Obama "Smacks" Credit-Card Industry!!!

Mr. Shaman

Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
(Hope you Abu$er$...of credit-cards...LEARNED something!! Ya' won't be gettin' this break, again!!! :mad: )

Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure (CARD) Act of 2009

"Next week new credit card provisions from the 2009 Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure Act (CARD) will take effecthttp://abcnews.go.com/GMA/MellodyHobson/credit-card-rules-affect/story?id=9846423&hpid=moreheadlines, making it easier for consumers to understand their credit card bills and how interest charges are determined.

The new rules will affect millions of consumers."
"If you haven't heard, big changes are here for the credit card industry. On Monday the CARD act goes into effect and consumers finally get some relief from such practices as "double-cycle billing" and arbitrary rate increases.

The new act, which was signed into law last May, promises consumers more transparency about their credit card bill. But cardholders still need to watch out for a whole new series of traps and tricks."

*Tougher To Get A Card (...and college-students' parents can breath, again!)​