Obama team responds to Palin pick

Oh bull

anyone man or woman who thinks that life is important would be happy to vote for a pro life ticket.

Killing children is not a choice we should be making

That is your opinion, therefore your choice. I would never advocate denying you your reproductive rights. If you don't want an abortion, don't have one, but how can you justify denying that same right of choice to other women just because they hold a different opinion. Some women don't see abortion as murder, allow them their choice.
Pakin is anti choice, even in cases of rape or incest.

The only person who would fit in with Barack "Infanticide" Obama is one who is pro-abortion, even in cases of live birth.

The only kind of woman that would for a McCain/Palin ticket is one that enjoys being treated as a second class citizen i.e, a doormat. That leaves out a great majority of female Clinton supporters.

This is the ol' lib canard that all women are pro-abortion. Doesn't work here - won't work at the polls. :D
That is your opinion, therefore your choice. I would never advocate denying you your reproductive rights. If you don't want an abortion, don't have one, but how can you justify denying that same right of choice to other women just because they hold a different opinion. Some women don't see abortion as murder, allow them their choice.

There was a time in this country when many people did not see blacks as people and killing them was just the destruction of some property. People worked for a long time to recognize personhood for blacks.

So far Obama has come out against personhood for infants who are already born. Not by stating it directly but by opposing a bill that would just say that if one is born and alive then one is a person. When it actually came time to make a statement about it he said it was above his pay grade. What kind of an idiot can't figure out that a born living breathing human is a person? Well none, because any idiot can. The person who takes that stand is simply justifying murder for political expediency! What kind of an idiot would (knowing this) vote for this kind of a person?

NO one wants to deny anyone's rights they just want to recognize that blacks are persons er um I mean

No one wants to deny rights to women they just want to recognize that living humans are persons.

Meanwhile only 1% of the abortions in this country are a result of rape. While the largest reason given for an abortion is to postpone childrearing (trivial).

So does it make any sense to kill living humans because their mother does not want to carry them to term? And by the way, the bill that Obama opposed would have permitted little children of rapists to be killed AFTER they were born and separated from their mothers.

AS horrible as it may be for a women to carry a child who is the result of rape to term for an additional 6 months it is more horrible to kill a living human. 40 years ago our court did not have the ability to determine if feti were living humans. Science has progressed a lot since then and when the appropriate case is brought to court this ruling will be changed. Magically minds will then follow the law.

As horrible as it may be:

"The right to swing my fist ends where the other man's nose begins."
Olliver Wendel Holmes.

And guess what? 100% of aborted feti have noses. Noses develop prior to missed periods.
The only person who would fit in with Barack "Infanticide" Obama is one who is pro-abortion, even in cases of live birth.

This is the ol' lib canard that all women are pro-abortion. Doesn't work here - won't work at the polls. :D

Just to support that thought:

37% of women think that it should be generally available. Pro abortionists would be a subset of that. People who agree with Obama that abortion should be available even after birth would probably be close to zero.

37% of women think that it should be available with stricter limits.

And 24% of women think that it should be not permitted.

Men think about the same as women.

The real difference is between democrats and republicans. 43% of dems think it should be generally available while 29% of republicans think it should be generally available.
That is your opinion, therefore your choice. I would never advocate denying you your reproductive rights.

And oh yes I think you would. if I said that I wanted to abort my baby because it was half black I think you would want to deny that right based on the discriminatory motive.

Or suppose that some women wanted to have abortions solely because someone wanted to pay them to have them. And suppose the payers were members of the KKK who targeted black women as being eligible to receive cash assistance. Suppose they had a well thought out large scale national plan to systematically provide abortions to black women while not providing them to white women.
That is your opinion, therefore your choice. I would never advocate denying you your reproductive rights. If you don't want an abortion, don't have one, but how can you justify denying that same right of choice to other women just because they hold a different opinion. Some women don't see abortion as murder, allow them their choice.

