activates its accessories in Senate to change the law to justify its action on the CIA Chief. The cause they applied on Petraeus case is unreasonable and illegal.

In unusual CIA case, FBI detoured from usual path
By RICHARD LARDNER | Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — The way the FBI responded to Jill Kelley's complaint about receiving harassing emails, which ultimately unraveled or scarred the careers of ex-CIA Director David Petraeus and Marine Gen. John Allen, is the exception, not the rule.

The FBI commonly declines to pursue cyberstalking cases without compelling evidence of serious or imminent harm to an individual, victims of online harassment, advocacy groups and computer crime experts told The Associated Press.

Instead, the FBI considered this from the earliest stages to be an exceptional case, and one so sensitive that FBI Director Robert Mueller and Attorney General Eric Holder were kept notified of its progress.

Civil liberties groups have criticized the FBI for pursuing the investigation of the emails to Kelley because there is no indication the messages contained any threatening language or classified information. The episode underscores the need to strengthen the legal protections for electronic communications, according to the American Civil Liberties Union.


Why the FBI crossing the path to create a scandal? I think it was a potential extortion case. The FBI tried to extort the CIA Chief Petraeus with the affair scandal but failed. Thus we saw such a stage show.
748. Extort Petraeus (2) (12/6/2012)

New report describes Broadwell emails to Kelley as ‘death threats’
By Rachel Rose Hartman, Yahoo! News | The Ticket – Tue, Nov 20, 2012

Paula Broadwell reportedly vowed in an email to make Jill Kelley "go away" the New York Daily News reported Tuesday in a story offering new details about how the mistress of former CIA Director David Petraeus threatened Kelley.

It’s absurd to interpret “go away” as a life threat. Yet FBI Director Robert Mueller and Attorney General Eric Holder were kept notified of its progress.” When A.G. Eric Holder said he was not notified of “Operation Fast and Furious” it is ridiculous that the two big heads of the D.O.J. kept their interest on someone’s affair.

In fact, Eric Holder is under heavy pressure to resign on “Operation Fast and Furious” scandal. FBI Chief Robert Mueller is on his “extended two years” term. Both men are in their finale days in D.O.J.. (see #693 and #694) Their most important mission is to frame a case to terminate Kat Hak Sung, then to take the responsibility by “resignation” – an easy way for the officials to quit from the crime they committed.

Because of the intensified persecution of the Feds I left US twice in 1990s. Then they created OKC bombing and 911 attack to get the new law “Patriot Act” with which they establish the TSA search in airport. On 10/7/2009, I was denied to enter Canada on the border. (see #611) That leaves Mexico the only exit for me. A few days later, in later October 2009, “Operation Fast and Furious” was created by D.O.J. . They turned Mexico into a killing field. The operation was obviously created for my case.

This year, the Feds have new plan to frame me through the new Obama’s Healthcare law. I talked about it in July. (see #726) Next month, a strange case happened in Mexico.

Mexico focus on police commanders in CIA shooting
By E. EDUARDO CASTILLO | Associated Press – Mon, Nov 19, 2012.

MEXICO CITY (AP) — In a strange and aggressive attack by Mexican federal police on a U.S. Embassy vehicle that was pumped with 152 bullets, one major question remains: Why?

Mexican investigators are looking for the answer from five police commanders who are accused of ordering 14 officers to lie about what happened on Aug. 24 south of Mexico City, where two CIA officers and a Mexican Navy captain came under heavy fire while travelling in an armored SUV clearly marked by diplomatic plates.


"Commanders controlled by whom? Whose instructions were they following?" said one Mexican official with knowledge of the case.


Media confused, asked why? Rare people know it was an attempt to create scandal for CIA. “Operation Fast and Furious” surfaced in early 2011 which made the Feds notorious. They now try to extort CIA to collaborate in their plot in Mexico if I would be forced to be there.

749. Petraeus case is an extortion (3) (12/11/2012)

Who has the ability to order the Mexico Federal police to murder CIA agents? Mexico government has no motive to offend its super power neighborhood. The answer is simple: someone who has the ability to extort the Chief of CIA.

The Feds control the drug gangs in Mexico. (see “698. FBI and DEA are behind the “Fast and Furious” (12/19/2011)”

US Court Documents Claim Sinaloa “Cartel” Is Protected by US Government
Posted by Bill Conroy - July 31, 2011 at 5:07 pm

The son of a heavy hitter in a powerful Mexican drug trafficking organization has filed explosive legal pleadings in federal court in Chicago accusing the US government of cutting a deal with the the “Sinaloa Cartel” that gave its leadership “carte blanche to continue to smuggle tons of illicit drugs into Chicago and the rest of the United States.”


The Feds not only control drug gangs in Mexico, they also control Mexico police force, turn it into their informants.

