Right Wing Pastor Prays for Obamas Death...

It's a good thing that Jesus was resurrected or else the poor bastard would spinning in His grave at the things being done in His name.

I'm pretty sure he's shed a lot of tears already over what has been done in his name for the past 2,000 years.

But, this guy is just uttering an "imprecatory" prayer, one in which he he repeating what God already wants done. Whatever could be wrong with that? Surely, we aren't going to question the good pastor and his interpretation of what God himself has said, are we?

I wonder if that's the god who told Bush to invade Iraq, or the one who has promised 72 virgins for being a suicide bomber? Maybe it's a third one, who knows?

Here is another link:
I think its crazy that he came out ON A LIVE SHOW and admitted this! (I bet the FBI,etc was right over there after this first aired)
That guy does seem to be a nutball and is not representative of Babtists in general:

"Sing Oldham, vice president for convention relations with the SBC Executive Committee, was unavailable for comment until late on May 4.

He said that while Drake served one year as second vice president of the SBC, he is not now nor has ever been a spokesman for the convention.

"Mr. Drake does not represent Southern Baptist actions, resolutions, or positions in his interpretation and application of 'imprecatory prayers,'" Oldham said. "Any comments made by Wiley Drake on this subject represent his personal views, not those of the Convention."

Oldham said most Baptists view the imprecatory prayers found in the Psalms as private, heartfelt conversations between oppressed people and God, and reflect confidence that God will eventually vindicate the innocent. He said they generally close with a conscious decision not to bear malice and leave final judgment up to God.

"I think it is fair to say that the vast majority of Southern Baptists reject any call to pray imprecatory prayers of death over any individual," he said."

Let's give a round of applause to Alan Colmes of Fox news for exposing this craziness. On the other hand Dude111 was trying to malign the whole right wing element with this thread.