Sarah; Queen Of The "Needy"-Women

Ok so without replying about what is wrong with her or any woman having needs, now she has an actual desire to be dumb?
I believe incurious is the proper-term; i.e. voluntarily-ignorant....a great reason to avoid making decisions, and a better excuse for making the wrong decisions.

As-long-as there are "conservative"-males....lookin' for some clinging, needy, deferential-wifey.....nothing, at all.

Is that why so many women in South Central L.A. have to say "my baby's daddy" instead of husband? Now I understand.

He went to the most hate filled christian church I know of, how on earth could he be a muslim?
What exactly has that to do with Sarah Palin being a qeen of needyness?

what exactly is wrong with needing something?

During the campaign you called our now President-elect every single derogatory thing your mind could make up. That's the story here... not if you left out one hateful thing.

And boy it was great watching President-elect Obama and his wonderful family and Biden and his family ride that train into Washington DC tonight. This is a great time in American history & a great time to be an American!
During the campaign you called our now President-elect every single derogatory thing your mind could make up. That's the story here... not if you left out one hateful thing.

And boy it was great watching President-elect Obama and his wonderful family and Biden and his family ride that train into Washington DC tonight. This is a great time in American history & a great time to be an American!

I have never lied about Obama, everything I have said about him is true.
and I have NEVER said the was a muslim. Though I have said I thought he was probably an athiest who just said he was christian for political points.

I still think he is probably an athiest but I would rather he was an athiest than part of that hate filled church he went to for over 20 years.

but no not muslim
I have never lied about Obama, everything I have said about him is true.
and I have NEVER said the was a muslim. Though I have said I thought he was probably an athiest who just said he was christian for political points.

I still think he is probably an athiest but I would rather he was an athiest than part of that hate filled church he went to for over 20 years.

but no not muslim

Yeah... you've been the "HONEST ONE"...:eek:

TRUTH: You were a MAJOR smear merchant from the start... nothing more, nothing less.

Look at the disrespect you continue to show for this good, intelligent, patriotic American, family man, husband & father of two little girls... your avatar still calls our President-elect a SNOB!

Most EVERYTHING you've said about our new President has been sewage.

You may be right on the Muslim thing though, I didn't go back & check... you quite likely were way to busy bashing the good man on everything else including his Christian Church...maybe the Muslim thing got past you. But we all know you tried!

Oh, and FYI at the very least show some inginuity and come up with something not copied at the bottom of your posts.

The bumper sticker... January 20, 2009 THE END OF AN ERROR... has been out for at least the last 4 full years!;)
I notice that you seem to have a lot of resources, could you direct me to a place where I might obtain a PALIN/QUAYLE 2012 bumper sticker?:)

Or QUAYLE/PALIN... whatever works out. By now I'm sure he knows potato doesn't have an e on the end of it... and she could do some fancy pageant walkin'!

You're killin' me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D