Reports Of Mexican Special Forces Serving As 'Death Squads' In The Drug War
Michael Kelley|Oct. 2, 2012

Ciudad Juárez, right across the border from El Paso, Texas, was perhaps the most dangerous place in the world between 2008 and 2011 as a “cartel turf war" led to more than 10,000 murders.

But U.S. and Mexican officials told Stratfor that the surge of killings can be partly attributed to Mexican special forces and hitmen who were acting as U.S. informants.


The CIA agents were lucky survived in Mexico attack because they were in a bullet proof car. When one plot soured, another one comes out. That is affair scandal of the Petraeus. It seems Petraeus didn’t obey to that blackmail. He knows once he sold his soul to the Satan, he would be a slave for it for life. He chose to resign.
750. Extort Petraeus (4) (12/20/2012)

The resignation of Petraeus was sudden and unexpected. The news field was in flurry. They said at first that the affair was found in emails between Petraeus and Paula Broadwell. But It was illegal to search private communication.

So then there came Jill Kelley. She said that she received anonymous threatening emails. But how could she complained her private affair to the FBI? Then there was an unnamed FBI agent:

Jill Kelley turned to friend — and Tampa FBI agent — for help

Nov 14, 2012

He was identified late Wednesday by the New York Times, quoting anonymous sources, as the Tampa FBI agent who took the complaints from socialite Jill Kelley that started a cyberstalking investigation and uncovered Petraeus' affair with biographer Paula Broadwell.


Also some other story to convince people:

Jill Kelley Claims 'Threats' in Email to Mayor
By ABC News | ABC News 11/16/2012



Then the news that the FBI agent allegedly sent his shirtless photos to Jill Kelley, Kelley having affair with Gen. John Allen, Kelley’s social life with high ranking military officials…. . All those James Bond’s style stories are used to distract people from the main focus – Petraues was under illegal surveillance.

Is sex scandal really that serious? Gen. John Allen - a high ranking official - now goes back to Afghanistan to continue his commander career there. His mistress- Jill Kelley, came from Lebanon and is a social butterfly. Paula Broadwell graduated from West Point and was allowed to do her writing with Petraeus. Who is more cleaner?. Yet Petreus lost his job.

The word to justify the search was “go away”. Are you convinced?

New report describes Broadwell emails to Kelley as ‘death threats’

By Rachel Rose Hartman, Yahoo! News | The Ticket – Tue, Nov 20, 2012

Paula Broadwell reportedly vowed in an email to make Jill Kelley "go away" the New York Daily News reported Tuesday in a story offering new details about how the mistress of former CIA Director David Petraeus threatened Kelley.

751. Extort Petraeus (5) (12/25/2012)

FBI used to kill with other people’s hands. In Waco case when they decided to eliminate the Branch Davidians, BATF was used to provoke the case which at last led to the massacre of seventy four people.

In October 2009, they ltold the Canada authority to deny my entering at border check point. A few days later to prevent me to go to Mexico, they activated “Operation Fast and Furious” to turn Mexico into a killing field. In 2011, “Fast and Furious” became a scandal, BATF again became a scapegoat.

Then who would be a borrowed killing hand in Mexico if Kat Sung have gone there? They thought of CIA. We saw the strange case that CIA’s SUV was shot by the Mexican police and the scandal of CIA Chief Petraeus. However, Petraeus chose to resign instead of compromising. Now FBI has to do it with its own hands.

I read Yahoo’s news everyday. On November 24, two weeks after Petraeus' resignation, a news caught

my eyes. It proves that the blackmail on CIA was about Mexico:

1 of FBI's 10 most wanted arrested in Mexico
Associated Press – 11/24/2012

LOS ANGELES (AP) — One of the FBI's Ten Most Wanted Fugitives was arrested in Mexico and returned to Los Angeles Friday night to face charges of murder, kidnapping and rape, U.S. officials said.

Reputed Los Angeles gang member Joe Luis Saenz was taken into custody in Guadalajara late Thursday following a joint operation with the Mexican government, said Bill Lewis, assistant director in charge of the FBI's Los Angeles office.


They have to show their true face this time.
750. Extort Petraeus (4) (12/20/2012)

The resignation of Petraeus was sudden and unexpected. The news field was in flurry. They said at first that the affair was found in emails between Petraeus and Paula Broadwell. But It was illegal to search private communication.

So then there came Jill Kelley. She said that she received anonymous threatening emails. But how could she complained her private affair to the FBI? Then there was an unnamed FBI agent:

Also some other story to convince people:

Then the news that the FBI agent allegedly sent his shirtless photos to Jill Kelley, Kelley having affair with Gen. John Allen, Kelley’s social life with high ranking military officials…. . All those James Bond’s style stories are used to distract people from the main focus – Petraues was under illegal surveillance.

