plight of the poor


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2012
Mitt Romney recently addressed the plight of the poor. We have a very ample safety net and we can talk about whether it needs to be strengthened or whether there are holes in it, but we have food stamps, we have Medicaid, we have housing vouchers, we have programs to help the poor.

I have a problem with this! not just as a republican but as a Christian...

Is this going to be the Republican approach to solving the problem of poverty? Are we going to do just more of the same? Is this a Republican suggesting we shore up our broken, social welfare system?
It reminds me of that old proverb that says: Give a man a fish and feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime. Where is Romney’s compassionate conservatism?IMHO, The poor need to be valued. They want to feel like they have some worth. Giving them a handout is like feeding animals at the zoo. Most desire to be set free from the bondage of poverty. They don’t need nor do most of them want a handout, they want a job. They want to find a way to earn a living, care for their families and legitimately earn the respect of others by being productive citizens and making meaningful contributions.

We need a candidate that has some new ideas, a candidate who will apply new ideas to solve old problems. Instead of sewing new patches on old garments we need to replace failed systems with something that works. We don’t need more empty suits in Washington, we need true statesmen who aren’t afraid to risk their political careers to build a better country.

I hope President Romney (lol he will be our next president) will use his poverty gaffe to share some genuine ideas about how his team intends to address social welfare and poverty in American.
the government hates surrendering power more than it hates surrendering taxes.
the "safety nets" are just the mechinism to skim money and build empires.

oh and to buy votes of course.
the government hates surrendering power more than it hates surrendering taxes.
the "safety nets" are just the mechinism to skim money and build empires.

oh and to buy votes of course.
You hit the nail on the head my friend...