Reproductive rights, that is some made up 20th century cold as heck clinic term. I am talking about human beings. I am saying give the same respect for absolute human life as you would the "possible" life obtained in an Owls egg. Libs will fight to the death to protect an owls egg even if they are unsure it is firtle because there is potential life, but with human children you give it this strange term.

the lady dont like killing babies ok, her and obama are in total disagreement on this one and its ok to care about the children being killed under the name of what ever the heck you called it
Just to support that thought:

37% of women think that it should be generally available. Pro abortionists would be a subset of that. People who agree with Obama that abortion should be available even after birth would probably be close to zero.

37% of women think that it should be available with stricter limits.

And 24% of women think that it should be not permitted.

Men think about the same as women.

The real difference is between democrats and republicans. 43% of dems think it should be generally available while 29% of republicans think it should be generally available.

Those are some interesting numbers but since you don't provide a link, a poll name or a date, I have absolutely no idea where they came from. I've got some relevant numbers right here:

ABC News/WaPo Poll 8-19-22/08 Abortion should be:

Legal in all cases-22%

Legal in most cases-32%

Illegal in most cases-26%

Illegal in all cases-18%

Time Poll 7-31-8-4/08 Abortion should be

Always legal first 3 months-48%

Legal in certain circumstances-40%

Illegal in all circumstances-10%

Now you will notice in both polls, a healthy majority of the American public believe abortion should remain legal in at least some circumstances. However, more relevant to this debate, only 18% in the ABC News/WaPo poll and 10% in the Time poll feel abortion should be made completely illegal in all cases or circumstances, this is the position held by Gov. Palin. That is why I suggest, once her extreme anti abortion views (no exception for rape or incest) are thoroughly made public, many Clinton voters that otherwise might have given her look now instead will be given pause.

Those are some interesting numbers but since you don't provide a link, a poll name or a date, I have absolutely no idea where they came from. I've got some relevant numbers right here:

ABC News/WaPo Poll 8-19-22/08 Abortion should be:

Legal in all cases-22%

Legal in most cases-32%

Illegal in most cases-26%

Illegal in all cases-18%

Time Poll 7-31-8-4/08 Abortion should be

Always legal first 3 months-48%

Legal in certain circumstances-40%

Illegal in all circumstances-10%

Now you will notice in both polls, a healthy majority of the American public believe abortion should remain legal in at least some circumstances. However, more relevant to this debate, only 18% in the ABC News/WaPo poll and 10% in the Time poll feel abortion should be made completely illegal in all cases or circumstances, this is the position held by Gov. Palin. That is why I suggest, once her extreme anti abortion views (no exception for rape or incest) are thoroughly made public, many Clinton voters that otherwise might have given her look now instead will be given pause.


Sorry about the link:


They also have the polls you mentioned. You will see that the difference is a result of a greater number of poll options (5 instead of 3) and slightly different questions and slightly different demographics and different years.

"Permitted in all cases - 31%
"Permitted, but subject to greater restrictions than it is now - 16%
Only in cases such as rape, incest, or to save the woman's life - 30%
Only permitted to save the woman's life - 12%
Never - 5%

If we were to ask when killing preborn living humans (this much is not debated) should be permitted we would find that almost all people are against this after the first trimester - higher than 72% of women.
Obama's support for Infanticide hasn't seem to hurt him and it would be hard to find more than 1% of the population that support AFTER birth abortions.
Obama's support for Infanticide hasn't seem to hurt him and it would be hard to find more than 1% of the population that support AFTER birth abortions.

Yes surprising, isn't it? I suspect the pubs have been waiting to make it an issue.

I haven't waited and I have noticed that the liberals don't touch it at all. That could just mean that it is too scary. But then again I don't care about influencing liberals. I it is the undecided voters that I think could be aghast when they learn about it.
Yes surprising, isn't it? I suspect the pubs have been waiting to make it an issue.

I haven't waited and I have noticed that the liberals don't touch it at all. That could just mean that it is too scary. But then again I don't care about influencing liberals. I it is the undecided voters that I think could be aghast when they learn about it.

Obama is the one who made it an issue. He has been making stupid decisions as of late. Making housing an issue is bad for him, same as this.