Repubs at fault? Surrrrrrre

The banks were COMPELLED to make loans to people for homes that everyone KNEW they couldn't afford. The Legislation that the Dims authored, and was signed by a Dim President is exactly why we're in the mess we are today, and all in the name of "diversity".

EXACTLY. Now I've heard a grand total of THREE people even mention the cause of the mess: you, me, and Jonah Goldberg. How the hell can the US have the most titanic media on earth, and nobody will say what the cause is? It's just "duhhhh, it's them thar republicans" or "droool, uh er duh wall street" or "Burp! John McCain did it! Yeah, it's him!"
If anyone listened to Libsmasher they would think that the last 8 years of republican government has done nothing wrong.

It is weird that Bush's ratings at home are in the toilet as is his standing abroad.

Everyone's got it wrong except Libs.

Didn't I explicitly say idiots were excluded from this thread? ;)
My theory is that if you provide plenty of job opportunities, people will work in order to buy (and afford) the things they want like houses, food, and recreational items. It's a simple idea, but bear with me..

You provide more work opportunities by bringing outsourced jobs home. Still with me? Employers rightly complain about the unattainable costs of providing health and accident insurance for their employees. Solution, you take that burden away from employers so it can free their money to pay more workers at better wages and their minds are free to innovate and produce more.

Still with me?

Once the masses have jobs, they afford their mortgages. The afford their mortgages, housing values go up. Housing values go up, the banks get stronger. The banks get stronger and more loans can go out to new business and industry. New business and industry means more jobs..

Still with me?

More employed, healthy people means less of a burden on the economy and more of a surplus. Bill Clinton understood the "Trickle Up" theory and it payed off like no other, so we know it works...NAFTA would've made us stronger with it's essential counterpart: universal health care. It wasn't like Hillary didn't try..:mad:

Universal health care is the solution, believe it or not. Bring jobs home and shore up the economy from the foundation up. Wallstreet will get their "bailout" eventually, but they've got to get in line behind the common man.

All this is not relevent to the thread - reread the title and stay on topic.
There are some examples of new money but most children of rich people go on to do really well and most children of poor people go on to do really badly.

Are you not aware of realities of this life? Do you think that an Utopia can exist? Now that's thick. I'll tell you what. Don't argue with me. Pay for the poor instead. Tell me how that works out for you and whether that crack ho appreciates it or expects more.

What you are advocating is communism pure and simple. Go to China.
They wouldn't be bad loans if people had the jobs to pay their mortgages. People would have more jobs if we hadn't denied them health care and instead put that burden on empolyers..who cannot afford it...who now outsource american work to be able to turn a profit.

Have the people pay small increments into a universal pool, like with education and road maintenance, cover their health and accident issues from this pool, relieve buisinesses the terrible burden of those premiums so they can afford to bring jobs home. Mandate cessation of outsourcing jobs to other countries.

It turns out that the lack of universal health care is the root of the american problem. That and the BigOil monopoly bleeding our $$ to foreign nations.

Universal health care, debt relief for the working stiff, and clean, safe alternative energy will spell the solution to our financial woes. It may take longer than Wallstreet is willing to wait, but that's the breaks when you undertake high-stakes gambling as a way of life. No sympathy from me.:cool:

Well DEMS have done nothing to protect jobs here in this country for years. NOTHING! Or why are they selling our jobs down the tubes with their push for natl. healthcare?

I think benefits should come thru jobs...cos. should be paying but you are right. energy technology could be the boon our economy needs as get people back to work.

ANWAR...COAL....fuel shale... hydrogenated fuel...natural gas... all these things should be moved upon. NOW!
EXACTLY. Now I've heard a grand total of THREE people even mention the cause of the mess: you, me, and Jonah Goldberg. How the hell can the US have the most titanic media on earth, and nobody will say what the cause is? It's just "duhhhh, it's them thar republicans" or "droool, uh er duh wall street" or "Burp! John McCain did it! Yeah, it's him!"

Primarily because the average American is 1) entirely too stupid to understand how stupid they really are, and 2) it's easier to point to one single individual and lay the blame at their feet than it is to have to face the very real fact that the entire Congress, all 535 of them are, and have been for decades, responsible because they steadfastly refuse to tell the "hand-out kings" and "crack-head brood-sow welfare Queens" to go F*CK themselves and to GO GET A JOB.

The biggest problem with the Congress is that they refuse to abide by the text of the Constitution, the very document that they swore to " and defend...", and every one of them that has shown a propensity for wasting our money on throw away programs, should be impeached, convicted, and run out of town on a rail.