Is sex scandal really that serious? Gen. John Allen - a high ranking official - now goes back to Afghanistan to continue his commander career there. His mistress- Jill Kelley, came from Lebanon and is a social butterfly. Paula Broadwell graduated from West Point and was allowed to do her writing with Petraeus. Who is more cleaner?. Yet Petreus lost his job.

The word to justify the search was “go away”. Are you convinced?

751. Extort Petraeus (5) (12/25/2012)

FBI used to kill with other people’s hands. In Waco case when they decided to eliminate the Branch Davidians, BATF was used to provoke the case which at last led to the massacre of seventy four people.

In October 2009, they ltold the Canada authority to deny my entering at border check point. A few days later to prevent me to go to Mexico, they activated “Operation Fast and Furious” to turn Mexico into a killing field. In 2011, “Fast and Furious” became a scandal, BATF again became a scapegoat.

Then who would be a borrowed killing hand in Mexico if Kat Sung have gone there? They thought of CIA. We saw the strange case that CIA’s SUV was shot by the Mexican police and the scandal of CIA Chief Petraeus. However, Petraeus chose to resign instead of compromising. Now FBI has to do it with its own hands.

I read Yahoo’s news everyday. On November 24, two weeks after Petraeus' resignation, a news caught

my eyes. It proves that the blackmail on CIA was about Mexico:

They have to show their true face this time.

they rely on the short attention span of the public. and sadly it works.
its the Chicago Tao to have blackmail ready for people you have to trust a little.
only the general has too much honor to lie for the administration so under the bus he went.

all blatantly hamhanded to the extent that no one casting even a casual eye could mistake the fraud but people are stupid and prefer to be fat dumb and happy.
752. Why October? (1/5/2013)

I wrote #741 on October 15, 2012, revealed that Feds plotted a case in that month based on the facts that the Feds arranged different trips for my relatives and my wife. I worried that they would try to kill the witness so their lies won’t be exposed. The Feds usedto kill victims in travel incidents

I also noticed the unusual spike of gas price in California in that month. I alleged it was part of the plot. The Feds bought a lot of houses in my case. (see #733 to #741) They would sell these houses when Kat Sung was eliminated. To prevent potential buyers to purchase the house from nearby area where the house price is still low, Feds push up the gas price to raise the cost of commuting. See:“741. Why the gas price jump high (10/15/2012)”

A news in next month proved my analysis was very correct. The sudden spiked gas price in October was manipulated by the Feds.

California Watchdog Group Accuses Refiners of Lying (TSO, BP, CVX, RDS-A)

Posted: November 16, 2012

When California gasoline prices topped $5 a gallon early last month, the state’s big refiners said they were performing maintenance at some of the plants and a couple were recovering from forced shutdowns due to fires. Now, a consumer advocacy group, Consumer Watchdog, has asked the state’s attorney general to launch a criminal investigation into the refiners’ words and deeds during that period.


Report: Bay Area Refineries Faked Outages, Spiked Gasoline Prices

Bay Area refineries lied about being out of production in May and October, according to a report.

By Chris Roberts

| Thursday, Nov 15, 2012

Bay Area oil refineries in Richmond and Martinez are to blame for the spike in gasoline prices in May and October, according to a report released in Washington on Thursday.

Both Royal Dutch Shell in Martinez and Chevron in Richmond claimed to be out of service during periods in May and October. Gas prices spiked accordingly. But environmental research reveals both refineries were producing gasoline at full capacity, contrary to what the public was told, according to McClatchy newspapers.

Environmental documents reveal nitrogen oxide emissions -- evidence of gasoline production -- were normal during both periods, the newspaper chain reported.

Gasoline inventories were building during "a time in which West Coast motorists" were paying "at least 50 cents more per gallon than the national average," the newspaper reported.


“Both Royal Dutch Shell in Martinez and Chevron in Richmond claimed to be out of service during periods in May and October.” Nobody could order two big firms to commit a price cheating and market manipulation but the Feds.

753. Property tax and motivated October plot (1/10/2013)

Why did the Feds choose October to frame a case? Because property tax was due on November 1st. The Feds bought a lot of houses in my case. They have to pay a large amount of property tax each year. It becomes hot potatoes in their hands. To finish the case in October, they could avoid to pay quite a lot of the tax by: 1. Selling the house – let new owners to pay it. 2. Go foreclosure on some houses which have been under water already to transfer the loss to the bankers, Fanny Mae and tax payers.

Here is the due date of property tax notice. http://thumbs.myopera.com/sz/colx/katsung47/albums/12490382/PICT0033.JPG

There are two installments for the tax bill. The first one is due on November 1st 2012. The second is due on February 1st 2013. The Feds planned a new case for the coming payment date.

