Pompeo's hypocrisy and shamelessness in preaching religious freedom to other countries


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2014
1. .....Pompeo has advocated U.S. intervention in the Middle East while employing inflammatory religio-civilizational language. In a July 2019 speech at the annual conference of the anti-Muslim religious organization Christians United for Israel (CUFI), Pompeo mis-used Bible scripture to falsely interpret the Book of Esther as “evidence that Iran has for centuries been a hotbed of anti-Semitism,” according to writer Bonnie Kristian. In a March 2019 interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network, in which Pompeo was asked if Trump was like Esther, who was sent by God to save the Jews in the Bible, Pompeo responded that he “certainly believes that’s possible.” In a January 2019 speech in Cairo, Pompeo rhetorically linked the Word of God with what he perceives as America’s role in the Middle East, stating, “In my office I keep a Bible open on my desk to remind me of God and His Word and the Truth. And it’s the truth, lower-case ‘t,’ that I’m here to talk about today. It is a truth that isn’t often spoken in this part of the world . . . : America is a force for good in the Middle East.”....

According to ACT for America’s Brigitte Gabriel, Pompeo “has been a steadfast ally of [ACT for America] since the day he was elected to Congress.” Pompeo was awarded ACT’s “highest honor,” the National Security Eagle Award for 2016. That same year, Pompeo sponsored the room at the U.S. Capitol for ACT’s “Legislative Briefing” in conjunction with its annual national conference. Pompeo spoke at these briefings in 2016, 2015 and 2013.

While Pompeo has cautioned against equating Islam with terrorism, critics argue that Pompeo’s rhetoric and positions contribute broadly to a “clash of civilizations” between the West and Islam narrative—a common anti-Muslim trope.

In 2014, during a speech to a church group in Wichita, Pompeo said, “This threat to America” is from a “minority within the Muslim faith” who “will continue to press against us [Christians] until we…make sure that we know that Jesus Christ is our savior is truly the only solution for our world [sic].” At another Kansas church in in June 2015, Pompeo stated that “we are engaged in a struggle against radical Islam” and that “this evil is all around us.”.....

Source: https://bridge.georgetown.edu/research/factsheet-mike-pompeo/

2. SECRETARY POMPEO: Good morning, everyone. It’s great to be with you all today. I’m here one more time, proudly, to talk about freedom and free societies. And while America is not a perfect nation by any means, we always strive towards that more perfect union, trying to improve. We remain the greatest nation in the history of civilization.

One of the good things that we do in this administration is our dedication to the protection of religious freedom all around the world. Last week, President Trump signed the first ever executive order that instructs the entire U.S. Government to prioritize religious freedom.

Here at the State Department, I’ve hosted the Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom now twice. We’ve launched the International Religious Freedom Alliance. We’ve trained our Foreign Service officers to understand religious freedom issues much more deeply.

And today, I’m proud to release the 2019 International Religious Freedom Report. There is no other nation that cares so deeply about religious freedom, that we gather accounts from all across the world – it’s an enormous, it’s a comprehensive accounting of this fundamental human right.....

Source: https://www.state.gov/secretary-mic...-2019-international-religious-freedom-report/

3. Pompeo has a documented history of making deeply problematic Islamophobic remarks, befriending extremist anti-Muslim hate groups, and embedding these discriminatory views into national and global policy. He has been working with Frank Gaffney and Brigitte Gabriel, activists who routinely stir up hatred and fear of ordinary American Muslims, promote conspiracy theories, and push draconian policies meant to keep Muslims from immigrating to the US and participating in public life.

Despite his alliances with anti-Muslim bigots and his extreme anti-Muslim stance in his own country, the doomsday cult rapture politician still has the face to "track the state of religious freedom in countries around the world". Using an analogy, the hypocrite is soiling his country with scandals and corruption with one hand, while holding the Bible with the other hand to preach religious freedom to other countries. Such is the hypocrisy and shamelessness of the "heat-seeking missile" opportunist who shamelessly claims and boasts that "there is no other nation that cares so deeply about religious freedom”.

4. Additional references:









https://equityfwd.org/mike-pompeo#:...inatory views into national and global policy.