Should our government give supreme court powers over the president?


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
I think they should. Like Obama wants to by pass congress on ceiling debt. Now if the President takes that action then the Supreme Court should decide if its ok to do that. Obama is not a King,,Hes the President,, Certain powers are overturned the way it set by our founding fathers. So if Obama wants to by pass congress then get the supreme court permisson to do it.
The SCOTUS already is charged with making sure that the POTUS doesn't bypass Congress.

It's a balance of powers thing, all written up neatly in an old document we call the "Constitution."
Right,, The Consitution has limits what the President can do. Congress has most of the powers.Now if the president wants his agenda get passed its up to congress then if all that makes it way though the senate then it gets put on the presidents desk,He signs it then the Supreme Court should have the finaly say if it fits the consitution. Thats the change id like to see. Its the Peoples country,, Not the politicans country.
so of course if the debt ceiling is unconstitutional...the president should have to just let congress keep doing it? Or should he wait till the congress decides to take them self to the supreme court?

wait I forgot this is one of those issues where Republicans decided how to interpret the constitution...and the Dems must follow it...and then they just tell the courts what they decided and they go with it right?

Republicans are going to kill this nation in a few months....They will hold the line...even if it kills us....Seems they fail to figure out...the Dems have the white house and Senate...that means you don't get to just have only your way...each house member was elected by a small fraction of the people who voted for Obama..over the Republican....But they all think they are the more powerful ones.

of course the white house has said they will not use the 14th anyway...but you right wing nut jobs just keep at it, after when has not being for something ever stopped you from attacking the left for being for something?

"In addition to his warnings about the cost of a default, officials said, Mr. Geithner told the lawmakers the White House did not believe it had the authority, under the Constitution, to continue issuing debt if it reached the debt ceiling. Nobody in the room disputed Mr. Geithner’s bleak assessment, the officials said."
Right, refusing to let leftwingers endlessly run the debt up to 20 trillion, 100 trillion, a quadrillion is going to wreck the country. :rolleyes:
Its all Obamas fault....Bush have no fault in 8 years...and no credit to the white house when things go good...because its a Dem in it....Just keep picking and choosing ...

"the House sets the budget"

And the President...signs or veto's it...and has a lot of input on it...if you don't agree with this...then shut up about Obama...since your claiming the President has no impact on the Debt...