One month before February, my mother visited my home on 12/30. It was more than a year she hadn’t been to my house. As usual she gave me some cash, as usual I refused. I think she was intimidated by the Feds to do so. The Feds(FBI and DEA)try to plant illegal money (fake notes or marked drug money) on me through my relatives so they could perform arrest when I use it. At first, I refused the big bill (hundred dollar). Next time when my mother gave me big bills, B(my brother in law) happened to be there and changed all big bills into twenties. I was surprised and suspected that they turned small notes into illegal money. Later I found I was treated specially when I went shopping – I was led to a new cashier counter when I waited to pay my food in super market. Since then I abandoned to use cash. I pay with credit card.

My mother complained, ‘You refused to accept big bill, then refused to accept small notes. What can we do to help you?” I suggested that they could buy a gift card. It was against the will of the Feds. The real purpose to give me cash was to frame me in an “illegal money case”. A gift card loses the function to frame me in. They didn’t buy gift card as I wished. They rarely came since. It proved my guess. My relatives were commanded by the Feds to plant illegal money on me. Buying a gift card is easy if they really want to help me but they wouldn’t do so. I never use cash in recent years. I only pay with credit cards in shopping activity.

On 12/30, old tactic repeated again. When I refused the cash, my sister said they would buy a gift card for me. One week later (1/8), my brother brought me a gift VISA card. It seems they had new plan. I guess this time it relates to Chinese secret police. On 12/30, came to my house with my mother, there were two guests new arrived from China. They were relatives of my brother in law. On 1/8, in my brother’s short visit to deliver the gift card, came with C.Y. couple(see #724) whom I alleged were the secret agents of China. I guess the Chinese secret police plays an important role in the new plot. There used to be a payment in secret deal. This news may say something:

Abe Unlikely To Visit U.S. In Jan Due To Scheduling Difficulties
Monday, January 7, 2013

TOKYO (Kyodo)--Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is unlikely to visit the United States in January due to scheduling difficulties and his trip is being rearranged for February or later, government officials said Monday.


China is disputing with Japan over an Island in East sea. Japan is seeking US support in this argument. The delay of the meeting of two countries’ heads hurts Japan.
754. Gas price manipulated in May and October (1/20/2013)

In #752, I talked about the Feds had raised the gas price by manipulation of the refineries. They spiked the gas price twice in May and October. They want to finish the case in October to avoid to pay property tax (due date was Nov. 1st. ) But why did they do it also in May?

Quote, “Bay Area oil refineries in Richmond and Martinez are to blame for the spike in gasoline prices in May and October,” see #752.

Because the Feds had plotted a case in May. Katsung47 is my user’s name. Kat Sung is my real name, 47 is my birth year. My birthday was in later May 1947. I was 65 years old in May 2012 and was qualified for Medicare at that month. I think the Feds framed a case on me in May if I had applied for Medicare. Worrying of the plot, I didn’t do so. My suspicion was very correct. One month later the Supreme Court passed Obama’s Healthcare Reform on 6/28. I didn’t apply for Medicare as the Feds had expected, then they abusing their power to pass a new health law of “individual mandate”. What surprised people in that case was the dramatic turnaround of the Chief Justice. It proved my conclusion that Roberts is a puppet worked for the Feds. See:”726. The surprise turnaround of Chief Justice (7/4/2012)”.

The news of gas price cheating once again proved my allegation. They did plot to frame case in May and October. In these two cases, the method of planting “illegal money” was used. May plot also related to “Medicare application”.

The gas price manipulation news also proved the Feds bought a large quantity of houses in my case. As a preparation to sell these houses after the case finished, the Feds abusing the gas price. The purpose was to prevent potential buyer to buy houses from nearby area where the real estate price is still low. The high gas price would bring up the commuting cost. The houses the Feds held in their hands are mainly in Bay area especially in San Jose where I live and in San Francisco where my relatives live. They also manipulate the Federal Reserve to keep the interest rate low by continuous release of QE. As a result, the third housing bubble is forming.

755. Internet ban (1/25/2013)

Five days ago I wrote #754, revealed something about how the Feds would frame a case on me in May. On that day- 1/20- I was banned by YUKU. Yuku is a big internet web provider which hosts a lot of webs. I was member in more than a dozen of web sites which were under Yuku system. Now I lose all the contents I posted there.

My home site was in Yuku: http://katsung47.yuku.com/forums/66

I used to post the newly written article first in that site. Now all record is gone. So be in other yuku sites.

I have alleged that the Feds would have an internet attack : “On 7/4, I wrote about the mysterious turnaround of Chief Justice Roberts and promised to tell "why he did so" in next(today's) post. Now I'm afraid I can't do so because next day of 7/4 there was a swift response from the Feds.

quote, ‘Internet doomsday’ due on Monday, claims FBI “.

