Palin's teenage daughter single and pregnant!

Character assassination ought to have no place in a Presidential race. Even the lousiest of human beings could still make a good leader.
hear hear!!!

Problem is 24 hour news needs to be fed! Invent news, sling the mud, roll out the same old hacks bleating on and on and on - meta-analysis of every nuance every scintilla of crap that people utter who cares what it is so long as it can be filed, uplinked, packaged and reported....:rolleyes:
Character assassination ought to have no place in a Presidential race. Even the lousiest of human beings could still make a good leader.

In November, I'm not going to vote based on which God the candidates worship (or even if they worship one at all); I'm not going to vote based on whether the candidates are "family men" (or if their veeps made decent parents); I'm not going to vote on anything other than stances on issues, the reliability of said stances when compared with voting records, the presence of sound planning and my own perception of the candidate's ability to lead the government of the strongest, most affluent nation in the world. If that candidate isn't the best parent in the country, that's fine; that's not the position for which they are running.

Unfortunately, the left slur machine is predicated on the knowledge that such garbage WILL affect some people's votes. It appears that the leftwing must have an army of paid gnomes out there, endlessly trying to pick up slurs, rumors, and other negative material. When is the last time anyone heard Popeye actually debate an issue? Ever??
Palin has chosen to have children (lots) but not to supervise them....the equivalent of a baby factory. Now we see one result of that lack of parental supervision...her 17 year old daughter is 5 months pregnant and single. Nice example you and your daughter are setting Sarah.

lame attack , going after her kids? you can be a great parent, kids still screw and do what all kids do, regardless.