Revenue on the table


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2007
Horse Country
Pubs are spineless. I.e. they have no principles to base their views upon.

If they had a set of noble principles, like: equal protection under the law, then they would never ever accept tax increases on just one group of Americans as it is blatantly unfair. Once a gov starts showing favoritism then there is no limit to what kind of favors some will see while others don't. It might even start picking winners and losers.

Now don't get me wrong. The pubs may be spineless but the Dems are principled and far too many of those principles are evil.

Oh, I didn't say it yet. The pubs have stated that they are willing to compromise on increasing taxes on the rich as long as there is a promise of budget cuts. Can any one say: "fool me once..."
Let the left have what they want. The sooner this disasterous economy hits the wall the better. It's going to happen anyway.
Pubs are spineless. I.e. they have no principles to base their views upon.

If they had a set of noble principles, like: equal protection under the law, then they would never ever accept tax increases on just one group of Americans as it is blatantly unfair. Once a gov starts showing favoritism then there is no limit to what kind of favors some will see while others don't. It might even start picking winners and losers.

Now don't get me wrong. The pubs may be spineless but the Dems are principled and far too many of those principles are evil.

Oh, I didn't say it yet. The pubs have stated that they are willing to compromise on increasing taxes on the rich as long as there is a promise of budget cuts. Can any one say: "fool me once..."

IF the raising taxes was uneven. . .IF people who make over $250,000 a year didn't benefit from the SAME advantages of lower taxes on the first $250,000 of income that they earn, you MIGHT have a point. . .but that is not the case.

EVERYONE would keep the "lower tax" on the FIRST $250,000 a year, that includes multi billionaires.
So, it is treating EVERYONE equally

In the other hand, all the loop holes, and the lower taxes on capital gain that ONLY the wealthiest among us benefit from seem to be inequal treatment. . . as the poor and lower middle class people OBVIOUSLY will not benefit from tax loopholes on income that was earned from "investing," since they make barely enough to survive and pay the many taxes that are automatically piled up (by State, County, city, property tax, road taxes, school taxes, sales taxes even on food items and "must have" services, such as electricity, water, sewer, and gas delivery, etc. . .

In fact, all those taxes are highly regressive, since MANY are non-avoidable (if one wants to live in "state, county, city" or wants to eat, not freeze to death, and take a shower once in awhile!), and take a MUCH greater share of the poorest's income than they do out of the wealthiests' income.