To prevent people from knowing the method they would use in coming plot, the Feds would attack the Internet to delete my revelation. They had prepared an “Internet doomsday” in July when I was going to talk about “May plot”. When I was talking about the ‘May plot” again, they immediately banned me to post it in my home site.

I allege that once the Feds have their plot gone through, there would be a big internet attack to wipe out my posts. I have to say my revelations are very true and my analyses are very correct that the Feds are afraid of it. Record my revelation as the Feds are so eager to eliminate it.

I would like to remind you that since it is a framed case, the Feds will activate big events to distract your attention. It could be natural disaster, epidemic disease, or terror attack, or all of them. I think Sandy Hook School shooting was possibly a part of this plot. Since 911, most people don’t trust government any more. The Sandy Hook shooting was created to justify the gun ban to prevent resistance from people when the Feds apply another terror attack on them.
Given that the military apparently has no idea who fired this missile, it cannot rule out that it was fired by someone other than the United States, which would be a major problem if other nations were able to come right up near shore, fire a missile, and we would have "no clue."

How do you know this?
756. IRS search (2/4/2013)

Why did the Feds wish I apply for “Medicare”? They want to carry out a search by the hands of IRS.

I had filed joint tax return for my wife and I for decades. In 2006, my wife asked an accountant firm to file the joint tax returnwithout my consent . I demanded a correction afterI found errors in report they filed . They refused and e-filed it without my signature. I have to separate my tax report from my wife’s since then.

Obviously, it was commanded by the Feds. My wife was manipulated to file a tax return with error to touch off an IRS search. One error was they missed Schedule C form. I pointed it out seven years ago:

Quote, “I have some merchandise left from business. Each year I reported the merchandise stock unchanged by schedule C. Each year there was a Schedule C form in the tax book IRS mailed me. But this year, for the first time, there was no C form in the tax book. Why? I think Feds wish to find an excuse to search the stock in the name of "no report".

The merchandise stock is piled in garage. In former messages, I talked about there were two big attempts Feds had tried to enter the attic and garage. (see "144. Roof contractor from Idaho (July, 2003)" and "300. Garage door (3/27/05)") I allege they had planted drugs in attic and garage, so when the disguised contractor enter the attic or garage in the name of roofing or replacing the garage door could claim they found drugs there.

(“395. A sudden trip and the tax return trap (3/30/06)”; “398. April 18, the action date?(4/15/06)”; “300. Garage door (3/27/05)”)

I thought the Feds had planted illegal material (likely drugs)in my merchandise stock which is piled up in my garage. In 2005, they manipulated to damage my garage door so they could perform an unreasonable search by disguising as garage door contractor. I fixed the door by myself.

They didn’t drop the idea. Next year they manipulated my wife to file an erroneous tax return at the purpose to activate an IRS search. I had to separate my tax return from my wife’s. Since I have no income, I don’t have to file tax return.

I didn’t apply for Medicarein May 2012 in case that would touch off an “automatic computer system” to IRS. It’s what the Feds was looking forward to. Really one month later we saw the Feds manipulated the Chief Justice to pass the Healthcare Reform law of the Obama to make it individual mandate.

757. Sales tax paid to finish inventory (2/4/2013)

To avoid the endless quibbling of the Feds over this issue, I went to State Board of Equalization, paid the sales tax of my merchandise stockon Jan. 6, 2010. I didn’t want to file Schedule C any more.

Here is the record data:

“Lient/taxpyr ID: ***0085 TAT: SR Dist: GH Acct: ****9416

Comment entered by:HAN H

Mr. KAT HAK SUNG was in GH office to pay tax on his inventory sales valued at $5900 (sold near XMAS 2009).

Hid accts including 99-***837 were all closed.

Per Supervisor Dina Almario’s instructions, ARB acct was created and will bill him $548 for tax amount.


I paid it with check.

758. The intimidation next day (2/9/2013)

The Feds like to send out a warning to intimidate people if their plan failed to go through. There was a swift response after I paid sales tax of my inventory to the State Board of Equalization.

Next day (1/7/2010) an earthquake shook the Milpitas. At that time, I went to Milpitas Library everyday for internet surfing. That morning, people in Library could feel the strong shaking. While we evacuated under the emergent alarming, I knew it was an intimidation from the Feds. Since they have a good command of modern techniques to imitate a natural disaster, they view themselves as God. They were angry that I disrupted their plan. From this event, I also realized how proficient they were to operate an earthquake – by choosing the time and location they preferred.

4.1 magnitude quake strikes near Milpitas
Thursday, January 07, 2010

MILPITAS, CA (KGO) -- An earthquake struck the Bay Area at 10:09 a.m. on Thursday. It was centered six miles north-northeast of Milpitas.



receipt of State Board of Equalization.
759. Meteor attack and retirement of Pope (2/18/2013)

I said a week ago, “The Feds used to send out a warning to intimidate people if they felt being offended.” They intimidated me by an earthquake one day after I paid sales tax over my inventory. Similar case took place in Russia - a meteor striking chalyabinsk.

Russian Politician Says Meteor Was U.S. Weapons Test

Washington Post) February 16, 2013

Russia’s controversial Liberal leader, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, has blamed Americans for today’s meteorite scare, local media report.



The corner of the island above the epicenter is Aceh Province.

Yudhoyono won the president election of Indonesia in September 2004. Three months later, in December that year, US tested two new weapons in Indonesia. Both imitated natural disaster. One was the tsunami. It was near the Aceh Province of Indonesia, some 166,000 died in that area. Aparantly it aimed at the Aceh rebels – Aceh Free Army which was fighting against the government. The rebels was hit hard by the catastrophe and had to compromise with the government with a peace agreement later. The other one was imitating a fallen meteor.

This is what I wrote at that time. What happens in Russia now is exactly like what happened then in Indonesia:

, "Meteor Explodes Over Jakarta

Josh Pringle

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Astronomers say a meteor likely exploded over the Indonesian capital of Jakarta Sunday morning. Witnesses say there was a bright object with a tail of fire streaked across the sky, and then there was a loud explosion.

http://www.cfra.com/headlines/index.asp?cat=2&nid=22930 "

, "Unknown object falls on Indonesia

Meteor or bomb? Officials not sure, no injuries known

Jakarta, Indonesia (AP)


I believe it was an experiment of space weapon. A practice of a missile cruised in space to hit the target on earth. ….”

See “356. Tsunami, flooding and meteorite (11/7/05)” at:


I would say that my speculation was very accurate. Eight year ago, I have concluded already it’s a weapon imitating meteor. Then what is the reason to hit Russia this time?

I think it is for Iran war. One day before “the meteor falling”, Russia had an agreement with Iran.

Russia, Iran sign agreements to form “strategic partnership” as Russia sends warships to Iranian port.

In Uncategorized on February 14, 2013


I think the Feds are planning war in Mid-east (war on Iran or Syria) next month.(March) I allege so not only for this “meteor attack” but also for the sudden resignation of Pope Benedict XVI. As a Pope, he has to oppose any war. That's not a favor to the warmongers, especially at the eve of a war. Under the threat of "being passed away by poor health", he retreats. He is afraid to be another John Paul II. Or another Chavez. Pope will leave on Feb. 28. So if there is a war in March, the feds would lack a strong opponent. (see, “302. Pope's death (Continue to 261-265) (4/7/05)”.

760. The March plot (2/23/2013)

The Feds likely will frame a new case in next month. My wife has been arranged a trip to Taiwan on Feb.28. It coincides with Pope’s retirement.

I always said the Feds like to create big events – either a natural disaster, or epidemic, or a war - to distract public attention from a framed case. The trip to Taiwan is a cover up. The main purpose is to lure her to China and she will. The framed case, from beginning, has been co-operated by Chinese secret police. it was designed as a “drug smuggling case” In 2001, (see: “694. The term of FBI Chief (11/21/2011)”) Now it could be a “fake note” case as the Feds is intensively apply it on me recently.

China is a communist country, that’s why the Feds chose it as a partner. Where the people could hardly seek justice when they were wronged in case. If the case goes awkward, then the Feds can blame everything on Chinese government. In more than a decade, China has been bribed greatly by the Feds and eventually is becoming the second powerful country in the world. What is the payment of this case? Read the following news.

Nexen Announces All Required Regulatory Approvals Received

7:59am (ET) 02/12/2013 CNW Group

Nexen Inc. ("Nexen", TSX, NYSE: NXY) announced today that Nexen has received approval from the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) with respect to the proposed acquisition of Nexen by CNOOC Limited, and now has all of the requisite approvals to proceed to close.

The transaction is expected to close the week of February 25, 2013 and remains subject to customary closing conditions.


This is ambiguous news. Interpretation: China got the permission to purchase a substantive asset worth about 16 billion – Vexen Inc.. CNOOC is a China state run oil company. China has a lot of US bond in hands and anxiously to spend it in case that treasure would devalue quickly as US is in huge debt. Oil reserve is strategy resource generally forbidden to be transferred to Communist China. That’s why the word “China” even is not mentioned in that news. Most people may neglect it without knowing what has happened. The vague news may prove the authority has a guilty conscience.

I also talked about the Feds would activate large scale internet attack to delete my articles because it revealed too much truth. It looks like that attack would be done by the China state run hackers.

Portrait of accused China cyberspy unit emerges

By Christopher Bodeen

Associated PressAssociated Press 02/20/2013

BEIJING -- Unit 61398 of the People's Liberation Army has been recruiting computer experts for at least a decade. It has made no secret of details of community life such as badminton matches and kindergarten, but its apparent purpose became clear only when a U.S. Internet security firm accused it of conducting a massive hacking campaign against North American targets.


In spy war rarely so specific information (such like unit 61398) was released. It looks more like a psychological tactic of pre-mind plant to lock up a potential “hacker” in a coming cyber attack. It’s unusual they beat the drum on it while there is no particular serious internet attack happening now.
761. “Less safe” may mean a nuke attack (3/4/2013)

They activated 911 attack to justify the war in Afghanistan and Iraq. They still need a 911 alike “terror attack” for war on Iran. Attorney General Eric Holder’s claim on 3/1 may signal this:

Eric Holder on decision day: the country will be less safe
By Pierre Thomas, Richard Coolidge, and Jordyn Phelps 3/1/2013

Attorney General Eric Holder says the country is less safe because of the across-the-board spending cuts that go into effect today and that those who claim the administration has been fear mongering about the cuts simply don't have the facts straight.


Take the chance of Sequestration starts on 3/1, they make a “terror attack” reasonable. That “less safe” case Could be a nuke attack. The following news issued three months ago, though could be misinformation, may indicate what kind of “less safe” case would be.

Nuclear Christmas, false flag in America to blame on Iran
There are strong confirmations that one or more nuclear weapons, known to have been stolen but kept from the public to “prevent panic,” may well be deployed in American cities by extremist elements with probable ties to a foreign intelligence agency.

This scenario was the basis of the television show “Jericho” several years ago. However, this time there are real culprits and real motivations, both the overthrow of the government of the United States and the naming of Iran as a “scapegoat.”

The plot has been tracked to groups within the Pentagon, several government agencies and wealthy and powerful extremist backers of Netanyahu and, in particular, the “Gulf Cartel” operating from Mexico that has penetrated nearly all levels of government, law enforcement and the military across the country.

Using surprisingly direct language, President Obama has officially confirmed this conspiracy.

Thus, when a threat of an attack on the “government and nation” is revealed, two things become obvious:

1. Only a nuclear attack, likely more than one location, could push America to the new war Israel wants and bully the American people into even more “police state” legislation and the total abandonment of what is left of democratic government.

2. News and entertainment have been systematically pre-staging such a move through highly fictionalized and propagandized “brainwashing” that is intended to make Iran the scapegoat for what President Obama has now revealed is actually an “insider threat” within the American government.

Nukes, Lost, Stolen and “Misplaced” Now “in Play”


762. New York targeted (3/9/2013)

New York is the main target.

Bin Laden son-in-law arrested, whisked to NYC on terror charges
Officials tell NBC News he had been a prisoner in Iran for most of the past decade and is scheduled to appear in federal court Friday. NBC's Brian Williams reports.

By Jonathan Dienst, Pete Williams and Andrea Mitchell, NBC News

Osama bin Laden's son-in-law, who acted as a spokesman for al-Qaida, has been apprehended, transported to New York and charged with conspiracy to kill Americans, according to court documents unsealed Thursday.


Al Qaida works for US strategy interest. Bin Laden was a living plant. The country that hosted him, was claimed “evil axis” by US. Bush activated war in Mid-east under such excuse. Abu Ghaith- Bin Laden’s son in law – plays the same role. He was arranged to smuggle to Iran in 2002 at the purpose to frame Iran a “terrorist” country. Iran knew the trick and put Bin Laden’s “refugee relatives” into prison.

Now w the Feds plotted another “terror attack” on US, they need a complete story – a big head of Al Qaida is on trial in New York. Al Qaida revenges the trial with a nuke attack. Since the framed case was original projected in March – we saw a swift operation was done just in a few days, Abu Ghaith was arrested in abroad and sent to New York.

New York has been the target in Feds’ blacklist for a long time. The terror attack was profected to trigger war on Iran that would be used to distract a framed case. An identical case was the attempt to try Khalid Shaikh Mohammed in New York. The master mind was the D.O.J. Chief Eric Holder. Read the following news.

Accused 9/11 Mastermind to Face Civilian Trial in N.Y.
By CHARLIE SAVAGE November 13, 2009

The decision, announced by Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., could mean one of the highest-profile and highest-security terrorism trials in history would be set just blocks from where hijackers for Al Qaeda destroyed the World Trade Center, killing nearly 2,750 people.


The Trial
Eric Holder and the battle over Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.

by Jane Mayer February 15, 2010

On December 5th, several hundred people gathered in Foley Square, in lower Manhattan, and withstood a drenching rainstorm for two hours in order to send a message to Attorney General Eric Holder. A JumboTron, set up by the protesters, played clips of Holder’s recent testimony before Congress, in which he explained his decision to hold the trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed—the self-proclaimed planner of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001—and four co-conspirators in the colonnaded federal courthouse flanking the square, rather than in a military commission at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. Members of the crowd shouted at the


People of New York might have been aware of the plot planted on them. They fiercely protested the case and successfully rejected that trial. This time Eric Holder forcefully put another one on them in a raid.
763. Why New York was selected (3/18/2013)

People were rattled by unusual cancer cases among first responders of ground zero several years after 911 attack. They started to suspect the WTC were pulled down by mini nukes.

"35 Reasons for Many Small Fission Nukes at the WTC
Thursday, July 02, 2009

1) heat generation at ground zero for six months (china syndrome)



"China Syndrome at the WTC

As of June 2010, 345 Ground Zero workers have died of various cancers .

"9/11 NUKE DEMOLITION PROOF: Firefighters Radiation Cancers “Off the Scale”

April 4, 2011 By Daily Mail Reporter

A seven-year study by the New York Fire Department has claimed that there are ‘unusual rises’ in the number of cancer cases among firefighters who worked in the aftermath of 9/11.

Dr. David Prezant, the Fire Department’s chief medical officer, has reportedly said that cancer cases across ‘all ranks’ of the FDNY who worked at Ground Zero are ‘up significantly’.

It is thought that the report – due to be officially disclosed in time for the 10th anniversary of the terror attacks in September – cites unusual rises in leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and multiple myeloma.

‘It’s a fact that New York City firefighters are dying of cancer in record numbers.

‘We have buried 10 firefighters in just the last 15 weeks, seven with cancer. On Sept. 10, 2001, they were young, healthy firefighters.’

The New York state Health Department has confirmed that 345 Ground Zero workers have died of various cancers as of June 2010.


That’s why Eric Holder announced to put "911 mastermind K.S.Mohammed " on trial in New York" in 2009. They planned to justify an "Al Qaida revenge attack for trial of their leader". The plotted attack was a nuclear one, so they could blame the cancer were caused by Al Qaida terror attack. The purpose is to cover up the truth that in 911 attack, mini nukes were used. There was a similar attempt tried in 2007, when a B-52 flied over US continental with 6 loaded nuke missiles. New York would have been the target of these nuclear missiles. Mainstream media beat the drum on “911 Master-mind trial” but seldom report the unusual cancer deaths of the first responders of ground zero. Otherwise it would expose who was the real Master-mind of 911 – Al Qaida has no nuclear bomb.

764. Plot to frame Kat Sung (3/23/2013)

I talked about the attempt to plant “illegal money” on mein “753. Property tax and new plot (1/10/2013)”. After I refusing to accept bank notes, one week later they delivered me a Visa gift card as I previously wished. I left that card in sitting room. Several days later, when I took that card to shopping I found I coughed. After several tests I was convinced the card was radioactive- people coughed when they close encounter with it. This is my personal experience with the Feds. (See “59. Continuing cough”)

I recalled my brother was escorted by C.Y. couple when he delivered the card.I alleged C.Y. couple are Chinese secret agents. (see #753) They played the role of witness. It was a plant in rogue’s way. Though it was the gift money from my mother, with those rogue witness, it could become “illegal money” from China. The goal was to justify an arrest – if when I had used that card- the radioactive card emitted signal to the surveillance agents wherever I went.

I returned the gift card to my relative and told them that card was contaminated with radioactive material.

My wife took a tour to Taiwan and China between 2/28 and 3/14. There was phenomenon indicated that the Feds had prepared “terror attacks” and war to distract a framed case in March, what would they do on their main target- Kat Sung? Yesterday, there was a bank robbery news in local media.

U.S. Bank Robbed, Second Time This Month

By Lauren Gibbs March 20, 2013

U.S. Bank on Landess Avenue in Milpitas was robbed Wednesday afternoon, March 20 — the third bank robbery in Milpitas this month.

This is the second time this month this U.S. Bank branch has been robbed; the first on March 5.


Milpitas police seek man who robbed U.S. Bank inside mall
Milpitas Post Staff Posted: 03/21/2013

On March 5 at about 4:24 p.m., a robbery occurred at the U.S. Bank at 1535 Landess Ave. inside Seasons Market Place. A man walked inside the bank and handed the teller a demand note requesting money. The teller complied and gave the suspect cash, police aid.

The suspect fled the area on foot.


I used to go a super market inside that Seasons’ Market Place . The bank to be robbed by same criminal(?) twice in this month was unusual. It reminds me of the tactic of “accidental death in bank robbery”. The Feds applied that on me several times. The most evident one was the “Bank robbery in San Francisco”, see #402, 404, 561 562.